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Jan 2016 · 538
Blind Love
You were so blind
You couldn't see what could've been
All these thoughts were on my mind
I wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend
and you couldn't see
That I wanted to be more than friends
Couldn't see everything we could be
But that's the thing about love,
You were the only thing on my mind
I was mad with love
You never thought about me
Never saw anything more then a friend
and now I can see
That in the end
You weren't blind
But was I?
Have you ever had a friend that you wanted to tell that you liked more then a friend and didn't know how and you were mad that they couldn't see your love even though you thought it was so obvious...
Nov 2015 · 267
love pit
What is life without love?
It is a little like
into a pit
dark pit
you feel the walls around you but don't see them
the darkness
so lonely
but when that one person rescues you
and you see the light
it'll all be worth it
Nov 2015 · 318
Why is it that we get so angry
One minute we're happy
but then the next
You're just falling off a cliff
and you don't know how you got here
maybe you were pushed off that cliff
or maybe you just decided to jump
Nov 2015 · 248
Who cares?
Nobody truly cares
                                                                   Until they show you
            That they truly care                                By being there
                                                     Being there for you
                                                     Whenever you need them
                                                     For whatever you need
Remember that
Nov 2015 · 531
7 billion
7 billion people in this world
and it seems
as if
only 10 of them are good people to you
only 10 spread happiness and appreciate you
why can't more?
all 7 billion can't love you
appreciate the special 10 that does
cherish them
Nov 2015 · 310
Why is it
that everything we all hope and dream for
seems so far out of reach
something we can't grasp
its the fact that we can't see what's in front of us
the good
everything in front of you is good
you only see past the good because what's behind is
But you can't grasp the better ones
for whatever the reason
you can't grasp them
no matter how much you want too
so be happy with what you have
Take this how you want to...
Oct 2015 · 284
broken hearts
Breaking a heart
or having your own broken...
its the same thing but
just one person feels like they lost
but truly,
you both lost...
Oct 2015 · 729
Don't forget
don't forget it.
The world isn't going to remind you,
cause the world isn't always nice...
so you'll have to remember when you wake up
to remind yourself
to be strong.
Be strong
in this world,
this unforgiving world.
Don't let it get to you.
Whatever it is.
You are beautiful.
You are amazing.
Even if this unforgiving world we live in today
Do what you love,
Even when they stare
Love yourself
Cause the world won't remind you
so be strong and
**remind yourself
Oct 2015 · 430
Losing Hope
I don’t know what love is anymore.
Just a bunch of meaningless words and people.
I try to make everyone happy and pass love around
but truly… I don’t even know what love is.
I don’t feel anymore.
But I’m used to that by now
Have you ever truly loved someone?...
Oct 2015 · 273
Loss of Love
I don’t know the worst part,
Maybe it was pretending to be happy.
To enjoy what’s happening around you.
The betrayal? Or the sight of it happening before my eyes.
Maybe it was pretending to be hard and move on.
Actually… the worst part was probably when happiness met you.
When you feel that joy for 2 seconds.
And then you see
them… together.
And then what was called happiness disappears,
and the realization comes...
that it was all fake.
You were my one mistake…

— The End —