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I believe in you and must not try to tame you

I am learning that it is enough just to sit with and lie with

That it is enough just to listen to words being softly strung together

Rhythmic sounds conceived in mind, of heart and soul

Giving birth to desires and prayers

Lay your head on my lap my love

Loosen the restraints of the day

Unravel and find your rest in me

Drink deeply of my devotion

From the wellspring of my openness

I am in awe of your beauty and must not try to claim you

I am learning that it is enough to trust the nature of man and woman and allow

My fingers the freedom to travel, to dance, to trace and to follow

Your curves and caverns, seeking warmth, pulse of body and wilderness

Swallowing love's sweetness whole

Lay your head on my lap my love
I am alive when you touch me, for I touch you

As you know me, I know you

Watch me as I lean into or away from

One element, open to another; who in turn leans into

Or veers from my earthy scent and rough caress

We all are seeking

Yearning to explore, be explored

To understand, to be understood

To penetrate, root into and connect with life

Stretching limbs and roots into the unknown

To touch and to know we are alive

There is roughness

That is part of truth

A toughness that comes with survival

Traces are left behind when we expand into each other's worlds

We are affected by all who come to give, who come to take

Bent branches, faded foliage, scarred skin

Do these markings make us less or more
Jan 2013 · 686
Gobble Up Cake
Prudent and gingerly is a careful way to spend one's day

Although it makes the passing of time move dreadfully slow

Gives too much time to notice hair dwindle and grey

And to have ninety nine years of that...oh please No

Taking care of our minds and bodies is a right thing to do

But seven days a week, that's a bit much to bear

We might take one day or even two

To rebel against the steady, our trials and cares

Dance these mornings on grape laden floors

A rose in hair and one between *******

To a Spanish guitar that makes spirits soar

With a love that knows its quest

Gobble up cake!  Eat with bare hands

Strut like a peacock in finery

Living spontaneously, every moment unplanned

For a day or two ~ limitless and free
Jan 2013 · 563
The Fortresses We've Built
It occurs to me that often our struggles are with Fortresses we've built

Every vow and promise we've spoken
Each, acted as a sturdy wooden beam

Blessed by our passion and determination, they fastened together

Shielding and protecting those that we most cherished
And thus created a safe haven for many tomorrows

**Is it any wonder then that attempts at deconstruction are often so difficult?
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Sacred She
Why do you continue to sleep this night?
Like so many others, refusing to awaken
I am losing patience with your lack of knowing
With your avoidance to feel

Hear me ... Come to me

Come back to the fore mother's womb
Know your place of origin
It is time for you to be born again of blood and lust
Time to drink deep and be nourished by Ancestral *******

I come to you in the quietness of the night
I come to you with arms that ache to hold you
With a tongue that burns to share with you
All that has been denied you for too long

What is happening to me?

I did as I was told. I followed the formula.

Studied well. Worked hard. Fell in love..
Why was it all taken from me? What is left for me?

Doing and not “Being” leaves no time for the sacred
You wonder why the emptiness grows inside you?
Let me love you into growing and into knowing
The truth of the fullness of a woman

Time to leave your antiseptic cocoon
Time to touch, to burn, to feel
Time to leave the shackles of other's man made rules
And dare to create your own from having lived

So many fear the dark.
But water and fire gather in the dark places below.
The brave and bold have learned to go there eagerly
They run with pulses racing.
Their bodies flushed, warm, alive.

Hear me ... Come to me

Tonight we shall meet and touch
It is our intention to reclaim all that has been lost to us
It is our intention to give to you, all that has been denied
Dare to free your body.
Dare to open your soul.

Hear me ... Come to me

Let me dig deep into your soul
Become one with your Ivory bones
Know the harmony of your blood's song
Find the place where I belong

Let my footsteps echo within your mind
Journey with me through space and time
Let me turn you inside out
Breathe the Breath from your sweet mouth

A pulse throbs and rushes
A tongue denied...salivates
A covert glance...seeks to be engaged
Flesh and mind flooded with new yearning...are hungry
Woman of the heart, Let thunder roll
Dig in your earthiness,
Follow your roots to your flesh
And find us dancing in your blood

You don't have to tiptoe around your heart
Dig in. Know it. Own it.
Trust the knowing will bless your lips and your hips
And set your world on fire!
This poem is being used in a ten minute experimental art film "Sacred She" by Artist and Film maker, Renee Laprise. A link to discover more about the making of this film is attached here.
Jan 2013 · 507
Ode to the Blank Page
We sit poised with pen over you

So much to divulge ... explain ... confess

But the sight and smell of your brightness, your freshness causes us to hesitate

It's not your fault that you fill our hearts with hope and sadness

At the sight of you, we are filled with the longing

To know the opportunity of having once again, a clean page spread before us

A new path eager for our markings to meander over it

Ones that are not weighted down so heavily

As to smear and tear with a past that bogs down and trips up

But you know there is no such possibility

You know there is no future where the past does not make itself welcome

And still you lie there spread open before our disquiet

Silent in your trust and in your vulnerability

We marvel at your courage and wonder if we could ever be so noble
Jan 2013 · 2.3k
The Woodland Fairy
Do you wish to see her?
Then soft steps and quick eyes
For she rises with the summer sun
To bathe in sparkling dewdrops, this beloved little one

Do you wish to see her?
Then soft steps and quick eyes
For she chases the wind blown leaves of Fall
To fashion gowns for Autumn's Ball

Do you wish to see her?
Then soft steps and quick eyes
For she tiptoes across the freshly fallen snows
Collecting glitter and dancing with shadows as she goes

Do you wish to see her?
Then soft steps and quick eyes
For hands on hips, this tiny one rules every grassy hill
Beckoning Spring and every other season, to come at her will
Jan 2013 · 503
I **** you
Crush you
Grind every last bone
To add to my tea ... yet
You resurrect

You **** me
Feast on me
**** the marrow from my bones
To feed your hunger ... yet
I resurrect

And the cycle continues
The story repeats
How many deaths must love endure before it's deemed worthy of peace
I love how we dig each other
Each of us, the Archaeologist of the other
Recovering linguistics,
Physics, and chemistry
Unearthing from within each other
Sacred pieces forgotten
And perhaps, pieces not yet realized

Yes, I love how we dig each other
Jan 2013 · 444
Breathing Life into Clay
And though it be constant
Isn't it strange
This process of Living
Seems all about change

Opportunities arriving
Too early ... too late
Leaving us stranded
Just beyond Heaven's gate

Heavy souls weighted down
With the dust of habit's fate
Naked souls riding high
Caring not, what lies in wait

Every soul a living story
Breath of life into clay
Oh! All those smiles and tears
That can not melt one word away
Jan 2013 · 669
Swallowing the Ruins Whole
Every tear with its sting busied itself
Gathering from her past
They flew from fragmented piece to piece
Swallowing the ruins whole
Millstones weighing down tiny bellies
Were no match for this resolute air squadron

They were heading to the wilderness to regurgitate her past
Regenerate cell by cell
Rebuild the Lost City
Restore the Land of Milk and Honey
Reclaim the holy and the sacred
Reinforce with cedar's resin
Jan 2013 · 404
As hours sweep
Days unfold
Moments entwine

We call out greetings
They acknowledge and smile
But quickly move along

Deep down is the hidden treasure
Trembling heart and quivering soul
Flanked by icy thoughts that refuse to warm

Can you feel the liveliness of words as they form in your head and slip off your tongue
Each syllable pulsating, merging and finding its rhythm

Alive ...

Taking root, nourishing the mind with the palatable, digestible and the succulent
Riding the winds to the four corners and back

Gathering and giving
Gathering and taking

Alive ...

Igniting notions and philosophies, fancies and yearnings
Drenching, pulling you under and steeping you in your own thoughts

Alive ...
Jan 2013 · 637
Their Disapproving Stares
Their disapproving stares could not tame
Nor their prayers quench the fire in her veins

This tempestuous primal bloom with skin that smelled of lavender and tasted like the sea
Had a thorny sting as sharp as the arrogant wasp

"The loss! The loss!" they warned as they tugged and pulled on the hem of her skirt
But she kept walking, staying one step ahead of the fullness of their grasp and her own wind blown shadow

They responded,  "Go then! You are in God's hands now!"
Their words stopped her and she turned to face them, "Indeed and I go gladly. Perhaps you'd care to join me?"
Jan 2013 · 376
There is Beauty to be Found
There is beauty to be found when we take time to sift through the ruins

But it takes courage to handle broken shards of what once was

And it takes willingness to feel the pain

Shed the tears

Howl at the moon

No precious stones or metals here

Just clay, breath, blood and bone

We must become our own alchemists

Heat our own precious life

With the fires of passion and desire for our own sake

For what good are we to the world

If we are no good to ourselves
Jan 2013 · 251
Thank you
How glorious to venture outside the limitations of my own mind

Experience life through your eyes, your hearts, and your souls

Thank you for sharing your world

Mine is so much more for your opening it to me
Jan 2013 · 577
Harvesting the past
Examining every chunk
Swallowing mudstone after mudstone
That compete to be the first
To weigh down a hungry belly
But they hold no threat
For a belly on fire
1300 degrees fahrenheit

I have closed my eyes
And gulped LIFE down whole
Heads, tails
And all the innards
So you are in my wilderness now
~ Juicy red cell upon cell ~
All containing history, geography, chemistry, language
And story

But we are all more than our stories
Aren't we
So much more
This is just the beginning

Jan 2013 · 312
After the Dark of Winter
At dawn’s rising
Soul stirs  
It travels the expanse of body
Lighting fires
Whispering delicious words to inspire  
Making  flames leap higher
So high and hot
As breath leaves lungs and lips
The smoke of breath
Hits the air

Silky and alive

Awakened limbs undulating
Find freedom from cover
Feet hit the floor
Body rises
Hips sway with purpose
And with every stride
You heat the air
And claim it with your scent
You own this space

Alive by God!


— The End —