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Jul 2010 · 1.9k
Memories of past magnificence
A pall now hangs over her
Echoes of screams in the west
Decomposed disillusion
Split personality
Search warrants for the haves
Kicked in doors for the have nots
Mr.  Officer……Mi  innocent
The  muzzle of your gun has me reticent
From slavery our ancestors did run
In the streets the blood of my countrymen run
When will di trouble dun
She has been battered and scarred
Her name feathered and tarred
While the gleam in her eyes is diminished
She is by no means finished
Still the heartbeat of a nation
Vibrant, trendsetting, schizophrenic
Sometimes there is panic in this state of chronic
Some more equity is required in my city
The financial capital
What about human capital?
Some deemed worthless
Existing in communities of sacrificial lambs.
Others are sacred cows…..Wolves in sheepskin
Who pollute the air with noxious verbiage
White collar facades hide evil intent.
She will rise again.
If we have the will and the way
My city……KINGSTON!!!!!
© Charles Matheson (Eqlektik)
Sep 2009 · 1.9k
Aftermath of Torment
Brainwaves like the cosmos
giving birth.
The bang of my nuclei expands
beyond the earth.
My supernova incinerates all in its path
My black hole engulfs all light  
The birth of the atom
Concepts like myriad mushroom clouds
Visions of explosive aftermaths
Mind games played out on a grand scale
Random radioactivity
Permeates creativity
Defying gravity daily
Like a river
I flow
I bend
Sometimes a gurgling stream
Sometimes a raging torrent
No more hurricanes……
I am serene
Sep 2009 · 820
A Poet’s Tale
Recriminations of a flawed existence
Blind stupidity and stubborn persistence
Thoughts of what might have been
Reminiscing on times long gone
Distant memories……
Ghosts that hang about my neck
Heavy chains like so much unwanted bling.
In my domain I am the king
The lone wolf now treads lightly
In my wake I left apocalyptic wastelands
Remnants of holocausts played out in the mind
Napoleonic wars of the soul
Hollow victories that widen the hole
residing in the ozone of my heart.
Longing for my Waterloo
Not knowing what to do
Or how to ease my pain
So much time spent in the rain
Need to find some balm
Something to restore the calm
So I write
I write… ease my mind.

— The End —