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Cassandra Benton Jan 2011
Simple, it's so simple. Your touch, your smile, your voice. These things I miss the most, more than anything. Your arms around me, security, the softest touch that means the world. Hopes held in heavy hands, heavy hearts; you've got a weight, you're heavy on my mind. I slip into slow motion, I slip into defeat. I've already got you, all I need is me. Meaningless words, empty spaces, you've always filled those lifeless gaps. You made space for me, we made space together. Our time, frozen in these little drops of water that stream from my tired eyes. Skin on skin, heart on heart. We burn like fire, you so easily drench these flames.
It's a whole lot of nothing, but it almost means too much. Complications uncomplicate themselves when you're near. I hold my head high, I tread through these waters. It's your hand I seek and your arms that hold me close when I feel so far away. I need you like my blood needs the air I breathe. I ache when you're gone.

It was so easy being me. It's easier to be me...with you.
Cassandra Benton Jan 2011
I watch the tendrils of smoke wrap themselves around my fingers, loving them, kissing every small pore. I want to smell like smoke. I want it to be obvious I did something unhealthy and I want you to judge me for it. I want you to see - I'm proud of the wrongdoing.
I watch the streetlights flicker, see the emptiness across the roads as the people sprawl across their half-empty beds, burdened with the lull of dream scape. I hold to the wind as it chills my bones and let it take my thoughts higher than all this. I want to be down near the water, soaked through my skin; I want to be cold, frigid, and have my senses heightened. I want to feel everything in a heightened state of awareness.

— The End —