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Nov 2015 · 398
The view from my window
chalom Nov 2015
I have climbed many a mountain
seen vistas of desert and ocean
I have relished in all the glory
those glimpses of my devotion

few can compare however
to that view that I call my own
the view that I see from my window
on the mountain which I call my home

From the harsh desert to the south
that from here looses its harsh temper
to the forests that spread to north
blending in waves of green
That band of blue on the horizon
which signals the ever present sea
and lights and buildings that which are mans addition
to g-ds great finery

I have seen you in summer, when the sun commands
and the winter rains are visible wherever they fall in this land
I have seen the brief glimpses when while white surrounds this peak
the land below is left green

I know you in all your shades
your angers your sadness your fears
I have seen the clouds of war in the distance
and your quietude of your sleep

I have seen you cycle through the season, and again year upon year
and I have forgotten to look
forgotten to gaze
I have forgotten that I should still be amazed
at that beauty I need to hold dear

When did I first forget to fight
the jadedness I knew would come
when did this view so vast
so grand
drift into routine

Sometime I fight to remember
but only when I remember to fight

Were you not meant for this prolonged exposure
to be viewed only in memory
was I a fool to call the mountain my home
and think I could have you
from now into eternity

It is true I still see you daily
it is true my eyes sometimes see
but is it destined that by having you always
your magic is lost to me
Nov 2015 · 299
Cliff Dive
chalom Nov 2015
Leaping from the ledge
freed from control
those moment of bliss of warm air still
rushing over your skin
all worries are forgot
even fear is caste away
you hit the water and it hits back
and the penetratng cold invigorates
your body for a blissful second
is no longer numb to feeling
there is neither up nor down
all worries dare not come
even fear stands back
and you are alone
no thought yet pleasure
you burst forth back to air
and the world is real once more
mind thinks once more
and those worries return once more
and as you continue
soaked through and through
you strive to hold on to the memories
and take pleasure in chill
Nov 2015 · 367
Sacrifice Spurned
chalom Nov 2015
And he rose in the morning to start his journey far
He sold his belongings
He packed his meager food
He started off across the plain
the hills
the forest
the lakes
until he reached that desert where the holy mountain stood

He climbed that craggy peak
that unforgiving ladder
but at the top
before he spoke
he heard a voice much louder

Go home
it rang
inside that single soul

I can't
sprang the reply
unbidden to his lips

Your purpose is known
your zeal is noted
now return to your former abode

My life
My life
Yours is my life
I give it freely with love

Go home
it repeats
return to the living
reburden yourself with this world

My life
I say
Please take this life
Let this sacrifice well wished be received

Your wishes are well
but your life is found wanting
you would sully this mountain
by that deed

The silence which followed
was the loudest of all
echoing through the spheres

The numb journey down
and the living which followed
passed like a fever dream

This rejection of self
This unwanted gain
Gave truth
To his innermost fears
Jul 2014 · 349
Dreams of Ignorance
chalom Jul 2014
When will we ever dream again
Those dreams now lost to youth
When will the horizon be so far
But reachable to one and all
Can time be made to forget
The inadequacies we have bought
Or will the current swiftly bring us us along
Without care for what we once thought

Can the world really be so cold
Even as the sun beats down
Can the bounds that truley bind us
Be anything but ourselves

Here's a song of for the disillusioned
For those who've tried and failed
Here's wishing that that harsh reality
Retreats once more behind the veil
Truth is unbecoming
To the noble of heart
For only those steeped in ignorance
Can reach desires' end
So take up with me this call to action
The purging of the known
Let us look upon the world with eyes new
And may dreams once more flow
Jul 2011 · 753
These still Nights
chalom Jul 2011
It is in these nights
these stillest of nights
where the semi-arid air surrounds

the baking heat
that was the day
has for some time
given way

subtle aromas
fill all senses
combining sage
with that of gentle dirt

the lights of cities
which strive to mirror
the stars inert

sit and ponder

all life's questions

for it is in these nights
these stillest of nights
that those grand answers might be found
Jun 2011 · 672
Hide Myself
chalom Jun 2011
Hide my self
hide my sorrow
learn to live
like no tomorrow

Tomorrow comes
and with it pain
the true self buried
further away
Jan 2011 · 835
Time well spent
chalom Jan 2011
fire burns
water burns
but nothing burns
most of all

the height of living
is almost dying
rain matters not
at the waterfall

in the desert,
life is born
only to die in the sea

the dust in the air
are the bones of the old
in the land of the money
the slave is most free

the gentle breeze
tears down mountains
the stars above
are always too dark
the relentless clock of hatefull time
makes new lives begin to die

a glimpse of life is more than needed
before the chance at death

yet few receive
a shoulder to lean
those who do resent

and our envy our envy
is most deserved
to those whose time well spent
Jan 2011 · 539
The Oh So Needed
chalom Jan 2011
This is the moment of self desire
of the meeting the morning's end
of the going back before the long push forward
of the reconnect to the grand defend

The origins of one's own truth
the many faces called my own
the unnecessary yet oh so needed
before the claim to the thrown

You meet the many with desire
and hope they'll give love in return
and you throw back one last glance
at the ropes you long to spurn

Boy has turned to a man
looking to turn once more
peace bought with the killing
with all the blood but not the gore

Still looking for that oh so missing
the puzzle piece you dare not force
here's to hoping, the actors actions
do not falter, and stay their course

You oh so treasure truth's beginning
and look back at tales of yore
and try to be, that from which
the long forgotten story tore
Oct 2010 · 504
lives are lives
chalom Oct 2010
Lives are lives, and so are deaths
With death in mind, life takes last breath
A little slower time to saver
Now that the end is known
The fetal life set to begin
That moment the old lets truth set in
Too short of lives these have been
Too many times to have died
To think too much of this lifes near end
Numbed to all this pain
For pain there is not anymore
Anxiety too has bid farewell
Just the ** hum death
And quiet rebirth
Of a new life who’s death is near
Oct 2010 · 614
onward you go
chalom Oct 2010
these twist and turns
of agony's long ride
bring fear yet hope and joy

the angles of life
wrench at the fabric of faith

the giving up so you don't give in
the tearing pain that makes you free again
all enclosed in wrappings thin
that rips revealing more than skin

as interwoven motives force
that strong grips release
of what it once wanted most
the disenfranchised feelings
make their anguished pleas

yet feelings quaint
are left out of thought
for cold and calculated is the ravished soul

be still sweat soul
do what you're told
and onward do you go
Oct 2010 · 407
what we need
chalom Oct 2010
We never know for what to ask
for what we really need
and I try not to wear this mask
yet words speak louder than deed
the gentle lonely
the harshest of all
the burning that fills the brain
I'd trade in everything but the pain
for that is what with which I live
with which my soul doth feed
Oct 2010 · 534
Uncircumsized Hearts
chalom Oct 2010
When the city cries and dreams of peace
And the world laughs and brings it war
A lovers quarrel and baby’s tears
Still matter to the heart they’re for
Here we see a sense of longing
Here we see we don’t belong
But as none of us do and it’s all the same
For walls of steal encase our hearts
But yet the pain won’t stay away
Sep 2010 · 481
tomorrow ends today
chalom Sep 2010
tomorrow ends today
no time to join the fray
as we drink
as we cry
the little boys smile and die
and so their brides
and still born babes
are flushed down the well of time
tomorrow ends to yesterdays glee
and today the pain
comforts me
Sep 2010 · 464
Dark of Day
chalom Sep 2010
when the last star shines
and fades away
in favor of
the dark of day
remember your promise
remember your soul
and return to the arms
of who you're fighting for
as life and death take their turns
each willing to stand aside
for death loves life
for life killed death
and now life will take dying in stride
and the souls do whisper
but they get no answer
for the body their after
found another master
the dark of day
does shine so bright
but my body still yearns
for the lights of night
Sep 2010 · 650
Sunless Day
chalom Sep 2010
The empty hills don't know why you ask
to the stark mountains it's all the same
the barren valleys respond with a laugh
the biting winds ignore with no shame
so stagger forward in direction not known
flee from all your everything
try to cry in your heart
but find that too is missing
the only feeling left to feel
is that of emptiness
nothing dares to be real
not even the vast abyss
and as your tired feet long last give way
you sink to the sand in the vast sunless day
parched yet not knowing thirst
dying yet not knowing fear
the stale air too thick to breathe
chokes from the front and rear
the death comes yet nothing follows
not even decay
and so you lay in eternity
on the sand of that vast sunless day

— The End —