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556 · Nov 2016
Stopping by woods, again
Charles C Coyne Nov 2016
Whose woods these are I'm sure I know
My name is on the deed you know

My horse he does not think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near

My horse is of Korean make
Will stop and start and sometimes shake

Shake it did again today
Now I must call on Triple A

But I few promises have to keep
And pray for soon untroubled sleep
265 · Nov 2016
Charles C Coyne Nov 2016
Some people are delighted
Some people are sad
Some think the good rewarded
Some think the bad
This is the day the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it
241 · Sep 2016
First Limerick
Charles C Coyne Sep 2016
There once was a girl very cute
Who dressed in a newspaper suit
Til one day a fire
Burned up her attire
And now all the boys say "she's nute"
Wrote this in 7th grade. My first limerick
232 · Sep 2016
Words for Sad Poets
Charles C Coyne Sep 2016
I read their poems at night.
The words that others write.
Oft so dark, so very sad.
I try to write them something glad.
And hope they smile.
180 · Sep 2016
Charles C Coyne Sep 2016
Fear not
To be alone is the human condition
If others seek they may be got
But in the end are all forgot
23 · Sep 27
The Profit Mica enjoins us all
Do justice love mercy
Walk humbly with our god.

This is hard.

Justice includes patience
Mercy needs forgiveness
And who of us is truly humble?

I think I better not run for President
You can write about, if you choose’
Elephants, snakes and kangaroos
But not about the platypus.
It doesn’t amuse us  

You can write about snails
And puppydog tails
But don’t write about the platypus
It will only confuse us

— The End —