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1.2k · Nov 2013
Existing is Overrated
chloe marie Nov 2013
I'm a shadow
I'm a ghost
I'm what's nagging
at your mind
I'm a memory
from the past
I'm lost and alone
unloved and unknown
I'm a queen
I'm a duchess
I'm a peasant
I'm a slave
I'm that picture
that you look at
"Where did she go wrong?"
I'm the moon
I'm a star
I'm the entire galaxy
I'm a lie
I'm unlucky
I'm the gum that you spit out
I'm a wisp of darkness,
A touch light
And partly nothing right
I'm a runner
I'm a flyer
I am simply forgotten
So there might be
a minuscule void in your heart
that remembers me,
But I ceased existing long ago
It won't change a thing
if you recall who I am
because you will never find me
1.2k · Dec 2013
demons are prettier
chloe marie Dec 2013
Never been sure who to be
Never been sure who to believe
Who am I supposed to trust?
Who am I supposed to keep my distance from?
Why isn’t there a handbook
Indicating who is a demon and who is an angel?
You can see the halos when you’re up there,
But don’t they know that down here we can’t see a thing?
Demons and angels all look the same to me
And if the only way to see the difference is up there,
I’ll have to take my chances
I’ll probably pick the wrong choice,
Just like flipping heads or tails,
And only then I get to see the difference
The problem is that
By that point,
I’ll be seeing it from down there
Because knowing me
I’ll pick heads over tails
Leading me to walk over to the sweeter looking one
Who smiles and waves in such a reassuring way
Who coaxes me into evil intentions
Yet I don’t mind
Because, oh lord, what a beautiful voice
So rich and full and inviting…
And lying
Lying Lying Lying
Every single word is a lie
I say, “Let’s go down that path
With all the trees and butterflies”
Then you say, “No, that road scares me,
Let’s take the darker one”
So I go along
Since I have learned that you’re always right
The path gets darker with every step I take
And soon it’s not a road but an inky black cloud
I can’t see
“Where are you!?”
Fear grows inside me
Then I see you:
Blood red eyes, leather wings, daggers for teeth
You laughed then, an evil, bone-chilling cackle I’ll never forget
As you approached, folding your sickening wings around me,
I knew where I was going
Finally now I can tell the difference:
The halos from the claws
Except this isn’t exactly where I wanted to be
I’m not up there
Although, through the process,
I have learned that you don’t always get what you want
Now, all I get to do is watch as more victims get roped in
Lured by the fake smiles and seducing faces
And I can’t do a single thing about it
885 · Nov 2013
The Realm of Insanity
chloe marie Nov 2013
we live in a wasteland
built by the madmen and
founded by demons
we wade through this sea
of chains and barbed wires
while they simultaneously
suffocate and scar,
killing us both slowly...

you can remind me
as much as you like
that there is good in the world
yet even though that might be true
it doesn't change the fact
that in every corner
of our realm of insanity
evil lies and lurks

no matter where we go,
there will always be darkness
terror hidden in the shadows
searching for a soul to feed on
for they are nothing but
dead and decayed wisps of anger
impatiently stirring fragments of hatred

who wait for you to come along
866 · Nov 2013
You Tried To Break Me
chloe marie Nov 2013
I'm finally safe now
Though I'm bloodied and bruised
I look down at my legs
They're both black and blue
That ocean you filled up for me
I swam right across
I escaped every lie
Every rumour and dagger
I got away from the horror
And evil you you radiate
Every arrow, sword and knife
you aimed at me, I dodged
I evaded all you monsters
You creatures of darkness
Your sharp teeth and claws scraped me
but I received no lasting wounds
I made it through that cruel ocean
Though I endured so much pain
I now have my sweet island sanctuary
While you're stuck in your own sea
And we all made it out
Since, unlike you, through all that
We had our souls
You may look human but inside you're not
You're a monster, a demon
Cruel and twisted
The rest of us, we're all safe and sound
While you drown in your own waters
Mixed in with the blood we shed
Us, the ones you tried to annihilate
The ones you tortured and who
Cowered in your presence
We are badly beaten, yet we wear smiles
While you plunge into the endless
darkness you created
755 · Nov 2013
The Tight Rope
chloe marie Nov 2013
Sometimes I find it difficult
to remember what life is worth
when I am wading this deep in blue.
If I am trying hard not to drown,
how can I focus on the clouds?
In the back of my mind, I will always
know that there is good in the world.
However the mind gets distracted when
balancing on a tight rope. For if you fall
there is no going back, only
falling through the sky, watching
people laugh together
as you plummet to your doom.
It just isn't easy to make it across the tight rope.
What if it wasn't tied right?
What if you fall off?
What if a demon flies on by
and carries you straight to Hell?
I know that it could happen; the demon
has already visited. The claw marks,
the scratches, the nightmares will
always be etched into my heart, soul and skin.
They are scarred, as I will be forever.
735 · Nov 2013
chloe marie Nov 2013
Ignored, unloved
Unwanted, hated
Perhaps I should
Tell someone about it all

There's a difference
Between want and need
And there's the fact
You need blood to bleed
I'm terrified, what if I fall?

Shattered, torn
A million pieces
There's no way
to smooth the creases
I wish that I could see the light

My knife and I
We stain the floor
The wind comes out
Knock down my door
I wish that I could say goodnight
527 · Jan 2014
chloe marie Jan 2014
Life is a game
Where people play you
Messing with the controls
So you do exactly what they need
So you give them just what they need

Life is a nightmare
That I try to wake up from
But my eyes have been glued shut
So I'm left here
To torture you with my agonizing screams
As I live in fear in this realm of darkness

Life is a pattern
That perhaps isn't so bad
It goes on and on, with a few interruptions
that teach us lesson after lesson
while we have the privilege laugh

Life is a chance
That we should try to take
Even when there are more ups than downs
Because the tears and all the unfairness
are no match for the smiles
that bring us joy day after difficult day
472 · Dec 2013
Just a Game
chloe marie Dec 2013
Life is a winding road
that is part of a bigger arcade
It is a game, part of a never-ending cycle
They say you must "work" for a "good" future,
but I'm starting to think that it's all
a synonym for a game

You go to school
for what seems like forever
Then once you graduate,
you attend another school,
and another one after that
Finally when the nightmare ends,
It's time to start earning a living
It's time to start working,
day after tiring day
Exhaustion and depression and seclusion arising,
all for the purpose of "living"
Then, at last, retirement arrives
only to be interrupted by an urgent
phone call from the hospital

It's all a game, really
Non-stop running while
jumping over obstacles
Grab the money before it's too late!
There-- a chance for survival
to last a little longer
Demons come flooding in
on the right corner of the screen
Quick, you have to outrun them,
even with so little lives left,
as the top of the screen indicates
Just keep running, on and on and on…

Until, just like every other time,
the flashing red letters
materialize on the screen,
forming the phrase that we all await:
425 · Mar 2014
The fire in our souls
chloe marie Mar 2014
I believe that the condition of our souls
is what decides whether we go to heaven or hell
There are some people in existence
whose souls are charred, black
burned out by their own fire
I believe that a soul is a flame
burning brighter as you strive to achieve your goals
The flame dies when you lose yourself
Whereas it burns out its core if you wreck yourself
I believe that there are many people who have flames
that grow brighter every day as they become stronger
They are the people who walk themselves to greatness
Others let their flame die
They let the light leave their eyes
However, I believe that an extinguished flame can be relit
And although wood that has been turned to ash cannot hold a fire,
I believe that new wood can be found to light that flame
This is why that if the light is ever to leave your eyes,
I will be here to help you rebuild your fire
I believe that if you try, your flame will never die
Though if does, it can always return
I trust that my fire will illuminate the world as try to find myself
with the help of this flame that glows brighter every day

— The End —