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Charles Clive Aug 2010
Now, when I mention Poetry,
your eyes will glaze, I guarantee,
and then you’ll smile and say to me;
“This modern stuff's is *******!”

You’ll claim it’s clouds with beige and blues,
bedecked in caerulean hues,
all fancy words and curlicues.
“That's right.  A load of *******!”

You’ll say it’s nonsense, sometimes crude,
pretentious, sloppy, often pseud;
no more than prose, with attitude.
“A bucket full of *******!”

Not me.  I write a different way,
in words which mean just what they say;
more like the Giants of yesterday.
My writing isn’t *******.

I take a theme and, where I can,
I fit it in a structured plan;
what’s more, I make it rhyme and scan,
as verse - and not as *******.

Then, should you like my classic style;
perhaps it’s when I make you smile
or ponder for a little while?
That’s proof.  It isn’t *******!


— The End —