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Cheyanne Lynn Feb 2013
Is this what we've become?
I don't want to feel this way because I know it won't work.
I love you but it's so wrong and I can't fix anything anymore.
I need your help and this isn't cutting it.
I was there for you when you needed me.
Now it's your turn..
Cheyanne Lynn Feb 2013
I don't know what it was
That made me love you
Or  what it was that made you
Hate me the way you do
I remember what you said
And compare it to what you did
And it never made sense

You were there
And then you weren't

You had my heart
And I had yours
You said it was love
And so I stayed

Maybe it was too much
Maybe it wasn't enough

But I will never forget
The way you made me feel
Like I was everything
And I will never forget
The way you made me feel
Like I was nothing
By: Antonio M Arce
Cheyanne Lynn Feb 2013
It's like you're here and then you're not,
I feel as if I finally have you back,
but you keep disappearing with a new girl every week.
Do you know how that feels?
You act as if nothings wrong when it really is and you just can't see it.
You don't even notice if I'm okay anymore and you just assume I am.
I just want you back for real.
The brother I know and love and care about.
Where did you go wrong?
Just tell me what happened.
I love you.
Cheyanne Lynn Feb 2013
But see i know you could be a better person than this
I won't hold you to your past
That's not something I could do
I have one too.
We'd be good together I swear.
Please, can we try one time?
Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
I know you're going to be okay.
You told me so yourself.
But that pain, it hurts more than anything.
I need you ***.
Please come home to me...
Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
It's that overbearing feeling where you just can't let go.
It takes over your whole mind and you stop breathing.
Why are you letting yourself do this?
You still love him don't you?
Don't wait around for him to come back and get you.
You, yourself are the only powerful force in this relationship.
Keep that time in your mind. Even if it is long.
In the end it'll be worth it.
Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
The way he makes me feel is like trying to describe water
I don't feel so empty anymore.
I'm starting to breathe again and it's all because of you
I don't know how to say thank you enough times.
You have changed me for the better.
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