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1.5k · Aug 2011
Lead Balloons
Fly away with me to faraway lands.
We'll start over from scratch
And pretend our past is nothing but fiction.

Let's float away like balloons
With no strings attached
And see where the wind will take us.

It wouldn't matter where we went.
As long as we were together
We could weather any storm.

We could float back
To days filled
With carefree laughs and effortless smiles.

We could soar together the way we once did
Before we were punctured
And crashed to solid ground.

You used to live with the stars in your eyes
And the sky as your only limit.

But now there are rocks in your shoes
Leaving you grounded to earth,
Afraid to take off into the horizon.

I look at you and see
Your eyes dead
Of any spark they once held.

So I suppose this is goodbye.

One last chance to throw away the restraints,
Let go, and fly away once more
Off into the distance.

You can take my hand in yours
Like you have so many times before.

But your head is down
With your eyes cast in mud,
Stuck in the filth that
Cakes your feet to the earth.

Can you feel the wind beneath you
Ready to swallow you whole?

I raise my eyes to the setting sun
Knowing in a few short hours
Dawn will break again.

Until then I'll just have to wait.
Because I won't let you bring me down
Like the lead balloon you have become.
1.1k · Aug 2011
The shards' shallow silhouette
Dance across the faded white walls
Lighting up the small, cold room in
Swirling, blinding colors.

She thinks how brilliant they look,
So serene and alone against the blank canvas
As scattered piles of shattered pieces
Lay forgotten on the battered floor.

She stands outside the broken window
Looking through its dented, rusty pane.
Her fragile hands grasp the edge
As she tries to catch the jumping light.

Sultry warmth crawls down her fingertips
As glass pierces her translucent skin
And she's faced with the contrast of red on white.

She thinks of how beautiful it looked
From behind the window pane
And wonders how such loveliness
Could cause such pain.

But as she turns from the tainted room
And sees the harsh and jagged lines of the glass,
She realizes she wasn't seeing what was there.
She was caught in shadows.
869 · Aug 2011
Wendy's Wish
Second star to the right
And straight on 'til morning:
That's where you told me
I could always find you,
And together we would become
Little lost boys and girls
Not belonging to anyone but ourselves.
Isn't that where you promised
To keep me?
That sacred place where dreams are born
And time is never planned?
"Think happy thoughts"
Is all you said I had to do
To escape this world and fly away with you.

Oh, how I wish I could fly.

But that crocodile had other plans
And caught me in his sinking teeth.
I was stolen by
The treacherous ticks and tocks
I have come to fear the most.

You promised we would never grow old.

So let's go back.
Back to when kisses were thimbles,
And when a tiger lily was more than just a flower.
I'll just clap my hands
And try so hard to believe
That I will always be this young
And you will sprinkle me with dust
So you can take me back,
Back to Neverland.
Disclaimer: Obviously inspired by JM Barrie's "Peter Pan." I have no intention to copy or steal any of Barrie's masterful work.
634 · Aug 2011
Never Be
I passed you on the street today
And fought that void I tried to hide.
We seemed like strangers
But felt like lovers
Who never got the chance to love.

Frozen in this timeless moment,
Lost in dreams that remain unreal,
Our paths cross once more and
I see the future that could have been
Fade and dim like a dying flame.

I longingly remember falling on the floor,
Unable to breathe as laughter consumed us.
Air seemed worthless next to you,
And the choking pain that filled my lungs
Seemed saccharine when your eyes met mine.

How sweet and carefree life seemed to be
By simply standing close to you
As though the world outside of us
Could never reach the quiet solace
Of you and I and lazy days.

I wonder if she makes you laugh
Or if she breaks down your defense.
Do you lose your breath when she smiles
And come undone when you feel her skin?
Is she everything I could never be?

An awkward smile and a fleeting glance
Is all you offer as you walk by.
But I can't fight the silly wish
That you'll turn around just once and say,
"I miss you, too."
603 · Aug 2011
she sits across the room in silence
waiting, watching, willing for a sign
that she can stand up and reach
the bright, brilliant lights she sees.

she sees them blink like diamonds at dusk,
casting fluttering shadows across her skin.

she searches for the moment when she
will hold that light in her pale, small hands
and catch its dance between her nimble fingers,
letting the warmth seep into her skin.

she can almost feel it coursing through her veins
as it flows to parts of her that remain unknown.

she dreams of the tingling heat;
the hidden, hallowed, horrible heat
that cries out to each freezing corner
of an old, bitter, empty room.

she watches as the lights begin to sway
with visions of hope marring her sight.

she never loses the ghostly thoughts
of a life that was meant to live
outside the padded walls that keep her
deep within this darkest place.

she wonders if they see what she sees,
or if they keep her here because they can't.

she hears the uneven melody of metal against glass
and smiles as the lights descend upon her
so quickly she barely notices the rush of heat
as they quickly crash and shatter at her feet.

she smiles and feels it surround her now,
as the heat consumes her and she goes blind.

— The End —