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2.1k · Sep 2013
To Thyself Be True
Restrain me, detain me,
corrupting thy mind has changed thee.
Radical thoughts of dimensional existence,
is turning on lights to a further persistence.
What you see is what I show, walls come down when I finally know.
What we reap is what we sow.
Do you doubt these words that flow?
Read my eyes to hear my mind, Ignorance will lead you blind, so lend an ear and hear my secret.
I create how I perceive it, take my hand and feel this power.
Energy's our vital tower
Cleansing souls like a blissful shower, as we depict what we choose to devour.
I'm starting to realize the struggle is real and that is the reality of how I must feel.
The best montage that sets me free, unlocking answers I hold the key.
You are someone just like me living life vicariously!
1.7k · Sep 2013
Taste of Mind
There was a time I held a frown,

when my own actions brought me down.

While Part of me jumped in the sea,

to drown in self caused misery.

Mistakes are seeds that haters breed,

thriving on the need to feed.

Overwhelmed with fear and doubt,

I tried to take the easy route

but failed when God helped me out.

"They want to bring you down" he said

"This time use your strengths instead".

Past mistakes now lessons learned,

It's funny how the tables turned.

You thought you had the best of me

but I am my worst enemy!
1.1k · Sep 2013
Looking around, nothing to do,

should I be me or somewhat like you?

Everyone standing in groups more than two,

should I be me or dress like you do?

Sometimes I don't even know how I feel,

is this a dream because it seems so real.

Changing my ways just to be like them,

doesn't sound like the perfect end.

To be myself is what I'd do,

individuality is what makes you be you.

Nobody can take it,

it's yours to keep.

Don't change for no one,

or you won't be unique.

There's no right answer,

but this question is for you...

Would you be me or would you be you?

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820 · Sep 2013
Eyes Know Lies
Subsequently you resent thee,

for the loathing that you hide.

No condoning, just corroding,

as it's spiraling inside.

Subsequently you resent thee,

for the answers I sustain.

Condescending, your pretending,

that your mending hearts of pain.

Contradicting and deflecting,

all your negligence in vain.

While I'm condoning without showing,

beneath I see where truths remain.
544 · Sep 2013
Alone or All One
Where we live and what we do,

should not affect what one pursues.

An image once believed as true,

is now governed by the ignorant few.

Their spreading lies to gain more power,

depicting dreams one will choose to devour.

Taking control while disguising it as a freedom,

rhetorical question, is it me who truly needs them?

Challenge authority when you’re told what to do,
For your heart holds whats right,
and your soul knows what’s true.

To all whose minds are severely sedated,

open your eyes to what’s being created!
521 · Sep 2013
By The Way
I'm thankful we met even if only a season,

the deed is now done whatever the reason.

You saw brightness at end before all this was done,

I felt left in the dark but I knew who had won.

So I took what was mine given infinite right,

and you walked toward the light without any fight.

All the moments we've shared may now seem to be over,

but we'll meet once again when we're spiritually sober.

— The End —