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Apr 2013 · 1.4k
Flowers on Headstones
Cassandra Watson Apr 2013
it seems the ground is stirring
With those who have been long forgotten
By those who are slowly rotting
The blackened sky silent
in mourning for those lost
The crescent moon somber
as it shines down upon the forsaken
Not a sound, only the stirring
The constant movement, the restlessness
No creaking limbs from barren branches
No mellifluous whispers from the wind
Nothing to mask the stirring
That horrid dreaded stirring
A cold blanket shrouds the grounds
Trying to quell those who are abandoned
Trying to silence them
Trying to lay them to rest
But it is a distasteful embrace
A cold and unpleasant embrace
Tomb to tomb
Grave to grave
Each so similar, yet so different in their ways
A different epitaph
A different life story
But it all ends the same way
With a fleeting thought and a relinquishing sigh
Death gives them a subtle kiss
Before they could ever say goodbye
The air has a bitter taste
That of sorrow and tears
Of those who were once remembered
Of the ones that stir
But as death can never be avoided
And time waits for no man
Slowly, the tear stains on the markers faded
And those that stir are left in waiting
A solemn and grimly sight it is
To see what awaits us all
A dark descent into hollow ground
Where we shall turn from something to nothing
It is a fate that is inevitable
a destiny that is unavoidable
To become the stirring that lies beneath
Where we shall, as well, wait restlessly
But there is something that has been unnoticed
An aspect that has been overlooked
The sweetness
There is something sweet in the air
A light-hearted scent obtruding the trepidation
A superfluous aroma cloaking the anguish
What is that wondrous scent?
What is that which makes the dead stir less?
But a vibrant arrangement
A beautiful bouquet
Of exquisite pink carnations
And lovely blue forget-me-nots
The flowers seem to be smiling
Wistfully smiling
Warming that which is cold
And lifting up spirits that were once so low
In full bloom
they seem to be singing
Singing a soft melody of tranquility
Comforting those that stir below
With a reminder that they are not alone
A reminder that we should all heed
That we will never be forgotten
So long as there are flowers for headstones
We shall never be utterly alone.
Mar 2013 · 494
Hope and Heart
Cassandra Watson Mar 2013
My bones seemed to have toppled over one another
Forcing me to fall to my knees
The quivering and trembling in my finger tips
Traveled a vibrating sensation to my lips
That constant thrumming inside of my arteries
Harmonizes with the pounding in my heart
Look at what you do to me in such a short amount of time
You can steal the air I breathe from my lungs
And replace it with a genuine kiss
My whole perspective on a once oblique world
Was painted over with colors from my heart and your soul
All the sensations that shoot right through me
Were shot by an arrow with hands that caress and cherish
That warming bonfire that lies within my bare chest
Was kindled by a hand that was willing to reach out to me
Never did I conceive that the haze could be lifted
Like a veil that has blocked my vision for years
I never bore the thought that it can be you and me
That I could love, be loved, and not be naive
All labeled me to be nothing but a foolish girl
With all her hopes and dreams out on cloud nine
But I consider myself not a foolish lover
But a person who can love throughout the impossible odds
I did not know this person was real
That my body was telling me something
The feelings and emotions that flow through me
Are all something considered unconditional
You lifted me out of the ashes I wept in
And told me that new life will branch out from the old
The heart-ache and weeping from constant mistakes
Is only the fertilizer for the love that will continue to grow
Your kind words and gentle hands
Keep these feelings inside alive and thriving
You water my roses with such sympathy and care
Despite all of our previous affairs
So my bones will still shake and my fingers will always tremble
When my gaze meets with yours
Dec 2012 · 1.2k
Cassandra Watson Dec 2012
Whatever shall happen, shall happen
Whatever will be, will be
In the grand tapestry of the universe
Everything that has been done
Is being done
And will be done
Comes with certain intentions
With these intentions, we shall either rise or fall
For every cause has its consequences
And every effect is with reason
The only offer we are given
The only thing that can be done
Is a choice
Is our choice
To alter the fabric of reality
To make a difference
Whether good or bad
But all must be done in caution
All must be done with a bit of uncertainty
For the slightest decision
For The verdict being made
Can change everything
Can alter all things minimal or grand
It is a jump
A chance
To fly or to fall
But it must be done with no fear
No holding back
Once the choice is made
There is no turning back
Once the pattern has been made
Into that giant, beautiful, complex drapery
It is forever imprinted
As is his faith in you
As is his trust
For that choice shall never be forgotten
It will forever be etched into time
Forever imbedded within his mind
So what choice will you make?

— The End —