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Jun 2014 · 467
Days & Nights
Charlie B Jun 2014
I could spend my days
wrapped in the wind
- hair tossed in and out of my face

fluffy white, grey, and black
clouds rolling across
deep blue skies.

I could waste hours
sitting on fine grains
of glass and particles
where one world meets
the next in a crashing
thunderous roll of waves.

I long to wallow my time
amongst the never moving,
always seeing,
towering beings,
of the forest.

My nights
are spent
the pale face
amongst the stars.

Seeing the world
how she does.
Jun 2014 · 528
Charlie B Jun 2014
It’s been awhile.

I can’t remember why
I haven’t seen you.

There is something
about you.


I watch you
in your sleep,
curled up on the couch.

I see your tears.

I hope they aren’t for me.

The desire to wipe
them away
weighs heavy on my heart.

Every time I reach out
I can’t seem
Jun 2014 · 406
Cold Sheets
Charlie B Jun 2014
Before my eyes open,
you are there
at the end of my fingertips.
Soft and warm,
I want to pull you close.


I open my eyes
searching for your face

that isn’t there.

It’s too late to close my eyes and
pretend you back into my arms.
The cold sheets have seeped into
the empty spaces.
Down into my bones.
Jun 2014 · 518
Charlie B Jun 2014
For as long
as I can

When it

When I am

There is,
only one

One reaction,
let it burn.
Jun 2014 · 374
Charlie B Jun 2014
One light in a crowded room.
Highlighting papers
and one pen.

Blank papers.

The white glare brings out her eyes.
I reaching so deep
for the good words.

Sad eyes.

If I turn away my gaze,
I can write.
Words will flow through pen and ink.
I need this lie.

Shameful pride.

A crowded room
is now empty.
She has grown strong
and left me.

My muse.
Jun 2014 · 341
Charlie B Jun 2014
My pillows are filled with memories of soft whispers.
That sound oh so sweet.
I hear laughter down the hall
with the dance and flicker of golden


I imagine
your hands gliding across limb and back,
                                         wooing me
with pleasures
                                                                 one could get lost in.

I would love to lay my head
                beside yours.
I’d hold on
               so tight
                                                            that I lose myself
                                                                                in you.
Yet there are things to be done,
                                                                    I must
Jun 2014 · 376
Charlie B Jun 2014
My sister wonders why I don’t want to go shopping right after coming home from an eight-hour shift.

I’m spent.

My dad wonders why I’m passed out on the couch at four in the afternoon.

I’m                           tired.

My friends don’t wonder why I’m no longer the life of the party, but they still choose to see me.


At 25 I have come to realize that it is not normal to stress about a mortgage or how to keep a house.
That at 25, coming up with property tax money is not normal.

That at 25 it is abnormal to be alone in your worry of losing the last physical reminder of your lost mother.
Jun 2014 · 264
Charlie B Jun 2014
It’s all consuming.
This we you speak of,
an exclusive club.
A reminder of how far
on the outside
I really am.
Work in progress
Apr 2014 · 716
Charlie B Apr 2014
He makes me happy
What if’s?
Plague me.

I think about her.

He doesn’t seem to be enough.
That’s so greedy.
So ungrateful.

I don’t know if she exists.
I don’t care.

He cares
really cares.
I’m his sweetest
This is enough.
He is enough…

Yet, I want her.
Apr 2014 · 255
Twenty (10w)
Charlie B Apr 2014
Twenty minutes away
more like twenty years
with every
Apr 2014 · 754
Charlie B Apr 2014
My fire is nibbles at the neck.
My spirit is the soft gasp through parted lips.
My pain is fingers curled in sheets.
My heart is hands leaving bruises on smooth skin.

Your fire is crude words whispered against flesh
Your spirit is demanding grunts.
Your pain is making it last just a little longer
Your heart is my pleasure
A class exercise that I wanted to experiment with.
Apr 2014 · 434
Letting Go
Charlie B Apr 2014
My fire is breaking into a run for no reason.
My spirit is a glowing ember lost among ash.
My pain is the faint mummer of sound in a crowd.
My heart is the wind blowing through and over me.

Your fire is the faint scent of smoke in winter
Your spirit is just a creaking floor board
Your pain is a blank face with empty eyes
Your heart is no longer my concern.
A class exercise that I want to experiment with.
Apr 2014 · 679
Error Code 404
Charlie B Apr 2014
Connection incomplete

Make sure there is complete contact.
Fingers intertwined.
Skin touching skin.
Lips sealed together in the best kind of way.
Hearts in sync.
Souls melding.

Error Code 404**
Last two steps incomplete.
Apr 2014 · 525
Early Morning
Charlie B Apr 2014
It's dark,
but not pitch black.
I've never been able to sleep
in complete darkness.

The television is on,
my regular nightlight.
It's the white noise I need,
to keep the silence at bay.

My alarm is going off,
in ten minute intervals.
The opening song for
Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
blares for two minutes.
Shuts off.

A morning like this isn't unusual.
Even after hours of sleep.
I'm still tired.

If I stay in bed
the house
the taxes
the bills
all of it
will cease.

I roll over,
grab the pillow,
and pretend it all away.

It all sounds nice.
I don't get nice.
Life isn't nice.
Adulthood isn't nice.
is nice.

I toss the covers,
roll out of bed,
Step onto the cold floor.

Maybe tomorrow
I'll stay in bed.
Apr 2014 · 1.6k
Charlie B Apr 2014
Shots! Shots! Shots!

Number ten...

I don't know.
I do know.
He's going down.

Oh, there he goes.


The floor feels nice

Good times.
Apr 2014 · 423
Charlie B Apr 2014
This hotel is unique.
It is one of a kind.
There is none other out there.

It's been around for decades.

Over time it has become more discerning.
Not just anyone can enter,
do as they please.
It wasn't always like that.

There are the regulars
who have been there
since opening day.

The long term stays.
Those only visiting
for a little while -
or maybe longer.

Then there are the one timers.
Most were a pleasure to have -
some, not so much.
A few have even come back.

But the ultimate guest is
a permanent resident
Someone who loves the hotel
very much.
So much in fact,
they never wish to leave.
Apr 2014 · 480
Charlie B Apr 2014
Two vs Four

Standard, simple
It works for you.

Comfortable, consuming.
It works for me.

I'd trade my four
for your two
if it meant
we were together.
Apr 2014 · 481
Charlie B Apr 2014
Rapid beat
Need to move
Have to get out

Can't breath
Tight chest
Burning eyes

   Please just stop
Apr 2014 · 250
Charlie B Apr 2014
So many empty words,
                 "I'll teach you spanish"
                 "We can go there."
                 "I'm not like that."
So many lies,
                 "We'll just watch a movie."
                 "I just want to hold you."
                 "You'll be more comfortable."
At least you were honest,
                "This is what I want."

This isn't how you're suppose to start a relationship.
Apr 2014 · 812
First Date
Charlie B Apr 2014
" I don't know what I'm looking for."
"Just like good."

" You're beautiful."
"Take it...all of it."

"I can respect that."*
"I just want to try it."
Apr 2014 · 231
Charlie B Apr 2014
All those hands
never at once

Light touches
that bruise so deep

never meant yes.
Feb 2013 · 551
Charlie B Feb 2013
Plagued and infested by it.
Eating from the inside out.
Destroying my foundation...
in secret
Jan 2013 · 457
Charlie B Jan 2013
I'm in love with a dream.
I see this dream even with open eyes.
It tempts my soul,
and flutters my heart
But like all dreams,*
I'll eventually wake up.
I hope I never wake up
Jan 2013 · 468
Every Time
Charlie B Jan 2013
Ear to ear grin,
that makes my cheeks hurt.
Damp palms,
that I’ll hide in my pockets.
Quick breaths,
to keep myself breathing.
raging a riot in my belly.

This is what you do to me.
I rejoice, every time I see you.
I never dwell on the day it will fade.
It's like the first time,

every time.
While waiting during one of our many early movie days.
Dec 2012 · 564
I Can't Pretend Christmas
Charlie B Dec 2012
No one was ever left out.
Everyone got something that was
just for them.

Shopping throughout the year.
Wrapping weeks in advance -
especially for the ones
to be shipped far away.

Last year was easy.
From the name on the list;
to the hand picked item:

This year
I can't pretend she isn't here.
This Christmas
there are no gifts stashed in a closet.
There is nothing to be

I can't pretend Christmas.
I miss you Mom. I knew last Christmas was too easy.
Nov 2012 · 365
Beat of Dawn
Charlie B Nov 2012
Let me play the beat
of dawn down the beautiful
curve of your body
To Sean because your drumming is my muse

— The End —