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Mar 2013 · 487
bottom of the glass
it gave us power
it prohibited our empathy

growing older
growing deeper


we all conceive a different perception
of truth
of life

to accommodate
what we've been

then lies
to accommodate
what we've done

its satisfaction either way.
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
its in me

closed door
black out curtains
blacked out medicines

limited imagination

i give in
to you
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
shes my enemy
every time i see her coming
she tries to **** me

yeah alright shes my enemy
she sneaks up blade in hand
wanting that steel in me

pretend to dance around
shell go off and try to
make me forget

but yeah alright
shes my enemy
we spin each other
around and around

when i see her next time
dont say a word
cause im gonna creep
up on her

get her with my steely blade
watch her like she did me
as love from my eyes fade
Mar 2013 · 431
to eat an apple poisoned
is life...
we will do it and never know
its bitter taste
until it makes you sick

sick of
and what the hell ever is the
opposite of that

recovery is not a guarantee
certain pains and grievances
will vary by person

so take your bite
we all have to

dont be a *****
Mar 2013 · 437
in my dreams
another night slept
painlessly and burden free
induced by knockout meds
and  blacked out by
by beer wine or Jamesons
That combination is ******
on a saturated soul

but as ease of sleep surrenders
to perpetual Apollo and his rights
i woke......

now with sadness i have
to be productive
be active
be society

and while awake i
have never succeeded
like in sleep
eluding dreams of her.
Mar 2013 · 467
distant company
Its peril to use someone
they always use you back....
so expect it to drain
you low

And when you get there
baby theres company
company all around you


When you use another
expect to get used too
when you get lost
look up theres always company
Mar 2013 · 447
they always figure you out
there's always expectations
when you have limitations
all their eyes
turn towards you
when time has run out

and no one will let us out
and no one will let me out

she's not willing
she just wants
a soul and human feelings
and when she has what she wants
the others still are waiting

and no one gets away
and no one negotiates

when you finally heal
all you have is another day
the expectations crush you
and limit what you have to say
Mar 2013 · 775
adams complex
men fight for what they
see. touch. taste. smell
we grasp. fix. restore. repair

most are strong enough to endure
physical pains aches. diseases
without a hint of complaint

some are quiet never speak out
inside hoping their actions speak louder

men do not have the features
that make women beautiful
there are no smooth edges
there are no shapely thighs. *******

god did not bless man
god gave him woman

to ponder
to investigate
to protect
to engage

i hope she never makes us stop
Mar 2013 · 493
air tight
i want to reach up
choke myself
but everything is dead
from the neck up

stuffed away and never
want to remember

all i got is memories

no breath
no blood flow
no life or want for

dead from the neck down
Mar 2013 · 3.1k
mobile porn
half blindness
and all bitter
a squeeze
holding on so tightly

singing in a wail of tears
lies you told
Or overcome
in debt to your self

pain and sorrow
dont ****
passion and love do

lust and hate
tear you down
Mar 2013 · 592
loose luck gone dry
you owe me money
you stole my peace

i dont know what to do
so i drink and take her pills
but she shares and accepts
that all i want
is to drown my thoughts

days it works
nights i slay insomnia
and embrace amnesia
six hours later....
dawn breaks and it starts
all over again

i could use the money back
sitting on the couch
gets expensive and depressing

and the other ***** took
everything away from me too....


— The End —