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Charles Barnett Jan 2013
All of time is happening at once.
I am forever sharing that awkward first car ride.
Knees bumping in the dark.

All of time is happening at once.
I am still sitting on that couch
stealing glances at tattooed covered arms
from across the room, wanting them wrapped
around the small of my back.

All of time is happening at once.
I am forever at the tip of your tongue
Syllables echoing like the Big Bang.
Charles Barnett Jan 2013
"There are fixed points through time where things must always stay the way they are." - The Doctor in "Cold Blood" (2010)

"You're my fixed point."
She claims, face hidden
by geography and hands
that cover tear-brimmed eyes
like a spacesuit.
All self-contained and protected.
All exoskeleton and isolation.
Charles Barnett Jan 2013
by Kayla Corder

I was going to change clothes
but I didn't. I'll cling to the dust
like we cling to those memories of us.
Those lingering smiles. Sweet touches.
Breathing heavily on my neck as I melt
into your caress. Love too pure to be real.
"I can't handle real life..." You tell me
when I've found someone new.
But nothing can replace what I found in you.
My broken boy. Found me. Saved me.
Repaired what I didn't even know was broken.
This tattered heart, parts still cling to you.
Like the glue that sticks to the steel. Stainless.
Like this love.
This is not my writing, it belongs to a dear friend. Encourage her to write more. Posted with permission.
Charles Barnett Jan 2013
The funny thing about memories
is that when you find an effective
tool to blot them out, say a bottle,
A bottle of whiskey, a bottle of Valiums
a bottle of white out, they adapt and
change like some Darwinian monster
come to fill your mind and heart
to the brim with ink like longing.
Charles Barnett Jan 2013
I was gonna give up smoking
when that clock struck midnight.
Rash and unhindered.
But the smoke in my lungs
tastes just the way I remember
you and it echoes the promise
I made a year previously,
when the clock struck midnight
and I vowed to always be by your side.
Charles Barnett Dec 2012
"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." -The Doctor in "Blink (2007)"

"Remember that time we.."
Her voice calls to me from tomorrow.
From yesterday. From a flat in England
in 1969, all **** carpets and counterculture.
All go-go boots and ginger hair.

"Can't wait till we.."
Her voice calls to me from today.
From nowhen. From the bed
a few blocks down the road.
All apologies and heretos
and whyfors.

She says with a smile
that cracked on her face
yesterday and ends
Charles Barnett Dec 2012
She's all class
and manners.
The way you imagine
your grandmother was
when she was a twenty-something
Army wife while your grandfather
was eating mud for Christmas dinner
in a trench outside of Berlin.
All smiles and pearly white teeth
and slow dances for one.
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