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ME Oct 2016
Tus what a dreary thought to be alone within a sea of souls. Yet I tell all that this is  said life. Throughout memories do we escape to pleasant feelings of not being alone, yet still alone. The calamity of this brings a smile to my face. For most of us we came into this world alone. Others some more than one but we all still leave alone.
ME Sep 2016
The darkness it fallows me through out my life.  Draining my soul and my heart.  How I wish this to end.  Throughout my whole life.  Lost alone and depressed.  Screaming for someone to under stand these thoughts within my head.
Low times in thought
ME Sep 2016
Character is important to who we are and everyone that we meet. I believe it is key to find each character to see who whomever is truly. For there are too many people out there that discriminate true character yet on their inside this is not who they truly are.  1) Look for morals and values. 2) classification of possessions 3) Respect. I use these three points to analyze someone character. If someone comes faced with this then this is why. Morals and values play a strong point in what a character is to become. For is this person steals and lies. It is time to say goodbye. Greedy people take great pride in their possessions so that tell you about what they think of things over people. And what they think Respect means. This is really simple, in my world, for Respect is given when it is earned that truly is what it is. Respect in my eyes is what a person chooses to give another based upon their morals and values in their decisions to hand a situation. By following these guidelines everyone's character can be found.
ME Sep 2016
With in this body is a heart like no other. That will take the fight to the war. To strive no matter how far or the distance lost. Formed form Loyalty to one's self goals and better achievements. Discipline to see the weakness in my enemies. Integrity to ones self and the few within my circle. Willing to die at any cost of needed. The skills to see the angles and to take them. There are no games. This heart is to the death. Only true soldiers do we reside.

To give of ones heart is the most precious things. Yet to other had is true for people that can do this. Our dark sides are worst then ever before.
ME Mar 2017
Time that comes and goes ...
Where it goes no one knows ....
Just the same with feelings .....
How time glow brightly .....
How quickly it fades away ....
Into memories and past thoughts ....
Still to remove time and grow ....
To let free of the best and the worst ....
Lost in time
ME Oct 2016
i have give my love a life time over.
lost and expressed my heart hurts.
the pain of the life gone bye.
Wondering if any of those memories will say hi.
how this would ease the thing i wish to remove.
still breathing still loving still dying
ME Sep 2016
Be that star that stands the courses,
a star that is bright for you shine so brightly.
Giving me a focal point of reference
that will stand before the Lord's eyes.

To take pity upon my soul.
For my sins are bad
My heart is pure.

Be that point before the Lord for me.
To see that many can be helped.
And Benefited by my soul.
I do not belong is the world with no stars.

I wish to to shine as the stars in the sky.
Free and bright and full of life.
I wrote this in hope to inspire the enter person of someone that is addicted to **** and how their strength gave me the Strength to Stop
ME Oct 2016
How I wait for something I know will never come.
For I know all the truth that has been done.
Waiting to see....
Waiting to feel....
Growing with each second.
Thoughts of darkness upon a river.
Feeling the wind blow to the fields of gray.
Wondering for the truth.
Watching the world move faster than me.
Still patently waiting......
Still patently waiting......
For all the things we wait for, hoping, praying, and still growing.
ME Sep 2016
You know when you have found a fake person..... it is when they have to use someone else to fight their war. Pretty much cowards to face the truth.
Lesson I have learned about people with to much of a mask and not enough heart.
ME Sep 2016
Mystical weather beneath a starry lit sky. Rippling effect for the lake below. Being together so warm and close. The calm breeze cooling our necks. Tingling our souls: binding a moment which will endure forever. So don't lie here disbelieving what very few souls ever experience. Entangled fingers and toes. How this feels like true spiritual love.  The fire is dying low. Not wanting to go. So lost in the time spent it feels like the stars are falling. Lighting bugs flash their neon green light surrounding our souls into a peace bliss.
Don't know where this came from just closed my eyes and it came out. lolol
ME Sep 2016
Some where in heaven an Angle's heart breaks. For this Angel has seen the heart of a poor man's heart break. You may ask why would this Angel's heart break for this man. I could only presume that this angle was this man's Guardian. For this, the Angel seen his true heart and all that this man has done to help so many. Yet to again be faced with lies, mistrust or whatever comes. No matter this Angel's heart cries for the sorrow of this man. How could one man Know of Angel's Love without a desire to do anything else but to rise another in need higher. Above and beyond this man goes helping and counseling many to a new path of freedom and not of this world's Love, this man possesses, yet deep the heart splits. For this poor man is ready to return. The Angel and man both knows if he were to leave to return home; this would be great. Though they both know he must stay and try again.
Throughout a life of doing the best for others to only see that their intentions were not true except for the few that STAYED THE COURSE.
ME Oct 2016
How the crack of a noble heart falls to lost.
Forgotten and lost, He did it all with his cost.
The dark the light it is all gone without a fight.
Revenge reminding sounds within his mind.
Crawling through his vain to he's true heart.
ME Sep 2016
The open sea, where they say it all began. Mystic and vast open to remove all past actions or thoughts. Lost within emotional turmoils; the see takes away.

The sea of life comes waves after waves. Flowing deep and long. From peak to peak. From base to base. Though the peaks are clearly seen; the depths are lower and deeper than anyone's darkest Secret. For these deepest secrets drive each waking moments. While our peaks carry during the lowest nights.

During darkest times; lost and out of control, thing happens which are never mean to be done. Mistakes in minds which are driven by pain and lost through out our lives. How frantically thoughts go searching for something or someone to blame. From these depths of this wave; we strike at what we care about and in depth care for. Frantically we toss and clean all that could bring those memories back.

Detached from the depths of this wave; Dark thoughts and frantic moods become rational thoughts seeping into the whirlpool of thoughts. Towards the surface; tearing through thoughts and trying to think. Trying to remember all that had when wrong. As the wave lifts me higher.

Feelings of hatred and self pity overflow my heart and soul. Knowing that those action came from deep down within. Feeling and actions wished to take back. Yet at last knowing, as with all things, the same with the each wave that goes. They become part of the past. That can not be changed.

This wave carries still up and higher and higher it goes. Reaching the peak; remembering all the good times. Smiles and hugs to cherish for a life time to come. Knowing this wave will come to an end. Squeezing and holding every happy and caring thought through out this peak of the Sea.
I wrote this for a women Named Teresa. For she will never know how truly sorry I am.
ME Apr 2017
It is a feeling to wonder what people's true intentions are.....
ME Sep 2016
Feelings like all this beauty within measuring by time. Spending as a shining bright light of new experiences. Knowing that Darkness grows over told carried by Amber wind. To  Admiration and Respect.
Found this in my book I wrote it yet do not remember when or why

— The End —