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Aug 2014 · 471
Caty Aug 2014
Eleven years have passed
What may as well be a lifetime

He feels these constant feelings of hopelessness
"It is depression"
Says the man
Engulfed by his ironically white coat

Time is all there is to push him forward
His thoughts, his feelings, his hopes
They are drowning
He is drowning; sinking into a pool of viscous waste

Surrounded by mates he feels enlighten
Blood begins pumping into his dying heart
Excitement and thrills arrive
Clad in their armour and ready to pounce

But spasms
Like leaking faucets they flow, stream
Gush out without a sign of stopping
The shot is too far and the javelin of speech prematurely shoots

The crowd goes silent
Parting, after glances are passed
Those of disgust
Maybe annoyance

He knows what has happened
Now he must fall
Back down, he submerges himself
Into the abyss of darkness and desolation

Social affairs are his greatest fear
An unconquerable enemy who neither eats nor sleeps
It holds a double edged swords
Perpetually polished with his soul as a whetstone

His entire world is crashing down on him
There is nothing he can do
The truth is
Despair and despondence are his only friends

This feeling
These feelings
He has no help
He can not control

He is left to die
His bottle of tranquilizers
It will serve more use
Than the man in white could ever have imagined
Aug 2014 · 418
Caty Aug 2014
A fear is growing
The fear is nigh
When one is struck
It shakes their spine
Such a useless emotion
Sometimes I wish it'd die
Dec 2013 · 797
His Story
Caty Dec 2013
He picks up the glass again;
Piercing shards

Remainders of the night
Evidence of affliction

Tossed away
Once Again

To be forgotten
'till tomorrow

He feels the injustice
He is aware of its presence

Never taught to run
Never taught to speak

He stays, basking in his pain
In loneliness he cries

In neglect, he wipes his own tears;
Pats his own back

Using a comforting tone, he reassures himself
Saying everything's going to be alright

His life is agony
His time is short

He will depart, soon
In a pursuit of a better world

Never to have a relationship
Only a love

She'll drive him through boulders
Cause his head to throb

Burn his wallet;
like a lighter and gasoline

She'll put him to asleep
He'll make her keep him awake

She'll take him down that road
He'll depart her, and the rest of the world

They caused this,
She'll be to the blame

They can plead 5th
She can be scorned

Never did they see
Never did they look

What's to find when not searching?

They'll continue their life...

Their son won't
He has left them...
For something they never knew how to provide:

They heard the word
Even experienced

Never provided.
Pure Narcissism.

Their greatest possession is now gone
They lost sight of their true prerogative

They will never know
He never knew

An endless riddle
Look at yourself.
Dec 2013 · 622
The Work of a Knife
Caty Dec 2013
Whispering winds
Shallow lines

Curved in simplicity
Engraved with agony

Gasping for air
Hidden beneath

Covered by shame
Coated by society

They scream
Together cry out

Some, selfless and true
They ask her
What could cause my existence

She diverts attention
Hiding tears and truth

I need an end
I need bounderies

Block me
Stray away

I am no friend
Only pain

Step back
Dec 2013 · 771
A Dying Soul
Caty Dec 2013
Blissful agony
Beautiful pain

Taking over the soul
Of an innocent life

They may have lived
Instead they stare

Engraved with identity
Lost within a path

Forgotten though time
Pondered daily

A dying glow
A quenching glass

Biterness so sweet
On such a day
Jul 2013 · 713
Let's get out of here
Caty Jul 2013
Pain is all I feel
Pain is all I know

When my life will end
I sure would **** to know

How ever shall I do this?
Oh dearest, what shall I do?

I am asking for your input
So please, now do not be rude

I could dive up off a bridge
And hope for the very worst

Feel wind fly through my hair
and experience the rebirth

I could jump off the tallest building
Make headlines of the post

A brilliant view to never speak of
Says some fellow over toast

Or sure, I could just go pain free
And take the easy way out;

But why be normal
Why go with the flow
I will not even live
To hear of your groans

Oh heck! I could, I would, I should
But this is crazy and I'm not thinking how I should

I've got the motive, and most certainly have the brain
Sure as heck, I have got the pain

But who has got the time:
To rid of their time?

So please, just sing with me:
Life is not free,
N'or is it exempt from misery
Jun 2013 · 529
What am I doing?
Caty Jun 2013
I have so much to learn
Yet so little to share with the world

As I type and retype these words,
I question the direction- as well as motive

When the sun peers through the mustered drapes
My heart collapses, and my body once more refuses to rise

If past is any indication of the future
Then I'm in for hell

Pain is exponential
And so are the years that flutter continually by

The life I once had dreamed of
I now must  ordeal

My home is under the covers of a weathered blanket
-the sound of classical bellowing from a table, not far yonder

And as I work and wonder at the world
I count down the days to an inconceivable  dream

Let me share with you something; ever so true
No emotional pain surpasses that of someone who dwells utterly alone

We are social creatures
And without a friend or family member worthy of mention in the world,
It is a struggle within itself to be alive

May it be then,  that my prayers for a relative happiness be answered
and that with you, the deep peace of fallen dreams be ignited by the flames of love
Jan 2011 · 728
True Love
Caty Jan 2011
I believe that the world has a power
One that may be shared
Through the knowledge and possession
Of Love

It seems that only some may obtain such a power
As Love
And even fewer, the knowledge to obtain it

Loves takes the power of not one, but two hearts
The complete paramountcy  over two souls

Some endeavor to find ways around such sovereignty
To the miscalculation of their true proprietorship

They do not posses this mystical innervation
They are merely yet another of the most. naive.

"I may not be smart
But I know what love is"
It is heartbreaking
Some spend their lifespan in a lie
They believe a little hard work
Will cut them some slack

We have known for centuries
Of its true existence
And in days of old
They had no media
To forge the name of love

Love corrupts
Those who are possessed
Those who forged
Are plainly destructed

They conjecture that their efforts
Will compensate for the lack of connection
A castigation is placed
A sad tale is repeated

No love exists
As such that I have
You will know
When you can argue with such a statement
Oct 2010 · 706
Where are our hearts?
Caty Oct 2010
It seems that none are left today with hearts

If souls have mass

We are but figurines

Ornaments, in such a carlin wasteland

Undying with an image

Of molded plastic

If such a tear was shed for due the crime

The terror would but cease to run his plea

For souls no more can touch the scorching earth

'fore melting into dolls

So ever hollow

Songs we ring and dance to

Unknown why

In dark a shadow of the endward sigh

They give us such a thrill

Such inward drive

We cease to think of pain an near-by cry

Whilst in one blink of Lonely's morbid eye

I wonder why acceptance is yet made

As through dark streets,

"Help!" screamed

Is told to fade

I felt a presense

Alas, but have we all

The money and the cars

have fumbled in pursuing

But now,

I've found my rest

My dwelling place

How lovely such a word

Gather, hear, come 'ere

For near

Are echoes of such joy
catie blurr
Aug 2010 · 755
I'd love to watch you die
Caty Aug 2010
I'd love to watch you die
To see the color fade

For all the gloom and sorrow
To drift away by day

I'd know your threat had ceased
I'd rest in peaceful slumber

I'd go out on the rooftops
Annoucing, the great fall

Death! I tell you all
-For might we once have feared

We now are given reason
To sing out on the word

The birds would sing
The sun would shine

And life would live once more

I'd love to witness death
That is, of you my foe

To see a once forboding figure
Trampled down by silence

I'd laugh in hysterical muteness
I'd shed a joyful tear

No one would think to stop me
For once you'd stopped us all

As once a last breath taken
A joyful echo heard

No more the sound of silence
No more the sound of hurt

What left would be a corpse
A lonesome, fallen figure

The ghost of all once evil
Would sink below through screams

We, as now a whole
Would love to watch you die

— The End —