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May 2011 · 3.7k
The Labyrinth
Somewhere, there is a labyrinth, where people wander around and around, suffering,
Unwilling contestants of a cruel game, where the
Winner doesn't live to tell the taleā€”to claim the prize. It is
Wicked and unrelenting. The wardens of this
Prison are ruthless, indiscriminately casting their victims into the labyrinth,
Just to see what they're made of.

Around and around they go, trying to get out of
This endless ring of suffering,
Trying to regain control of their lives from this
Monstrous power. They search to find out where the end is,
Around and around, bewildered marionettes, hugging the
Walls, as cold as death. But they cannot find the exit to this labyrinth.

They cry out and curse this labyrinth
Of suffering. They don't want to know what they're made of.
They want to stop the agony and the suffering.
"Around and around is not the answer to this,"
They finally cry like hungry animals, "Straight and fast is."
And so they go, straight and fast, to break away from the

Horrors they're frantically attempting to escape. The
Frigid walls, stretching endlessly upward, collapse as they blast through the labyrinth
Like siege engines. Around and around their heads, like drunken birds, images of
Their lives whirl by. Desperate to put an end to their sweat and suffering,
These prisoners blindly race toward the light in the distance. But this
Solution does not completely end the suffering. That's not how the labyrinth is.

Look around you. What you see is
Filled with raging fists, starving mouths, and the
Cries of those drowning in their own suffering.
This world is a world of
Recurring pain, winding around and around like a labyrinth.
Look around you and answer me: What is this?


We all are stuck suffering, flies in a web. We imagine ourselves escaping, hiding this
Bleak present under a fabricated future, but the labyrinth does not begin or end. It just is.
So around and around we go. Welcome to the labyrinth. Let's see what you're made of.
A sestina.
May 2011 · 590
Trembling hands grip 'round relief,
White gives way to crimson streams.
Lonely heart, so filled with grief,
Overcome your stifled screams.
Hold your blade, look up and see--
A world of love wants you set free.
May 2011 · 1.1k
Outside, I'm fine.
Laughter resonates
From my body,
Swelling, spreading endlessly.
A bird soaring,
My song vibrant,
Reaching out to you,
I fly.
Inviting you to sing along.

Beneath, I suffer.
The laughter doesn't ring deep.
A bruised heart
Time has yet to heal.
This bird once was caged,
This song once was broken.
Calling out in vain,
I cry.
But no one takes notice.

— The End —