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 Jan 2013 Cat Otherwise
Now in Life's Chronicle of Time Vanished,
Dismissed! Sweet vapour of thy life to me;
Golden laughter seized, for'er banished.
How I yearn to breathe precious life to thee!
Thy happy voice by death's hand silenced, still
Yet echoes in my dreams and bleeding heart.
Mem'ries shall ne'er this empty void fulfill
Nor rapturous bliss to my soul impart.
O! Could I but return to years bygone
My love for thee gladly would I unfold!
Cruel mockery of fate its course hath run
And grasped thee in sodden bed so cold.
Yet thy life has past, a tale once told.
Love eternal my heart shall for'er hold.

In loving memory of my dear mother, Marian Hostedler November 2, 1910—August 1, 1996 aged 85.
For someone who does nothing
but look up to everyone,
his gaze
stays firmly on
the ground.
 Jan 2013 Cat Otherwise
Tom Orr
She took my hand and followed me
through the trees,
under the archway made of ivy
(flanked by pristinely carved hedges)
into the vast, open field
which met the ethereal red sun
on the horizon.

We sat in the fresh grass,
cool in the evening air.
All the while we stayed silent,
just admiring the untouched space.
Each blade of grass before us
swayed gently,

Time had stopped
but everything was still living.
Still moving.
As if this place were not included
in Time's perseverance.  
I didn't want it to be,
it was too important to me.

It occurred to me then
that it wasn't this place
that I valued the most at all
It was this moment.

And I captured it.
 Jan 2013 Cat Otherwise
Tom Orr
Glimmering lights from the powerful skyline,
reflected like jet flames in the River Thames.
Lights multiplied by the flash of a camera,
capturing beauty in it's searching lens.

I wasn't so sure of here before,
but now I know there will always be
a place in my heart for this great city.
A home, a hub for the bustling race.

Some say mind over matter,
I say heart over mind,
but my heart has learned to love
that which my mind has made a matter.
dark winds of self-doubt
blow furiously today
in their sway i flee
toward those same old roads
where i sure do suffer

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish,
“writing about a writer's block is better than not writing at all”
― Charles Bukowski, The Last Night of the Earth Poems

Its not writer's block really...I just feel my work has become repetitive and stuck! :(
When I felt like nobody cared, YOU were there,
Soothing the wounds in my heart…

When I felt life was not worth it, YOU came around,
And proved the opposite…

When no one knew my worth, YOU showed me,
How much I meant to you…

When I had issues, YOU supported me,
Showing me how much I need you…

Now, when I look back, I have no regrets,
Because to know YOU is to know LOVE

Harish Natarajan
Copyright © Harish Natarajan
This poem was written by my husband :) This is what he has to say about this poem :
"Wrote this poem in Hindi in the year 2001 during my B.Tech years..but left writing after that due to work load...but I think the DNA is still there :-)....Dedicated to all the lovely women out there...including my woman :-)"
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