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Cassidy Jul 2013
she acts like winter,

trying to keep warm

but still so cold,

she falls like rain,

coming down hopelessly,

colliding with the ground below,

she knows not of how

hurt she really is,

but inside is a heart,


shattered in many pieces,

that cannot be put back

Cassidy Jul 2013
My life
is pointless
and dull,
just like the end
of a used pen,
creating nothing
but more scratches,
and mindless scribbles
on paper,
in life
Cassidy Jul 2013
It was like the flames
around the sun had lit up
the irisis around my eyes,
creating such flawless,
seemingless beauty was too easy;
the sun had it's way with me,
lighting up my day after
the clouds had shed a few tears;
the rain drops had fallen off
of the tree from above and danced
around the corners of my tea cup,
the sun finally had reached the top of the sky, letting light shine through the clouds over the mountains, creating a beautiful day;
after all, that is nature's purpose,
to compose such beauty
Cassidy Jul 2013
moon light shined off the irisis of her eyes,
creating the tides,
she brung in the waves
that once use to wash up upon your heart;
soaking up the sea foam
from within your veins,
the esquisite lining
around every tear drop
that had fallen into the ocean,
reached your soul;
they cried out, the pain,
the heart ache, the sorrow,
you felt it, you felt it all;
you then knew,
she was apart of you, again

— The End —