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Chanel McCartney Feb 2012
It all kinda seemed like yesterday that I began to unpack my car full of my things and headed in Vic Hall for the first time...
- And it all felt like yesterday when Sara was attacked by the creepy purple people in kilts and chains...
- And it was like yesterday when we met Simon and Dana and offered them a fridge...
- And it seems like yesterday when I was covered head to toe in peat moss and shaving cream in navy blue coveralls...
- And it was yesterday when we all took our first jump in the Lake off the pier
- And I could have sworn that it was yesterday when I went to my first class scared stiff just to find out that my profs were the coolest people..
- And it feels like yesterday that I met Margaret for the first time, and she thought I lived on her floor which I didn't...
- And yesterday I almost failed my first assignment and felt the tears rolling down my face, worried that I wasn't going to pass..
- And I will swear that it was Homecoming yesterday...
- And it was soo definately yesterday that Mariah, Sara and I conquered the BEHEMOTH!!!! Wonderland!
- And it definately was yesterday when Drama 100 went on their roadtrip to Gannanoque :P
- And it could have been yesterday when we went out for our first of many fire alarms in Vic...
- And it might have been yesterday when I realised that my calender is my new best friend..
- And it feels much like yesterday when my cousins came to see me and show me the best places in K-town...
- And it all went down yesterday that I wrote my first midterm...
- And alas it was yesterday that I found a boy and left him..
- And it must have been yesterday that I found out how much talent was in Drama 100's fall presentations...(especially Lab F... :P)
- And it feels just like yesterday that QMT astounded me with Jekyll and Hyde..
- And it could have been yesterday that I joined the Hip Hop class..
- And, of course, yesterday I helped organise Ale with the Profs for English DSC..
- And, yes, it was yesterday the I voted for AMS president...
- And then there was yesterday when I went to my first Hillel Dinner and loved it..
- And it was most definately yesterday when I discovered my hatred for chemistry...
- And yesterday, I went out for my room mates birthday...
- And then, yesterday, I figured out how much I love Indigo books... and Starbucks coffee..
- And yesterday I found out that people actually live in Stauffer Library.. sleep on couches...
- And it really was yesterday that I found out I was going to be a Gael and met Chris Mitchell aka our OC!! and my future Gael FAM!!!!
- And it was yesterday that I joined the costume crew for Man of la Mancha and learned how to use a sewing machine... sorry Julia :P
- And then yesterday, I went to see Ted in Anne Frank.. he was really great!
- And yesterday, I found out that Drama 100 was way more talented in their Winter Presentations...
- And it seems like yesterday that it was my last day of classes... but somehow I still had projects due..
- And it was sooo yesterday that I finished my last essay of the year...
- And it feels soo much like yesterday when I met to whole cast and crew and went to the somewhat and the gala night and closing night (the strike and cast party)!!! You guys are fantastic..
- And yesterday I began my first of many finals...
- And then yesterday I said goodbye to my lucky friends who finished before me and going home for the summer...

But it was today, as I was packing my things and talking to my parents, that they asked,"How does it feel to be finished your first of four years of university?" and I said, "It all seemed like yesterday."
1.7k · Feb 2012
Vanilla Chai
Chanel McCartney Feb 2012
Let me tell thee how I love thee,
Not with somber Joy, or fading Passion,
Nor with vile Calm, or dull Awake;
But with heart and soul and reason
With sweet sugared innocence, steeped
In the colorful waters of purity and kindness,
Where friendship reigns and soon thou creep'd
Into my dearest of dreams, unending bliss,
Forever loved and yet forever ignorant.
For my pleasure lives unknown to thee
Forced pleasantness and dejected I be.
All I ask is for you to grant
My freedom from this heavenly curse,
And give a gracious answer to this verse.
Chanel McCartney Feb 2012
It was 5:00 in the morning

and it was still dark out;

not a sound except the party

that was still going on.

It was a cold January night,

but the alcohol kept her warm.

One hell of a party to

celebrate the drama of it all!

She had come out with another friend

and they parted ways with a quick wave;

she hadn’t gone ten paces

when the door opened once more.

He came out in his muscle shirt.

He must have been cold.

But he drank more than she did

and he smoked a bit too.

He was interrupted by this friend,

who got her shoe stuck in the crack

in the side walk. She hugged him goodbye

and they parted.

She waited for him ten paces away,

wondering, what he would do next?

What was he thinking?

But he came after her

without a word; not a sound!

He just came right up to her

and placed a kiss on her expecting lips

and said, “good night and sweet dreams.”

Then he went back inside.

She dreamt of him all night

only to find out, come morning

he missed his ex girlfriend.
889 · Feb 2012
At 4:30am
Chanel McCartney Feb 2012
I'm sorry you are you and I am me
And we were we
And no longer we
But we are just you and me
But if I were you and you were me
And we were we
Then we would be just you and me
And I wouldn't be me
And you wouldn't be you
And we would just be
804 · Feb 2012
Words of Wisdom
Chanel McCartney Feb 2012
I know you’re no prince,

I know you’re no masked hero;

I know you’re an ***, a ****, a *****

I know, you admitted you were.

I told you, one day,

You would break my heart,

I told you, one day,

You would make me cry.

And yet I hoped you would keep your word -

Oh God those words –

Trust and hope despite all my words;

Despite my deep-down protective words:

You deceived me!

All you said were words,

They meant nothing!

You asked me to believe

And I did,

I asked you to stay

And you left,

And I died – No! Not die

I live.

— The End —