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Cayce McQuillan Feb 2016
I'm hurting and it's cold outside.
Is it just me,
or is this frost bite developing faster than it should?
Or are your hands just cold enough to induce it?
I'm becoming numb.
I would put my hands by your heart for warmth
but what's the use?
My hands would turn stone cold in a matter of seconds.

Please, stop looking at me with those beating eyes
they're mocking me and making me shiver.
Do you hear that? Are my teeth chattering?
I can't tell with you trying to kiss me.
You breathing down my neck is giving me goose bumps,
as your voice leaves frost bite down my spine.

With every shiver
every shake
I'm afraid my bones may break.
Every time you touch me, it's so cold it hurts.
but you are my guilty pleasure.

As cold as you are,
I would still touch you, naked.
I would risk hypothermia if it meant I could kiss you
before I froze.
I would spend all night long,
lying in the snow to feel closer to you.
I would take on a blizzard
if it meant being able to hear your voice
one last time.
Cayce McQuillan Feb 2016
I want you to want me as a person
Please, do not compare me to sunsets
do not tell me that I am perfect,
or that you cannot live without me.

I am only a person
I am not a miracle, I am not your savior.
I am a person with thoughts, feelings, and flaws.

I can't save you,
but I'll be there for you as your side-kick
to help you save yourself.
You will fall,
and I will tell you to stand up,
but I can't make you. You have to want to stand up.

One day,
you will realize you are your own Hero
and I am just the factor that reminded you of that.

So don't depend on me.
Don't envision me to be something I am not,
because if I ever leave you,
you'll only see me as the Villain.

— The End —