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Chloap Soap May 2013
The morning I awoke and saw you had gone, my heart sank
At first I felt nothing, but as the realization took over me, despondence ensued
I should have known
I tumbled down the steps alone again
As if I should have expected it in some new exciting way
I dragged my feet into the kitchen
"You're out of milk"
I looked up. You stood there smiling
Smiling at me as if I were something to smile at
I should be the one smiling
You stayed
Suddenly, I did not feel so alone
Chloap Soap Apr 2013
I am a man of few words
This I know you know
And of the millions of words there are
My feelings for you I cannot show

Perhaps I could say "radiant"
You are brighter than the sun
Your smile lights even my dull grey self
A quality I have seen from no one

Or maybe you are thrilling
The way you do the things you do
I would never consider taking such risks
But perhaps one day I will with you

But still I feel these words do not fit
And I guess I will sit and wait
I will not say a word unless it is perfect
But I fear that when it comes to me
It may be a moment too late

— The End —