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Uchechi Eze Sep 2016
25th august, 2016.
   I am not mute; I am one who writes things I feel in a spellbound manner.
I am not dumb; I speak so loud through the words i scribble down.
i am not fragile or mild; i am the bravest man alive. For only thr
bravest dare to write how they truely feel without minding who reads.
I am not full of flaws; I make mistakes so i can learn from it and
rise to a greater hieght.
I am not the villian; I am the hero who seeks to protct you from the
unknown through my words.
I am not the dictator; I am the light to the masses for i am both
leader and slave.
I am not just character and pages; I am creator of a world you live
in through imagination of my pages.
I am not a literary excuse for being a waste to humanity; I am with
gifted hands, holding firm the light of truth and just, directing to
the right path.
I am not just another madman on the streets; I am the most san person
with so many vast interpretations.
i am not a trouble maker or a vagabound with no use; I am just a
peace maker who seeks right what is wrong.
I can exist in times and places I choose to because I am who I am

— The End —