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Nov 2014 · 415
I've Lost My Role
Victoria Nov 2014
The clock ticks louder than 12 at 4:23
don't ask me, I'm higher than you'll ever achieve
I'm not squeaky clean, but I'm lighter on my feet
I'll make you bow down for I am the queen
my presence isn't enough of a treat?
wait, what do you mean?
for I have been in endless voids as we speak
I've been bigger than this so call Mr.Almighty's ego
I've climbed higher than Mt.Everest's Peak
I'm living my life straighter than a ruler they veto

I'm no longer oblique
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Let Me Try Again
Victoria Jan 2014
You were somewhat my past
My present? ... I'm not sure
Let me try to be optimistic
Be my future?
Please let me know

At first your were nothing but a boy toy
a fool I just used for enjoyment
I feel guilty, afcourse
I used you for my own selfish reasons
a distraction of my sorrow

Yet that low ember shimmered
your attention and affection fortified my feelings
I was truly cursed once again
imprisoned in a state of mind where my feelings and emotions are scattered
making me feel weak and vulnerable
I did it to myself
I saw it coming

but I did whatever it took to make myself happy, even if I knew the consequences after
like everyone before, you abandon me
Once again I'm foolish and naive, thinking this time would be different
The Damage is Done
Dec 2013 · 798
Victoria Dec 2013
Who are You To Say That You are Who You Are
Look at Yourself in the Puddle of Rain Water Below Your Feet
are You Happy?
are You Sad?
Angry at Yourself?
Confused with Feelings & Emotions that Blur Your Personality        
That Constant Rush of Cold Blood Throughout The Veins of Your Body      
How Do You Know the Things You Know
Today is Tomorrow.  
Tomorrow was Today.
What About The Other Days i Forgot To Say?          
There's No Beginning and there's Certainly No End to My Story.
You'll Probably Figure Me Out Before I Do.
Nov 2013 · 629
Wade with The Waves
Victoria Nov 2013
Back and forth, as liquid energy hits,
Forcefully striking the tiny grains of sand.
Leaving nothing but damage and spirits,
Seeking lives upon this future wasteland.
Memoirs that make one think.
Disappears at a blink,
Once it bangs to the brink.
Everything wrecked,
Yet, the wave sinks back, but doesn’t correct.
But you soon forget the damage that’s left.
Oct 2013 · 553
Road to My Imagination
Victoria Oct 2013
It doesn't matter if your eyes are open or closed
as long as your third eye is always revealed
Take a deep breath and sink into thought
Get lost, but don't forget your way back
It's definitely not deceiving, only leading
Depending on how you were taught to think
The images in your head, in your perspective will always be good
Your way on how you want to see things is all up to you
No flipping coins and no rock, paper, scissors
You decide on how you want your mind to wander                    
Inspired by only a simple thought
See noises, hear aromas, smell colors
Everything is so vivid, never fading
Thoughts that make you believe it's real

This isnt a dream, just creative intelligence
Victoria Sep 2013
Daze off and mute everything
Run away as if you're being chased by anything
Think with an open mind
Close your eyes and become blind
Let thoughts run inside
Pretend there is no way to hide
Don't be afraid, it's only for a while
Once you come back you'll have a smile
Reality is a lovely place too
but I wouldn't want to be there with you
Go off and be pulled in by a dream
Don't worry, it's not a scheme
Trust me and you'll see
Hold my hand and follow me
Yes it's just one out of many creations
So many images, thoughts, and sensations
As long as they aren't wicked
Time will reward you if you're committed

I'm just a soul and you're just a human

Wake up, this is only an illusion

— The End —