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Charles Brannick Jul 2016
I saw a child running
late to school
such a happy clod
you or I lost
much too deep in thought

We have the much harder task
a trip to self discovery
learning to be satisfied with less
calling less a lot
handling disappointment
being thankful
loving in a random way

please stay in yellow fields
under blue skies
where my lines can find you

Should you find anything utilitarian
please share
we may have to change
because of you I sing
Charles Brannick Jul 2016
Dreamt of a house built in the 40's
needing  paint .

Standing on the grounds
across from a horse pen moving ladders
thinking of my lost love

Hoping she will be pleased
with my efforts.

I think about my eyesight
and how much longer I can see

And I'm thankful for my hearing
and whether or not when God speaks
to me it will be strong enough
and clear enough to make a difference.

I'm lucky to have this life
and the one I think about.
Charles Brannick Jul 2016
I really don't need encouragement
to go negative on myself
I need time and distance
to follow my hunches
to their own conclusions
giving up on a thing when I'm ready
No explanations necessary
Honor my agreements
Build on my own progress
Be efficient and energetic
Burn up some well directed energy
towards something useful
The thing is I know
when I'm tired
like day is tired
and goes inside and becomes night
maybe tomorrow we'll sing.
Charles Brannick Jul 2016
We collect things
play with them awhile
put them away
where they accumulate

The unfinished project
in the garage
The clothes you are wearing right now
The dirt under your fingernails
the people who call you by name
the randomness of it all
becomes part of the story

This rainy day
a couple weeks before Christmas
feels like home
no happy ending
just old hands
soft  to touch.
Charles Brannick Jul 2016
Where the river bends
and makes its final push to the sea
get out of the boat and swim
to the other shore where
sun,stars, and moon will follow
as the universe aligns with you
the soul less rocks left behind
your heart is the rainbow
you are the light
Charles Brannick Jul 2016
The noise in my house
is not yours
not specific or bothersome
I live with this noise
of the many thoughts
that come and go

The hardest part
is the feeling
that to you this is nothing
and wish it would go away.
Charles Brannick May 2016
Fly little butterflies fly
from my little cave
cheery and cherry faced  soldiers
Stay true to your mission
and carry this message
Stay spaced apart and safe
you're all I've got
Be quick and skillful
and get to the heart of it,
Be brave my cherry faced friends
very brave you are putting yourself at risk
trying to save
you little ones carry my feelings
you little ones that will make this work
you are the feelings of my heart .

— The End —