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46.8k · Mar 2015
If I Lose You </3
If i lose you i will never be the same anymore,
i will lose my best friend , my soul mate, my smile , my laugh and everything. Once i lose you there will be no more sunlight , no clear skies, just like the clouds my eyes will do the same cry until you make the tears go away, if you walk away it will rain.
I cannot lose you because if i lost you everything would be meaningless,I wandered into the darkness looking for something to bring happiness to my life, something real. I found you and ill be ****** if i lose you. You mean more to me then you'll ever know! I've fallen so hard for you, that if i ever lose you, ill lose myself. If you were a tear i would never dare to cry. I might lose you ! I don't think you'll ever understand how afraid i am of losing you Stephen <3
My worst fear is losing you </3
Maybe im scared because you mean more to me than any other person. You are everything i think about, everything i need and everything i want.
Stay. No matter how hard it is being with me, just stay. I need you!
I get jealous very often, i get jealous so easily and its only because i dont want to lose you <3
Even though i know things won't always last forever, I want to have you for as long as i can. Youre the one who brought the happy feeling inside me again. i haven't felt like this since i was a kid when my family would make me laugh , and i dont think ill ever want to lose my happiness again. Please don't go anytime soon. You make me really happy and i cant risk losing someone like you.
My nightmares are usually about losing you, I don't want us to be strangers again. I dont want to lose you after all weve been through, all the pain we push past , all those beautiful memories.
Promise me, promise me youll never leave.
I dont wanna lose you baby, please dont ever let me.
You see i love you and i dont want to lose you because my life has been better since i found you <3
1.8k · Feb 2015
Communism Or Democracy?
Thou shall not make me your enemy , for god wont always be there , the laws are about to change we all shall be deprived from our freedom and our humanity , our own government collapses and falls , we are the 99./' and they're the 1./' , i am not an anarchy or a spy im a simple human being going through life like you all :)
explaining what the gorvernment is going to do to us all!! im serious this isnt a scam
1.5k · Jan 2015
Can we just
Can we just run away
Together, just me and you?
Have fun, forever play?
You know, just the two of us?

Can we just leave this place?
Just run hand in hand?
Be together all our days?
And never ever look back...

Can we just walk
Together under the stars?
I'll kiss your hand and your lips?
And you can have my heart?

Can we just laugh?
Innocent giggles, loving looks?
I'll have your love and you can have mine?
Because it's my heart and love you took....

Can we just walk
For hours on end?
We'll talk about anything?
And we can lay upon your bed...
979 · Feb 2015
Just by looking at my face they can humiliate me, take away my pride, hurt my feelings , say untrue things , judge everything around me like my family, my job, my race , the way i dress, they can manipulate me into pure madness and drive me insane , add me to be rude and obnoxious , how dare they think they have the right to do all of this and get away , karma shall strike you all down , and then ill have my happiness and my PRIDE!!!!
People Of Facebook This Is To You!
877 · Jan 2015
Day by Day
I know you're there
but my world is so bare.
Nothing is standing in your way,
I'm hoping you can make it one more day.

Our relationship has grown so strong,
where could we have went so wrong.
You were there when I needed you,
Now I'm here for you to need me too.

My love for you will stay the same,
never will I forget your name.
By my side, you will always stay,
I'll think of you day by day.
863 · Jan 2015
Life moves to fast
You're the reason I get up to face each hectic day
How did our lives get so consumed with nonsense on the way
We used to take the time to laugh and play a game or two
But now it seems we fight a lot and cry way too much too
So when you go to sleep at night I'll slip in by your side
I'll hold you close and squeeze you tight and feel amazing pride
You're the one that I love best, it's very clear to see
With every day I know I'm blessed that you're a part of me
Now let's just try to slow it down and savor all that's past
For that's what molds our future, and life moves way too fast
848 · Feb 2015
If its my blood that needs to be shed for you , you can have it all , id rather you live life happy then me living it recklessly, if the devil wants your life he will have to make room for me. Im not going to  lose the only person in life that keeps me breathing , i wonder if god understands how i feel , if we dont live old enough to be wed, can you marry me in heaven Stephen Seymour ?
Just some thoughts dont judge :P
You want me gone
What did i do so wrong
I love you
And you love me
We were as happy as could be
But now all I see
Is your annoyed by me
697 · Jan 2015
Words are not enough
No words could ever tell you,
No action could express
The way I feel about you,
With you, my life is blessed.

You're the light in my tunnel.
You are my *** of gold.
You are the strength that gets me through
When despair has taken hold.

You're my once in a lifetime.
You make my life complete.
You are my blue ribbon
In the shadow of defeat.

There's nothing I could ever say,
And nothing I could do
To let you know just how much
Love is in my heart for you.

— The End —