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Do you wish to see her?
Then soft steps and quick eyes
For she rises with the summer sun
To bathe in sparkling dewdrops, this beloved little one

Do you wish to see her?
Then soft steps and quick eyes
For she chases the wind blown leaves of Fall
To fashion gowns for Autumn's Ball

Do you wish to see her?
Then soft steps and quick eyes
For she tiptoes across the freshly fallen snows
Collecting glitter and dancing with shadows as she goes

Do you wish to see her?
Then soft steps and quick eyes
For hands on hips, this tiny one rules every grassy hill
Beckoning Spring and every other season, to come at her will
What makes someone irresistible?
What is it about those scrumptious men and women?
Why it so impossible for us to not dive into the many fathoms of their depths?

Their Sunlight
Their Twilight
Their Midnight
Their Abyss
Their Trenches

Why are we so driven to understand them?*
The dreams they have for tomorrow
The struggles that built and marked their backbones
The tantalizing perfume of their scented thoughts ...
... That tease and lead us to the out of reach places of their minds*

How privileged we feel just to hang upon their edges
For a chance to breathe the breath of their soul's exhalations
As I walk through  fallen and scarcely trodden snow

My heart as heavy as my weary footsteps
Keeps company with resilient leaves and broken branches

I miss you and today I feel the steady pull of your love

Just as this winter moon stirs the sleeping bear
It stirs up in me a longing for you

The need for your physical presence
Rises up within me like the tide
With no place to fall except from my eyes

And even though you'd be the first to hush my curse

I **** mortality and I **** the fates
And I envy the other side of Heaven's gates

*For there you are ... there you are
There is a love
Growing deep inside
Rolling at the edges of me
Like the dunes

Rising higher than the tall grass
That shelters shy lovers

When I close my eyes
I dream of making love to you
Can you feel the pull of
This love inside my heart

Surging ~ Swelling ~ Crashing
A yearning that erodes boundaries

Lover, can you hear the call of my ocean
My tide rising to meet you
Wade into my deep waters
Lacy froth rushing upon the shore

I am eager to know the touch of your warm flesh
Let me cradle you between my waves
As hours sweep
Days unfold
Moments entwine

We call out greetings
They acknowledge and smile
But quickly move along

Deep down is the hidden treasure
Trembling heart and quivering soul
Flanked by icy thoughts that refuse to warm

Hinged in the middle is their wagging tongue
Tirelessly sharing all that you've done

With any ear that will bend its way
Hoping to turn a double play

To gain sympathy and have their legend live on
Oh! What a triumph for a wagging tongue

And although it's irksome to be the target of malice
In any situation there can be found solace

Hinged tongues delight in the breaking apart
The details that might conflict are omitted from the start

But  (pay attention this is the good part)

In the midst of all that flurry of tongue and ear
The wheat from chaff also becomes quite clear

So, pay attention, watch and see
Who's left standing next to thee

It's not your business anyway, the stuff an injured tongue has to say
Choose to put it behind you today. Head high, walk away.

For the barbed tongue will always stay busy
And you mustn't indulge in an egocentric tizzy

Let them rob the graves of memories put to rest
Invest in the living! Fuel the dreams that lie in your breast.
"What is it you're really about anyway?"*

Why is it you want to know?
Is it the words that flow off my tongue
Or my actions that have stirred up this need for clarity?
In your mind, do I require pigeon holing?
So you can sort through the assemblage of me
Keep what pleases you and throw the rest away?

How sad ... for us both
I can close my eyes
And envision you
Spread out above me
Like the Heavens

I can reach out
Into the Milky Way
Discover and uncover
All your constellations

I can imagaine as I loosen
My limbs from weighty blankets
I'm free of gravity's hold
And rising up ... up ... up to meet you
I dreamed of a world where pussywilllows flew
And their soft bodies filled the air around me

The whirring of their evolutionary winged flight
Sent vibrations coursing
Causing every tiny hair on my body

To stand
***** ~ Alive ~ Eager
To reach
In surprise and awe

I dreamed of a world where Mother cats prowled
Nomads moving freely with kittens in  mouths
Nurturing their young in the ways of the feral psyche

The air I breathed came alive
Charging against the boundaries of my lungs

Pressing, infusing
Ocean ~ Wind ~ Animal
The wild
Fruitful and untamed
Written about a recent dream.
Why did you bury Yesterday in such a shallow grave?
Why invest so much of your time in what no longer exists?

There you are, on your hands and knees
In the overturned dredgings of the past

Why must you insist upon exhuming the elapsed?
Constantly picking through and re-examining memories and moments

It would seem that you are looking for evidence ... of what?
*Are you hoping to find a pulse of life, among all that decay?
Emptied and yet heavy with grief
She made the pilgrimage back to the Birch grove
Where once upon a time she played as a child

She made a nest from yesterday's golden and fallen
Crawled in and lie waiting
For the North to come and mercifully it came

Thick and harsh winter tears lay
Icy and frozen on her lashes
As beneath whitened eyes, stories replayed

Shoving and jostling each other
Among the snowy branches of her ancestral tree
Hungry to be the first retold

Silently, they filled her mind
Beginnings and endings sinking
Into her bones like moons slipping into dawn

And her stories are finally put to rest
And they will remain there, asleep and still beneath her winter tears

Absolvi - to swallow and absorb our loved ones and our own, dark offences. To let these offences find their place in our bones and our marrow and lay them to rest there. Allowing hearts to be free to finally unlock the gates of their purgatory and enter into a new and untouched land, a "state" of grace, perhaps with the one you love, perhaps not ... but more importantly, with yourself and with your soul intact." - Madame Zora
I stood contained within the walls where I once drew small breaths and saw life unfold

Where I first broke bread and filled my cup with dry pieces of crust

A sprinkle of sugar, a measured pour of canned milk, topped with boiling water

There was little talk
Words, too, were rationed

Silence clung to his footsteps like a shadow
Stilling every tongue and quieting movements

but just outside the door

(The one with plastic wrap tacked over its broken window)
There was grass and sky, woods and river

Places and spaces I ached for

I could not have described for you the nature of those longings
To do so would have required words beyond my ken

Words I never heard

Their eyes never seemed to see what I saw
Their ears never heard what mine heard
Or if they did ...
They never shared a whisper of it with me

I was surrounded but alone
Perhaps they were too ...
Wriggle out of last years limitations!
Stretch beyond the confines of those outdated walls!

The safety of that cocoon no longer fits your glorious wings
Break free and fly
And as you soar to new heights

May ♥ curiosity, ♥ a desire for peace and ♥ lust for life
Fill your lungs with a fire that tempers and strengthens all you breathe upon.
There was a wilderness about her that was savage in its intensity
The woman's spit was fluid fire ~ liquid desire
I was given 3 random words (savage, desire and spit ) and was instructed to write a poem as long or as short as I desired.  The above is what I came up with.
Blight was found on her roots
It would give rise to a most loathsome shadow
I was given 4 random words (blight, rise, roots, shadow) and was instructed to write a poem as long or as short as I desired.  The above is what I came up with.
Your eyes hold their tongues
And keep their wishes secret
Mysterious, deep and dark

Riddle or Prison house?

Your vulnerability crowns you
And keeps you at arms length
Shaming those who might attempt advancement

You don't have to be good
Living just to do the things they tell you, you should

You don't have to be right
Tiptoeing all around your heart, afraid to live your life

You don't have to repent
For being a woman who lives her life without their consent

Woman of the heart live from your soul
Dig in the Earth, where came the rib
Breathe from your soul
Let bare foot keep time with Magdalene's Choir
Let it bless your lips  and bless your hips
And set your blood on fire

**No, You Don't Have To Be Good
You say you're moving forward?

But how can that be
When clinging to the past
How can the future be seen?

You frown and glare
And yes, it's your choice

You rant and rave
Well, at least  you've found your voice

Convinced you are entitled

You sit and fume
Wearing your lovely crown of righteousness
In your cold damp tomb

With new fervor, you seek those
Who'll never change their minds

The dependable, the scrupulous and virtuous
Those who never cross the line

Well I'm sorry to say...*

They simply don't exist
Except for those found on
Imagination's list

— The End —