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Mar 2014 · 1.7k
Bernard Marx
chase philip Mar 2014
I ponder of something great on a sonderous level can a man a sentient being ever exist like an omnipotent being
am I just a subsidized being is the vanity of a self-absorbed world
the pneumatic indifferent fascist question my legitimacy so I question the society of a world more cold and more active than an incestuous birdy and the bee
They question an artesian hand slightly smaller than the average man yet the
significance of the difference in that artesian is not the manic who refused me
embarrassed me
rumored me
****** me to a dark inexsistant inbetween
the coldness of a lover never to be
because she is in league but out of reach
like a lion her simple minded pedagogy has left her to everything and everyone
as she is not mine and I am not hers  just the birdy and the defective bee
a farce love story the ending of a never beginning trip  why o so dramatic
because I just can’t help falling in love with one
a selfish self absorbed vanity in a repugnant world disgustingly this pedagogy stays to me like glue on this dying bee
this is true of our starcrossed unrequited drug induced comatose that put me into this ponderous level
the inevitability of what truly will never be yet for some reason these
sounderously significantly radical thought I ponder just like a pneumatic bot
have you ever felt this lost
this cold dark nonexistent in-between
a limbless sentient rushed in the ever invoking might of hysteric emotion
I ponder this cold and warming toiling notion
The one like a lion can you and will you requite and love me
Feb 2014 · 482
This is purpose
chase philip Feb 2014
The human race is run by emotion love strife greed passion
driven to create made to destroy to fight for our causes our passion our love this is what makes this is why we're human because we feel we have a soul we understand the pain and pleasure of a love so strong it could destroy a world and create it anew our drive is love and passion this is our calling this is why we fight to that we have something to love to have and hold to belong to we love because were are us this is our purpose our meaning our instrument to play because without love there is no cause to fight there is no noble cause there is no hate there is nothing with out the jumpstart of love and the flares of passion it creates it gives us hope it gives us art and it gives us pain and hate but nothing exists without love there is nothing but love its is the alpha and the omega it is the creation of creations it is our only sin and our only virtue its only semantics that limit the true power of our  word love the only true and real thing
love the beginning and the end the core of the soul  our purpose our ****** superimposed hectic amazing lives
Jan 2014 · 619
Unfinished DRAFT
chase philip Jan 2014
I ponder of something great on a sonderous level can a man a sentient being ever exist like an omnipotent being is death the sweet bliss of an uncovering of the aether to know it can only exist as the nether yet the fickle beings of black and white can not understand a artisian hand through the mind of a suppressing maniac but status quoes quote on quote crazy yet to only truly understand and a true master never shows a full hand coy faced genius is the crasiest of them all an
Jan 2014 · 473
Crassus's Love
chase philip Jan 2014
I am the destroyer of worlds the crasher of dreams the inevitable that will and always have eternally be
I am a creator the beauty of life the maker of all things the eternal clock
an infernally holy device I've caused more death and pain then any man could ever dream i've achieved the highest highs of pure ecstasy implausibly i am the only plausible because i am a force of nature of essence of your very sentient being a part of the core the root cause of all in the nether and aether but to such ignorant fickle beings i am just a double edged sword another in the arsenry of the entire complexless complexness of the universe I'am in the beginning and end both black and white
Jan 2014 · 975
Frostbitten rose
chase philip Jan 2014
You forget your sentiment you sightless dependant being for no greatness was destined for us ****** sential beings but the soft pitter pat of that broken frostbittten rose sprung lose it was a soughtless cause that caused a civil war beneath the mask and above the throat suffocating the rose with its own thoughts a call for a critique on what it meant to be to have a legacy for truly such artistry couldn't have come from uncontrolled unstable state a warring mind was that of a sickness the root of an illness springing forth an adornment of a lion of god but the left alignment of her soul left the rose further in a frostbitten cold a desolate black rose struggling for a solace some simple solvency to a forsaken dream or reality though the lines are clearly unclear the blinding lights of an unstable state these **** warring state are quite alarming the things causing are only fit for us fickle beings the hell of a mind constantly cause atrocious crimes against itself this is our war.......a civil war that left a black rose ****** cold a frostbitten rose
Dec 2013 · 557
Bronze God
chase philip Dec 2013
Sentinel Celestial being ,
Bronze god inferior being
with the complex of a gold god
more than a man
eyes of fire
breath of frost
full of of contradictions
mind lost in the gaze of her eyes
a tradition far lost
but if god made man how do men make  gods
and expect these gods to fit with in a frame
that men made
ain't that a shame we create frames for something far more ascended
then feel as if it had betrayed us once we realize we were the fools
just mundane tools
Dec 2013 · 754
chase philip Dec 2013
a Frostbitten cold, a sprig of a broken rose
a scream melts the bliss from a hell bound road,
a golden crown awaits a king on a legacy to be left for generations
a power to change the course of a race but he cannot overlook her face
a love so strong it is to destroy a world or remake one anew
all doves and ravens will bow to this murderous celestial love
a supreme being even envies this ballet of a symphonous love affair
a Burning warmth, the budding of a rose
a blistering light something similar to those superimposed
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
chase philip Dec 2013
I am a Heart Breaker superimposed upon this soul a spiritless spec of a man a melody story written from me to thee a hopeless dream of what i mean A man, A legend, This legacy is simple lyricy and artistry My mind is gone my words remain I’d travel across all seven seas to see eyes that loved me yet some divine comedy has mocked me this lion of god has torn me her words stain my consciousness her devotion leaves me motionless & hopeless I stand here superimposed Circe is having her way with me my mind resembles Heisenberg's uncertainty its the cat in the box the apathetic emotion not progress but congress If it’s my state coup d'etat it this is a war against myself and everyone else

a broken boy with a bright mind a thousand familiars hold me down my eyes see something that doesn't drown alive & asleep the lion of god toys with me my love & sanity toils on the brinks of the blind a forgotten repression moves to take from me my essence a sweet blessing a devil that used to run me a god that only i can see or only i thought to believe a stupid soul that gives me immortality yet is stuck in the world of the ****** superimposed
it's a work in progress but i'd really enjoy hearing some feedback its one of my first poems

— The End —