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Rarely do i run from vulnerability.
Pulling heart strings is like pulling teeth in others.
They wince at the thought,
But its never as bad as it seems & ultimately they're left with relief.
I see that you're depleated,
Years of colors bleeding has left you in a gray wash.
I splash beautiful spectrums here and there, they adorn you vibrantly for a moment before fading away.
I see the same spark in your eyes, come and go.
A fire that burns wild before self snuffing.
You ache to rekindle the flame,
if only for a moment,
Spreading wildfires.
Burning everthing in your path until theres nothing left but ashes.
I often lose myself in a simple moment,
Surrendering to the universe, merging into one,
The one we have always been.
The one we will always will be.
Sometimes we build walls,
Walls that only exist in the construct of our minds..
An illusion of seperation.
Seperating us from our true selves,
From eachother,
From all that is,
Tap into the frequency,
We rise and fall..
What wave length are you on?
   Nothing but transmitters and recievers sharing information within a cosmic web.
Weave wisely.
I'm just a simple girl,
-like quantum physics.
My composure stays as steady as a hurricane.
I am the eye.
Wreeking havvock on my surrounding,
It comes naturally.
And in the after math i am the sunshine that peeks through the clouds, kissing you on the cheek.
We are one,
Energetic forces,
Harm is not what i intend,
Like a tornado,
It takes the proper conditions.
Some day i am water,
A gentle stream,
Ebbing and flowing with my surroundings.
Some i am fire, consuming all that is around me,
To be reborn.

I am cosmic forces, the universe feeling itself.
Eyes wide open,
Mouth sealed shut,
Choking on my own tongue,
Suffocated by words unspoken.
Broken by words uttered,
Utterly misunderstood.

No strength left.
Authenticity unwanted.
Cutting off every rough edge.
I don't want to fit in your box.

I am not small.
I will stand tall,
larger than life.
One of those nights,
When it's almost impossible to fight the tears.
Everything hits you at once.
& you don't know where to turn, so you stuff your leaky face tight into a pillow , & cling to blankets , as if they will actually hug you back,
The moment of uncertainty &
clarity, that stings something fierce, shaking you up.. knocking you down..

You close your sleepy eyes, longing for some peace.. falling to pieces ,
In a world that ceases, for no one, yet makes way for everyone.
Beautifully bittersweet.
Here's to the Insomniacs,
Deprived of the blissful retreat , to dream sweet.
to the girl, with the anxiety attacks..
Who holds her composure,
When the strength lacks..
To the boys who are ashamed to cry,
Hanging their heads,
  all wondering why..
Why must we feel this way?
Embarking on a battle..
Every single day.
Just hoping for sunshine,
A breath of fresh air,
To help them unwind,
what's life, if not to feel alive?
You deserve to be happy ,
Not deprived..
Please darlings, spread your wings..
& learn to fly.
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