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Feb 2013 · 495
The Ultimate Love
Charley Feb 2013
I never fathomed
How truly great
Love is.

Not the love
you see in movies
in cheesy books.

I am utterly in awe
Of the greatness
that Love is.

To fully accept,
like and
wholly love you for who you are.

Who can
such a thing?

Him, only Him.
Can love me
Truly, deeply, beautifully.

I cannot accept sometimes
That I am worthy
Of this kind of love.

It takes a little bit of acceptance,
a whole lot of faith and trust
that I deserve this love.

And it is not only I,
But you as well.
You deserve this love.

You are loved.
Jan 2013 · 479
Charley Jan 2013
Aureate appears,
Touching my skin,
Softly, gently
Enveloping in a warm embrace

Slowly, it covers my whole body
And i bask in the beauty
Suddenly, i lose sight
Yet I could still see

Warm, poignant, radiant
Touching my toes, crawling all the way up to my head
Until it fills me
And I become it.

Iridiscent, glowing, light.
What I touched felt my warmth
Enveloped in light,
Freeing them from darkness

It was a moment
And moments pass
I opened my eyes
There were no more darkness, only light.
Jan 2013 · 301
Love, when true
Charley Jan 2013
Love, when true
Is probably the best gift
One can receive

How can you see
If you choose to be blind
You will never find
What it means to be free

Love, when true
Is in a moment
A glimpse
But it lasts forever

We are often lead to think
That love shown may be fake
Unreal, brutal, make believe
Often times, we are wrong

The question isn't, "Is love untrue?"
But rather,
"Why do I wait to see when love is true,
Real, unfaltering;
When it is me who chooses to be untrue."

— The End —