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Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
You see that girl over there,
With the bright smile?
You gave her that.
You gave her, her childhood back.
Listen closely now,
This isn't the whole story, oh no.
It's not that simple.
She's afraid and lonely
But you're watching over her.
Your worth it and so is she.
Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
Memories wander in the back of her head.
The darkness fills her more than ever.
Her words are silent.
She took a wrong turn in the stars above
She's living now, but slowly breaking
Start new with her.
Dance with her until all the bad things disappear.
Kiss her until the good memories come back
Don't leave the young child anymore
Let her rest easy in your arms
Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
You're the man face the long road ahead
It was wound for you
Tell new stories about things never seen
hold on to old thoughts.
You can do this
Those white years you're so worried about?
It's sweet, You end up with her.
Your best friend.
Try for her.
Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
You start the day barely knowing whats going to happen
You're off to work. Perks of being 15
You're outside in that bitter air. You can't breathe.
You're back inside that warm building
Outside again. This time, less frigid.
Break time for the kiddos. You;re glad it's warm.
Once again outside. Last morning run.
Finally. Your break time. He runs out for you.
You don;' have a lesson. You free ride.
Lift rides and runs with someone new. I Love my job.
Check in
the day is almost over.
Debrief. The day is officially over.
Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
You know that feeling?
When your so in love that you can feel your heart skip a beat,
Your chest feels like it's being crushed  right there in front of you
You've lost the love you loved the most, It's mind blowing
He was apart of you
he meant something to you and now it's gone
One stupid mistake cost you everything.
What are you to do now?
Did he ever truly care about you or was it just a game?
Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
I know I made a mistake, everyone does.
I just want you to know, I love you
More than Romeo loves Juliet.
You are the anchor that keeps me guarded
Never change
You told me to always look ahead
Never look back
You said we were friends
Never forget that
Cheyanne Lynn Jan 2013
Where are you ....
I needed you, you left. I'm lost to the winds. A kite to your memory.
I needed someone to hold me, tell me it’s gonna be okay..
but you were gone like the Summer
I needed someone who would hold me wipe my tears, my fears away..  who wont give up on me get mad, get pushed to far and fall back into bad habits.. Someone who really understands…
You fade in my mind as the days go by
I thought that was you in my dream the other night
But where are you right now? Just show me you care.
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