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 Jul 2013 Cassandra Hiatt
Alas who were they to know,
It could end so soon,
The love that grew across the room.

The stolen kisses,
and secret glances,
The desperate touches,
and too slow dances.

Would end so fast upon a word,
Too soon spoken, too soon heard.
so fast the fire and pyre burned,
And a love once so promising
Alas is spurned.
All armies are the same
Publicity is fame
Artillery makes the same old noise
Valor is an attribute of boys
Old soldiers all have tired eyes
All soldiers hear the same old lies
Dead bodies always have drawn flies
i remember                                    
you said you loved watching people with hiccoughs
[hiccough]                                                                                                                it made you laugh

i've got hiccoughs                                                                    
do you love me?                                                  
I found the letters you left behind.
I found the letters you wrote to me.
But when I looked for love,
I couldn't find the word.

I remember the time we spent alone.
I remember the warmth of your touch.
The gentle brush of your lips.
The sweet flagrance of your hair.
But I don't remember hearing the word love.

Maybe I didn't read the word.
Maybe I didn't hear the word.
But I fell in love in your arms,
And I felt loved.
In the end, that was enough.
For me.
 Apr 2013 Cassandra Hiatt
I think you

Wanted to forget so


That you

Needed to

Forget yourself

And you cut

All those white lines

And spoke

All of those white lies

And I was too weak

To be your escape

And I think you

Would have sliced open your skin

And crushed your bones

To white powder

If you could

And I think I loved you

So much that

I would have too

— The End —