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Oct 2014 · 559
Rule of three
The rule of three

Three is the number of holiness
Of wholeness

One plus one is two
And some say that two is magic
And perhaps it is

One plus one is roses and candle light and sunsets on beaches


When one plus one becomes three
Roses turn to baby's smiles and candle light turns to night lights and sunsets turn to sunrises after sleepless nights

A blazing fire turns to hot coals and wonder is no longer found in the fireworks
But in the quiet beauty of the everyday miracles around us

Some which inspire as much as the exasperate
Some who are as likely to make art with crayons as with **** from their diaper

The creation of three is messy and it is so ordinary as to seem mundane

But with the third comes the eyes to see beyond the mundane to see the ordinary miracles who, if you let them, will show you a glimpse of the face of God
Feb 2014 · 950
The Earth's Song
There is no such thing as true silence
At least not on this earth
For the earth itself has sound
It hums
But it is often covered

By the sounds of people and of grass or pavement under feet
Of water or cars rushing by
Of the wind whispering through leaves of trees

But in the lonely places of the world
Where for miles and miles there is nothing but dirt
and nothing -or almost nothing-grows
Where, if you stand on a hill and listen closely
You can hear the muffled voices of those a mile away

In those places you can hear the earth
Deep and low and full
A sound silenced by the culmination of other sounds
Which are themselves mistaken for silence
A sound that when heard, though quiet enough to be drowned out by whispering  trees, fills the void with sound
The sound of Earth singing
Feb 2014 · 753
A word for curiosity
And for awe

Rarely at the same time, but what if we were filled
With awe-filled curiosity

What if we looked at the world through the lens of wonder
Of awe at the way trees transform light and water and minerals into something
Green and pure and alive

What if we were filled with curiosity
At the way all things somehow connect to each other
And awe at the way something as simple as a smile
Can grow into something as beautiful as friendship

What if instead of apathy and cynicism
We looked to understand and to see the wonder-filling things around us
That are so a part of our everyday lives
That we miss the insanely beautiful complexity of what it took
For something as extraordinarily improbable as a flower or a sparrow
To become ordinary

I wonder
What would happen if we started to fill ourselves
With wonder
Feb 2014 · 420
A Tale of Two Flames
It is amazing
The difference between hate
And love
Both like fire
One rampant and destructive
Scarring everything it touches, turning everything it touches into ashes
The other-soft and warm like sun kissing your skin
Safe as an evening inside by a hearth on cold snowy night

Nurturing everything it touches
Healing wounds that cannot be seen or touched
Only felt

Not caring for anyone or anything
Wounding everything and everyone it touches
But mostly
Hurting those who hate most

If only they could see the burden they carry
If only they could see their hearts turning to ashes
But they are blind and the fire is strong and hard to put out
Even if they wanted to

And they keep feeding and feeding and feeding the inferno

If only they turned to a different kind of flame
If only they could let their heart be turned to an everlasting flame
One that lets them see beyond what meets the eye into the reality of shared humanity
If only
They could see beyond their blindness and see the light and colour of our shared existence
And see
That thing that makes life mean something
Oct 2013 · 799
Grace is undeserved
It is never earned
If it were, how could it be grace?
Justice is fine but without mercy
What hope is there for you or I?
For we are all human
And to be human, is to fall short
Of who we were made to be

But take heart!
For to be human is also to be loved
By the One who made you and I
And though he judges us for what we do
He takes the sentence we deserve
He becomes human, as we were met to be,
And takes on our inadequacy
The judgement we deserved He gave himself
And instead He gave us
Jun 2013 · 892
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if you did an archeological dig
On me
If you dug up my soul and my heart and everything that makes up my non-physical being

Would you find the scars of the major hurts in my life?
The abuse, the loneliness, and the self doubt?

Would you, upon further inspection, see that the former two are formed,
Not only by the first, but by what should be  insignificant actions done by other people
That hammer at my heart
Putting cracks in my self confidence and my self worth
I don't want to hide it, but I do because I don't want you to see this part of me

And if you dug up and analyzed my mind,
would you see all the unkind thoughts I think-
All the pride I carry with me-
in contrast to the constant feeling that
For some reason
I'm not good enough
And the fear

That if you really knew me you would walk, or even run,
In the opposite direction

If you were able to dig into my spirit, and see me
Really see me
And dig up all my thoughts and feelings and secrets
What would you find?
What would you discover that would make you see me differently?
If I were to do the same for you
what would I find?
I'm not quite sure, but what  I do know is this:

That whatever I found, and whatever I discovered, and however differently I saw you


I would still love you

And sometimes
I wonder
If you dug me up and saw


Would you still love me?
May 2013 · 510
Alone. . . .
I wanted to tell you how I felt
I wanted you to know what was going through mind, but. . . .
I was afraid
You see,
Being me,
I was afraid
Afraid you won't really understand
Afraid that you have other things on your mind more important than what I'm going through
I was afraid that you would no longer look at me the same way
I was afraid

And so I was silent
I said nothing

And the unspoken words welled up as tears as I lay by myself in bed that night
As they always do when I don't say
What I want to say
What I need to say

It's lonely being afraid
And it's scary to tell someone
That you feel so alone

That's what I was afraid to tell you,
And I was afraid to ask you
"Are you lonely too?"
Apr 2013 · 508
I am broken

Not like a record
Playing on repeat again and again and again and again
I am broken
Like glass on the kitchen floor where you're
Afraid to walk
Because a piece of me might
Find it's way into your foot and make you bleed
Maybe it's not your fear but it's mine
And I have feared it since the beginning of time
At least, the beginning of the period of time I realized just how broken I really I am
Or at least
I realized that I didn't have it all together
And I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't want them to get their feet cut
On the glass of my broken soul
And so I picked myself up
But all the pieces in a plastic bag
Doubled up in another
Hoping that it won't get cut open
And hurt someone
The pieces cut at each other
Cut at me while I pretend to everyone else that I'm ok

I'm not sure if I'm fooling anyone or not anymore
And I don't care
I may be broken
But I'm not broken glass
To be thrown in the garbage

I am broken
Like soil, clouds, grain and broken bread
But still
Mar 2013 · 594
What she needs. . .
She is a trouble maker, they say
She smokes and sneaks out at night to see her boyfriend
She drinks too much and doesn't say where she's been
She says bad words and never listens
She is a headache and doesn't appreciate
What she is given

Some say not to be so ******* her
She was abandoned, after all
Her mother didn't want her

But what they don't realize
What nobody seems to realize

Is that she doesn't need pity or sympathy
She doesn't need judgement or apathy

What she needs
I do not know

But maybe, what would help

Is if someone took the time to hang out with her
To take her to lunch and not judge her
To ask what's going on, and listen
Not give advice, but just listen

And ask questions

To be kind

To give her love

Show her

And not expect anything in return

To show her whatever she does, wherever she goes,

She is loved, and she is special.

And isn't that what

We all need?
Mar 2013 · 616
In the secret depths of my heart I fear that I may never be good enough for you
And in those dark depths
You shine your light
And in the silence that only such dark night bring
Your soft whisper comes over me
And it says to give my fears to you
Like a father cradling his little daughter as she hides her face from the monsters
In her closet or under her bed
You tell me I'm safe and that I have nothing fear
And I bury my head in your chest and wrap your love around me like a cocoon
I may be a caterpillar now, but one day
You'll turn me into a butterfly and I will fly with you
And show the world you make all things new
Feb 2013 · 571
That moment. . . .
That moment when you're just too worn out to try
That moment when your spirit feels like it hasn't slept in days
When it feels like its been beaten and run over by a steam roller
That moment when you just feel you can't go on any longer
That moment when you feel alone and abandoned and like you can't call anyone because it's late
And you don't want to wake anyone
That moment where you just want to lay under the covers and never come out
That moment where you wish you could cry into someone's chest
Instead of your damp pillow
That's when you learn
About endurance
Emotional, spiritual, psychological endurance
That's when you learn that yes, there will be moments like this, days like this
But you can't let those moments define who you are
You can't let those moments take over your life and you can't just lay there
Hoping someone will read your mind and call you, they won't
But if you call they will pick up the phone
And they may not be there with you in person
But their spirit will take you in their arms and hold you as cry and lay there broken
Because that's what true friends do for one another
And with their help, you will find a way to get through it
To move forward
Even if it's one baby step at a time
Even if it's on your hands and knees
You will get through it

And so in that moment
In those moments where you feel like you can't go on
Keep going
Endure, if only long enough to
Reach out
You're not alone
I just thought I should let you know
I'm ready
Ready to admit that I am a broken, confused human being whose mind
isn't exactly all there. . . .
And I'm ready to ask for help
To say that I'm not doing so well
Ready to take a leap of faith and tell the truth
About what's really going on inside my heart

All the anger and bitterness
mixed with the longing to replace it with grace and healing
The shards of my broken heart stuck into my soul
They're bleeding but I'm afraid if I pull them out I might bleed to death
And I should also tell you about how lonely I am at night
When the stars aren't even hinted at existing beyond the cold cloudy sky
And those nights I cry
And I wish there were someone to hold me but I am so afraid
I can't even call anybody because I don't want them, I don't want you, to see me

I still don't don't want you to see

But if I don't let you see the real side of me
I'm afraid I'll just fade away or the shards in my soul will draw too much blood
And I'll just
Slowly die in front of your eyes
And although I don't really believe it
I know that you do love me and I know that I love you and that were I in your shoes
I couldn't stand to see you die like that and so
I tell you
What's really going on
And pray that you don't judge
That you don't stop loving me because that
Is what I'm most afraid of
That is what I thought you should know
Feb 2013 · 752
I am young in body
But my spirit is old and is worn
It has loved and lost and mourned and forgiven
It has served and received nothing in return
My soul is not bitter
But it is sad
And it is tired from giving
And it wants to give
Really, it does
But to give and receive nothing
Not even a smile or phone call in return
It is disheartening and my soul
My soul is tired
And it is old
And I'm not sure how much more it can give
Before it grows too weary to go on
All it wants
Is to curl up with hot mug of apple cider and snuggle into someone next to a fire
On a cold winter's night

But my soul has resigned itself
To trudging outside in the snow
Giving others what it wants most
And to hope
In defiance of all chance and reason
That one day
Someone will give it what it wants most
In the meantime
It gives
Feb 2013 · 439
I once was blind
But now that I can see
I am free
Feb 2013 · 441
I wanted
I wanted everything
The hype, the attention, the joy
That comes from making such a big deal
Out of a simple day

I would watch as fuss was made
Over everyone else but
Lonely I would look at how happy
Everyone else was and how I would be
If I had what they had

Than I started
Looking at what I have
And I saw
I don't have what they have
What I have
Is even better
This poem was inspired by my last birthday when I let go of wanting or expecting anything big or wonderful to happen, but a number of little things pulled together to make a really fabulous day.
Feb 2013 · 364
I once thought I was alone
Than I looked around me and realized
That you'd been with me all along
Feb 2013 · 553
Never the same
Last night, I went to a poetry slam
I think I've written ten poems since than
All of them read like spoken words

They no longer sound like the poems I'd once write
I no longer read my poems
As words on a page
But as sounds to be spoken
Spoken on stage
I've breathed in new ways
Of breathing you see
And my writing
I don't think
Will ever be the same now

And I breath
As I write as I would when I speak
These spoken words are in my lungs
In my heart so to speak
Pumping this new air
This new form of oxygen into my lungs
And mmmmmmm. . . . .

I'll never be the same again.
Feb 2013 · 471
My First Time
It was like breathing oxygen
For the very first time
Or being dead
And being revived
It was an awakening
Of my soul

Listening to words
As they glide into my ears
The atmosphere permeating my skin and warming the inner depths
Of the frozen areas of my soul
It was spoken music
It was
Feb 2013 · 454
Broken words
Broken words fall from her lips
Sobbing, she seeks to be understood
Quietly, he sits beside her
And when all her broken words have fallen
He takes her in her arms
And she starts to feel whole
Feb 2013 · 2.5k
There are days
I feel so desperately alone
Being single
Feels like carrying a thousand pounds in my heart

But than
I spend an evening
With one of  my "brothers"
(what I call my close guy friends)
And I feel blessed
Blessed because although I don't have a boyfriend
Or fiance
Or husband

I have my brothers

Boyfriends may come and go
Fiance's may leave you
Husbands may one day abandon you

But brothers
You may fight with them
And argue
But in the end
They will always be your brother
Your friend

And I have many brothers
Not born of my mother

And for that
I am blessed
The sunlight dances
On the snow clinging to the tree outside my window
The sky is a perfect shade of blue

It's a beautiful day for skating
But in my procrastination I have left far too much
Work to do till now

And so instead of skating
I sit inside and work
And my skates wait
To get out of the house
Feb 2013 · 426
Did you hear that?
It was the sound of  my heart

I never thought
This day would come. . . .

Feb 2013 · 660
My soul, courage
Be not afraid

To speak your heart
To one whom you love

Be not afraid
To tell him you care
That you fear for him
Fear that his heart is broken
And the things that he does
Keeps it so

Courage my soul
Feb 2013 · 615
My soul thirsts for him
Whoever he is
I want him with me
I want him in my life
I want him so much my heart
Is almost breaking

I do not know
His name, nor his face
I do not yet know
Who exactly it is
I'm waiting for

And so I watch
And I wait
And I hope for
That someday

When I get to meet him face to face
To know him as the one for whom I wait

Until then
My soul will thirst
Feb 2013 · 714
It is like water
It flows through my nervous system
From my brain to my fingers
And out on the page

For years
I have gone thirsty
Not realizing
What it was that I was longing for

I found it again
The water

And realized
I was parched with thirst
And I drank and drank and drank
And the water flowed through me and onto the page
These words are my lifeblood

I wonder
These words
These poems

Are not in fact
Water nor blood
But my drug

But than I realize
That the words that flow out onto the page
Do not numb
Nor allow me to escape
Like drugs do

These words
These precious words
Let me face myself on the page
Let me understand myself
Let me know myself
Let me live
Truly live

They are
The air are my spirit breaths
The water it drinks
And it is the lifeblood
Of my soul
Feb 2013 · 2.2k
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
Do you see the children in the streets?
Living on the streets
With no father or mother?

Do you see what I see?
Do you see the poverty and hunger and illness
And the people, not Westerners, but the fellow countrymen
And women
In India and Congo and Uganda and Afghanistan
That work to put an end
To the injustice

Do you see the what I see?
The world
With glimpses of its entirety
Beyond the shallow bubble of existence
In a land of milk and honey and comfort
That hides its own injustices
In a closet where nobody wants to look
And everyone knows of
But almost everyone ignores

And in amongst that hypocrisy
Do you see the people
Speaking out
And fighting for you to see
What they see

Do you see the people
Reaching out to those in need
In their families and their communities
Out of compassion
People who understand
Really understand
What it is to love

Because they choose love
In the face of apathy
and Individualism

That is what I see
When I look outside my window

Is this what you see?
Feb 2013 · 374
        Do we even know
                       What that is?

We look for it
        Search for it
                    But was it?
                            Will we know when find it?

Will we ever get there? Or will we




Pulled back.
Before we find
Whatever "it" is
That we are looking for.

                                                             ­        Wait

                                                     ­     What if meaning
                                                         ­               Has little to do with what it is
                                                              ­                                        And more to do
                                                                ­                                              With the journey
                                                                ­                                                             Of searching for it
                                                              ­                                                                 ­               And if it is. . .
So what?

We will never attain it?

If so, is there any point to looking in the first place?

                                                       ­              What if

                                                         ­                                            The journey itself

                                                         ­                                                                Is the meaning?
Feb 2013 · 668
The Broken
Look at the broken
They are a reflection of you
For you too are broken

Look in the mirror
Look at yourself honestly
And you will see

In that brokenness
There is a beauty that comes with it
That partners with it

To make us new

*Inspired by the quote by John Havner: "God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume."
Feb 2013 · 452
A Father's love
I can see you
Looking out across the universe
And into my eyes

And my heart soars
Because out of all the places you can look
You look at me

You see all of me
And in spite of my brokenness and selfish heart
You love me
I don't know how He came to love me
Or how or why
Am I really that special?

I'm broken and battered
And torn and bruised
I ignore Him sometimes
And turn away
Try do things on my own

I'm not sure why He chose to let the world be broken
Freewill, I suppose
Without it, there is no love
For love depends on choice

But why did He let us choose?
Is love so important that He would be willing to suffer?
To watch us suffer, and give up the ability to make us do
Whatever He wanted us to do?

Is love really worth it?
But He is love.

If He is love
And love means choice
And choice means
Not choosing
What He wants us to choose
Than maybe
There could be no other way

He couldn't have done things
Another way
If He had
He would not be

But because He is love
I am loved
Feb 2013 · 308
I was wandering
Lost and broken and alone
When He found me
And took me home
Feb 2013 · 569
People, really
There's love
In letters, words
The Word

The stars and the days look into our lives
And once they saw me

Broken inside
Of anything real
An addiction to escaping our reality starts to rule our lives

Oh, just stay, fragile illusion
The days are long
And the space between Him and I is long

Then I realize
If I start walking
Away from the illusion

I might start walking into beauty

And as I walk the icy fire that was destroying my soul fades to embers and dies to nothing

And another fire
Small and sweet
Flares in my soul

And its flames
Warm my frostbitten spirit

And I am home

*This poem was inspired the "words" section of my profile that displays at random different words that show up in poetry that we write. I added in some other words, but try it yourself and see what you come up with
Feb 2013 · 338
The fire
The fire started
Burning and into it I fell
And started living
Feb 2013 · 537
Wondering. . . .
I wonder
If you know
How broken I really am
How lonely

I wonder
If you see
How insecure I am
How afraid

Afraid to let people in
To let you in
And I wonder what you'd do
If you really knew
What goes on in my head
And all the things I've done

Would you turn away?
Would you look at me with judgement, disdain?
Or would you learn to love me
The real me
As I am?

I wonder.
Oh four letter word, little four letter word

Why are you so much trouble?

You get inside us

Into the air we breathe

You are more infectious than the common cold

And as un-treatable as an addiction to oxygen

You are the easiest thing and most basic thing we look for,

and yet you are the hardest to find

Or are you?

Are you hard to find,

Or we blind?

Are you a disease, an addiction

Or are you the cure?

Are you inside us,

Or are we inside you?

Are you trouble,

Or are we?

Are you a feeling

Or the space between where we do things not because they are good for us

But because they are good for them



A feeling, or the space between

Or are you the thing that made us

That formed us

That made the world broken

Because we cannot experience love if we are not broken, not really


Are you God?
Feb 2013 · 705
The fire
Small and yellow
Flare up from reddish orange embers
Of what I thought was a dying fire
I curl up close
And its warmth washes over me
Like the sun on sweet spring day
Feb 2013 · 474
My other side. . . .
I am a genuine person.

At least, I'd like to think I am.

I don't pretend to be someone I'm not.

At least, I try not to.

What I show people is real, my true self.

Well, parts of it.

For every part of me I show, there's another side I don't.

There's a part of me that's strong, that can stare down demons from the depths of hell and win

And there's a part of me that is weak and cries myself to sleep at night-because a boy didn't smile back at me.

There's a part of me that thinks I'm beautiful, most days

But some days, I look in the mirror, and I don't feel beautiful at all

There's a part of me that knows I'm loved

But sometimes, I don't believe I deserve it

And I'm afraid


That when people see the side I don't show, they'll walk away

But every time I let that side of me show, I let the veil slip so they can see my whole face, not just what I want them to see, and they catch a glimpse of the entire real me

People don't walk. They don't run. They stay.

At least, the people who really love me stay.

And maybe, one day, I'll sit down, take off my veil so they can see, not just glimpse, but really see, all of me.

Maybe one day.

— The End —