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Jul 2012 · 1.7k
Chelsea Fries Jul 2012
Fire coursing through my veins
Burning lava
Eyes a blaze
Bringing to light the dark shadows

I see you
For what you are
You can't hide from the fire
Shinning a light on your actions

The inferno of penance will come
Ensnaring the guilty
It will come

Though you will be engulfed
I will arise
Like the phoenix
From the ashes of destruction

There is nothing I hate more than liars and this was my response to someone who betrayed my good nature.
May 2012 · 871
Chelsea Fries May 2012
Too much.
Waste of space.
Missing the smile.

Have to get away.
Just a nuisance.
Consern and confusion.

Sweet release.
Good riddance.
Heartbreak and loss.
My friend recently told me they were wanting to commit suicide claiming that he thought others would be better off. That statement inspired this poem. Perception is everything.
Each stanza of the poem is in groups of three. The first line is the victim, the second is the victim's perception of the others around him, and the third lines come from the "others" themselves.
May 2012 · 554
Chelsea Fries May 2012
Right there.
You sat right there.
Across for me.
Just like at home.
But wrong.
All wrong.

One phrase.
You said one phrase,
That's all it took,
To break my heart.
How could you?
To me?

Tell me when.
You must tell me when.
When will I you want me?
Please open your eyes!
See me.
Hear me.

You were the one,
The one I looked up to,
But I'm nothing to you.
You leave.
I can't.
. . .
I wrote this in response to a event involving someone I love.
May 2012 · 630
Soul Mates
Chelsea Fries May 2012
Your eyes,
The diary to your mind of which I have the key.
I need not read.

Your smile,
Full of warmth and love but you're hurting.
I feel it too.

Your scent,
Sweet and familiar you bring me in closer.
I savor the aroma.

Your taste,
Pressing your lips to mine for a brief moment.
I cherish it.

Your thoughts,
Endless and extravagant, you share them all.
But only to me.

Our bond,
Thought of as a myth but we know better.
We are soul mates.
I'm honestly not fond of my "positive" poetry but here's one anyway... :P
May 2012 · 533
Help Me Feel Again
Chelsea Fries May 2012
Help me feel again.
Teach me to breathe in sound,
To touch fragrance,
To hear color unknown by all.
Guide me along,
Out past the universe,
And show me God's face.
If only for a moment,
Let that moment be true.
Until the loneliness sets in
And winter consumes me.
May the mere memory
Bring out the sun
And wash over my face,
So I may taste its rays.
My take on love's effect on the senses.
May 2012 · 1.2k
Chelsea Fries May 2012
Once again
My life is shattered
And I imagine
Its you that's near me.
To dry my tears,
To give me hope,
To show me love.
Yet it's not you beside me.
So let the tears fall,
The hope die,
And the love
Be forgotten.
Unrequited love...
May 2012 · 904
Chelsea Fries May 2012
A girl
Once vibrantĀ 
And full of joy.
Now lifeless andĀ 
Engulfed in sorrow.
No reason to live
Yet afraid of death.
He has taken her will
He has broken her
That's what he called her.
The words eat away
Like poison.
The poison
He made her out to be
Thus condemning her.
This was probably the most raw emotion I've ever put into my writing. I really used this as a way of getting over a low point in my life.

— The End —