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Your eyes tell a story
A story that I am starting to learn
But that doesn't matter
Because I want to learn it
I want to hear about your successes
Your failures
Your happy days
And the sad ones
I want to get to know your laugh and your smile
I want to learn how to cheer you up
And how to **** you off
So I can learn not to (at least not that often)
I want to hold your hand under a blanket
Out in the park
On a skating rink
In my dreams
Your story is important
You need to know that
Nine letters, yet never fully reached.
We underestimate it.
The little things; we miss.
The big things; we want.
We all have it.

It's true.

There would be no sadness without happiness.
No happiness without sadness.

How can one word explain everything you are feeling?

It can't.

To me.
To have one feeling.

Today, for one reason or another, the sadness is winning.
For now.
But it will change.
It always does.
Because sadness cannot live without happiness.
The sun will shine.

  Be happy.

    Just be.
Our differences are the same
Our similarities are different
Why can someone be so nice
And then turn so mean
Is their a balance
Will we ever find it
This war and fighting won't stop

Because of what we are
Because of who we are
Because of what we do
Because of how we do it
Because of when we do it

We love each other
We hate each other
We have the most wonderful times
We have the most terrible days
No balance whatsoever
No winner
No loser
Our lives

— The End —