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Cartwright Nov 2011
I will Stay guarded until they Prove it.
           This is truth with a Consequence rather you can Live with it or not The concequence is Lonliness... No More Pain, as Long as You have your gaurd up You will always see through The Fraude but let yourself be aware of who is fraud and who is not. If the type of Love most people think is Love wares you down, Than When you know or Feel with a Passion that the True Love has entered your presence/Heart how do you not Let your Pains of the past not dictate your over all descision to be truly happy and truly in Love "If The Feelings we Have for TRUE Love really exist anymore?"
Cartwright Mar 2011
Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart,
for relationship doesn't count the miles;
it's measured by the heart.

“Don't measure the distance;
measure my love."

We are the perfect couple;
we're just not in the perfect situation.

I can’t wait for it to come to reality.  
I wish that you were here or that I were there,
or that we were together anywhere.

   Miles away and you are still right here, in my heart and mind;
Here in my heart, that’s where you’ll be;
you’ll be with me, here in my heart.


                  ­No distance can keep us apart, long as you’re here in my heart.

Copyright: Rose Dennis Rodriguez: 03-03-2011
Dec 2010 · 1.1k
Fathers Day
Cartwright Dec 2010
Happy Fathers day...
                                    A Father
                           is not just a Father he is
                           a Role Model to the causes
                           that will bring his children
                           greatness in life Thank you
                           for being My Role Model DAD.
                                     I Love You
Copyright: 1983-present
Nov 2010 · 763
Marriage Vows
Cartwright Nov 2010
I do Love you, Forever so True.We love each other because We are together, We are as gentle as a feather. We are two great souls, not as anyone knows. You have my heart,We have each others souls, without me I have no you, If you walk out my life it won't be true. First time I saw you' you were my  Boo.3 months Later  I knew it was so,so True. If I would have known then what I know now, there wouldn't be a thought when, were, or how. When we're together I know its right, thats why It's gonna be Mrs. Crystal Cartwright.  You bring joy to Life without a lot of strife. We will forever be for Life. When were together this is OUR Life.We are connected. This is OUR Life, Once again I will never say it again thats why we will always be Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright. Our dreams are golden our future is bright Our Love together will be a great token. You bring a smile to my Life without you, there would be no SPICE! Truth Be told You are my Life. I LOVE YOU!!
Copyright: Nov. 18th 2010 12:09Am Crystal &Christopher; Cartwright
Jul 2010 · 1.2k
Fire Fly, Spirit, Phoenix‏
Cartwright Jul 2010
A fire fly in the sky what happens when you takes its wings away?
Well it can't fly its stale and stagnant. to stay on the ground their wing won't grow back; The Fire fly gets weak, its strength fades away.

           An Angel in the sky falls to the ground, would you help him  stand,  get his strength back, or would you Rip his wings off and Rip his heart out? Be a Demon and Stomp on his reason, his familiar source of power and security A.K.A his soul!

A heart beat triples when your around, I go to heaven when you Love me, Support me, Hug me, Kiss me, Confess you undying Love to me. I'm in hell when your selfish wanting only  what you can get for you no matter how much you ****** others hearts, souls, Killing them beyond Recovery A Dark Blackened Cover stone his heart, his soul, his blood boils for revenge but his heart says be mindful and never loose "FAITH" in yourself and to "become the MASTER of your abilities" to soar once again or will truth in Love pass me by as I loose myself to this world of being money hungry, tpo world for self and noone to share with. My soul dies on this earth of selfish, negative Resolve to hear, to see, to feel wrongful thoughts, Hurtful cause, hurtful wounds that noone but self shall give into negative thoughts and Depression have to live for self first (true),
but what good is riches, what good are they without your rib to share these riches with!

My hearts in my throat, My souls depleted, My mind is racing with hope, still as I look in your eyes I see you afraid of accepting true happiness but even as that False Evidence Appearing Real comes to you I will continue to show you what real love is. No regrets as my soul rises like a Phoenix from the ashes I Recover my soul and build it up once again and my heart shall be healed with my dreams done right, with strength revealed. Will you see me as I truly am or will you try to Bounce me back to the beginning again?
What will it be?
will you rise with me?
I wanna know fo sho.
Christopher N Cartwright
Jun 2010 · 1.3k
Cartwright Jun 2010
A Moonstruck Rhyme in

                              A moonstruck Place.

     When your shadow strikes a dime in anyplace.
I give my Heart,

I give my Soul can you hear these two bad beats knockin on yo flo.

                              A Miracle Time,

                              A Miracle Place.

                     Whats that shinin on yo face.

  A glimmer past your eye which you thought you saw me but in the

end the only thing that matters is whats within.

Within this body,within this place;

My body in a temple with an Amazing Grace.

My mind soars through;

I'm a bird, I'm a Plan free am I from any cage.

                                The Lioness walks,

                                The Panther talks;

Two cats dine for their nature we rewind. Back to the Past,

Back through the Days when our Ancestors were constructing ways.

                               In Our Moonstruck Days
                               Our Moonstruck nights.

                     CAN YOU SEE ME THROUGH THE HAZE.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
May 2010 · 1.1k
These Hands
Cartwright May 2010
These Hands,

These working hands.

The pain throbbing from them brings me joy,

The pain whistling through my skin,

nerves and nails brings me pleasure.

why does this searing pain feel so good you ask?

Because this pain put food in our families stomachs,

This pain pays the bills,

This pain gets them what they need

and most of all this pain is worth the smiles I see on their faces

and in their hearts.

The pain in these hands brings me peace.
oh!! These Working Hands
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Apr 2010 · 864
Don't sweat the technique
Cartwright Apr 2010
To cross the line of painful resistance;
this is as they call ENDORPHINS.
To cross this line ten fold is to rip the muscles beyond were people would normally give up.
Which also allows you to prolong strenuous activity for hours:
"As too called STAMINA".

: Pain is weakness leaving the body- Marine Corps

: Pain is the sensation that lets you know your alive- Navy Seals

Pain is pleasure- A Masochistic Mind

To go beyond your natural ability,
to enhance what you know,
feel, and to gain that extra push in strength,
speed, and reaction.
This is the chemical within the body called ADRENALINE.
To control this sensation and manipulate this impulse is to harness this chemical and make it stronger;
to make it succumb and bend to your will;
This is the power accelerator that lyes within all of us.
For there is a select few that Convolute this impulses of the brain
( mind) , and Body.

: Stop imprisoning your soul, let it flow free.

: To fight with your mind in a cage, you just convolute the natural impulses of the body.

Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Apr 2010 · 868
Deeply, Truely, Lovely
Cartwright Apr 2010
From your head to your toes;
inside and out;
I Love You with every Essence of my Being,
every Impulse of my Body,
and every Beat of my Heart.
I long for You when I'm at work,
I feel You with me every minute of every Day.
i can't see myself living without you.
In the event of my struggles to find Our future.
The way You make me feel as I feel your soul with every touch of your body, ever Caress,
every kiss of your Body ,
and the way You wash your body
as the water trickles down your
lustrous curves accentuating the Beauty that is YOU.
I feel your soul flow, your Contemporary mind fills my soul. Inspirational beats
of your heart sets the course for Love and Passions Excitement that intertwines ourselves together
as One,and One we shall be as our sweet nectar combines;
                                         One we shall be.

    : To Love is to always hold on to your truth and true loves motive of the hearts blood that flows
freely for each other, with each other, and as You breath each other.

: Don't take the One You truly Love for granted;
because If/While you do you start to loose the best life hast to offer not only for you,
but as well for your true love.
So have faith in Love, in Her every fiber and give Her all of you;
                                       For Good/Bad, Better/Worse.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 642
Cartwright Mar 2010
Did you know I'm on a Horse riding backwards?    Yaaaaah!!!
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 1.3k
Cartwright Mar 2010
I will catch your tears of Pain,
I will catch your tears of Joy,
I will catch your tears of Depression,
I will also catch those tears that you don't Show.

To catch tears of Passion,
To catch tears of success,
To catch those that Impress,
To catch them even in Distress.

In good times,
In bad times too,
In great times,
In lame times;

Rather  those are for You,
or Others,
or for some other matter,
I will catch those Tears no matter what these tears are for
I will be there to catch those tears My Dear!
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 3.9k
Funky Security
Cartwright Mar 2010
When you go out and hear a person that say
" I Could Give A Rats ***"
that's when you step up to them and say just two words to them: "MICKEY MOUSE"

When you see that Commercial with the Duck :
You gotta Repeat

When you see a Security Guard wearin Mickey Mouse ears,
What do you sing out when you need help?
" M.I.C.K.E.Y M.O.U.S.E
Mickey Mouse ohoo hoo,
Mickey Mouse:
**** Funky Security Guard.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 832
Cartwright Mar 2010
So to say cool say so to pray how do we handle a bad day, to love, to hate , to excite the gate of mortality.
To dine in hell, to desire in heaven how does honey loose its sting.  To Love in Desire  and
to F*k on a wire... We made Love today in Anger,
We made Love today in Pain,
We made Love today in Desire,
We made Love today in Lust...
I Love Her
We F
k  today Out of Love
We FK today Out of Need
We F
ck today out of Marriage
I Love Her
Do we Consimate Anger
Do we Consimate Danger
Do we Consimate Spirit
I Hate our fights
I Hate our strife
I Hate to survive than thrive
I Love You
The sweet fire of Passions Eye
The sweet Passion of thine Thighs
So sweet of your Lips
So sensual are your Hips
To **** with the mind
To Shape the body
To be greedy and **** with kindness
To Love out of Pain
To Love out of Shame
To **** our Regrets
To **** with prospects
Do we Consimate,
Do we hesitate,
To Love, To Hate
To Lust, To Desire
To *****, To Rub
To Bash, To Clash
Do we Consummate our Love/Hate Relationship
Do we Consummate Our Intensity of Marriage
When we cry we Hurt
When we cry we Enjoy
the way we Love heaven flows up above
To sway from hellacious fellings is to Hinder True dealing
To mindfuly Love
To mindfully Hate
Shall we Conssumate
Our marraige Flows
Our marraige Glows
Our feelings go
to were we can only Show
I Love Her
We Made Love today towards Anger,Pain,Lust, Love,Reunion,Soulfully feelin
We made Love today for so many reason but most of all
We made Love today because We miss each other, because We Love each other.... I Love Her
So Deep,So Rough
Intense, I could never Get enuff of US
I Love Her so Much
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 1.2k
Tomorrows another day
Cartwright Mar 2010
I don't know what you want me to write ,
but you say write what I feel and /or
consciously need to express,
or any feeling within maybe even this
desolate world that we live in and
yes I say desolate because of the economic
sways that we go through,
the depressional phase of their so called
life that they want us to go through.
Controlling us to a point were we rely on their tarnished ways;
instead of forming to our traditional ways of life
they were so how they say simple when
WE know ourselves that slavery even in this day is no easy task.
We would love to be C.E.O's,
wake up tomorrow with our banks and pockets full of cash
so our babies and selves can have all we ever wanted to be
and Playas.
We hate what they do to us,
but we wanna be just like them as well they hate us common folk
but they want our lives and traditions
our concurring beauty that attracts power,
great deeds and reoccurring needs to do better
to be determined no matter what the cost
we all criticize the other w/o knowing
that we wanna be each other.
constantly changing the rules of our life
to coincide with each others.
White, Black, Hispanic, Asian:

Whites: wanna Dance like us, wanna clean like us, wanna be us and most of all wanna steal/concur us.

Hispanics: wanna work as hard as us, make love like us, do what we do and as well party like us.

Asians: wanna be freaks like We are, wanna play by traditional wars and compare their rules
to ours with this blunt phase of battle called KUMITE were we all war against each other to prove
to one another who has better strength;
see they even want our strength,
they also wanna dance like us and steal styles of our ancient Beauty of Us

Blacks: we are Bold Beauty, no doubt about that but some of us do as Whites, Asians, Mexican do
so are all of us living by our
tradition as we claim to or only some of us.

overall I'm not being Racist,
Or Prejudice
I am being me a Liberal;
One who Lives by what works for me,
That takes the Ideas and methods of living from each
and use these objectives as a tool...
They say were the United States
but are we really UNITED especially in the way we
and Play.
                                         Tomorrows another day.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 616
Cartwright Mar 2010
I love because I'm with you,
I'm inspired because I'm by
I shake whenever I see you,
and courageous when I feel you.
All over or just all around,
I will always love you
rather you are up or down.
I'll be by you in time of need,
and love you dearly whole heartedly in need.
One must feel,
one must share,
in times of light we will be there.
So have faith,
and believe in yourself,
because sooner or later you
will need more than help.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 768
Cartwright Mar 2010
To stab your own heart is to feel the pain of your true love,
this pain,
                 this rage
is a bitterness best served cold.
This will never heal a heart this cold
is bitter than stone to cold
to understand;
                           A chest,
                                        or an ICE BOX.
to truth no pain can stumple a warm heart.
That to healing passion
I long for on a dark and scary road
to healing through hells fury.
Like fire over Ice these plans,
these hands are a portion of my next stand;
                               This mind,
this heart bittered and jealous of loves sting.
                              The pain,
Loneliness of a battered and bruised heart
full of damaged emotions,
painful eyes full of grief and disappointment
I shall never forget
                             this enthusiatic Anger
                                                                    and OverZelous Rage
I have brought to this,
                                             to US.
As I clinch my heart so painfully broken
each day because of the bitterness that I caused
trying my best to
myself....Please Accept me!
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 865
Please help me title this?
Cartwright Mar 2010
Roses Soaked in blood Like painful lust
of Love,
Regret the painful bounties of Fued.
I shouldn't have lost that picture of our happiness as
I mistreated the deeds from
good to bad;
Bad to worse.
Regret is what I feel.
Like a phantom I Lust for you to have me again.
With disappointment as my knife
I have done surgery to sculpt the perfect storm,
as the son says
"It can't rain all the time"
As I grasp to hold on tight
with all my being
to end this painful anguish
so the sun shall shine again.
With wings of Gold once had.
Black Tar,
is now within your head.
As I come around to begging,
Pleading to make it right.
I ask this pain of Regret to Reform,
to be Consumed by truth in our hearts completion.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 842
She Can't be mine!
Cartwright Mar 2010
Oh shadow of mine!
                                    Why can't she be mine?
Through ****** rags ehat ******* left,
                                     Why can't she be mine!
Through shades of Rage and Implimented Bitterness,
                                    Why can't she be mine!
I hinder you with this painful lineliness as she falls to her knees in Deaths Bitter sleep,
                          He stole her from me
                          that Jealousy
Consumes me as I ask again
                          Why cant she be mine!
Oh unfaithful heart
that is filled with Lust for Hate,
                          Love for Rage & Death,
                          Why Can't she be mine!
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright Mar 2010
As Anger Proceeds to stir in my gut
                                Demon Lust & Jealous  stuff.
           The Bitterness that buildss inside as I walk through
                                        the Shadows in the nite.

                        Witnessing their RAGE as the Flesh burn off their Bodies,
                                          and consumes their souls.
                       Their screams of agony fill my mind with the rush
                                                       of the ****,
                        the blood red stream that is about to be them.
                                                      One by One
                                                   with blades of
                              as their screams fulfill my hunger,
                                                I crave more Blood,
                             oh so sweet Screams of unfaithfullness
                                          as their doubts of Life
                                       fill their thoughts of pain,
                                             the shadow in the night,
                                              of the lustful ****,
                                                          a RAGE
                                      as I turn and look at my handiwork....
                                                oooooo That GRIN!!
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 1.1k
A Look within‏
Cartwright Mar 2010
you give me these rules to follow what do you Want me to write,
it says write about what I fell of pain,
Sadness using words that I've Never Uttered or said..
When you say write what you feel thats what I've been doing wrather you give me an
F or an A for these assignments,
These are the ways that I feel.

You want me to write something Sad:
catch me on a Sad Day,

You want me to write something Dark:
Catch me on a Dark Day,

Want me to Write something Hateful:
Catch me on a Hateful Day,

want me to write something Sweet:
Catch me on a Sweet Day,

To write something Freaky:
Catch me on a Freaky day,

To write something Deathly Insane:

Well this one I just learned you gotta Catch me with a Question or a Simple Title
Havin me think of dark and Death Days
that Drag out into intense bleeding
and fulfilling
Abandonment issues toward myself;
A deep dark wreckless,
Careless secret toward myself,
thinking and contemplating What if I was to bring the Darkness to a full salute would I be me,
Would I be a Murderer,
Would I be an Assasin for Hire,
what would my life be like if I were to do that but alas I dont wanna find out that is why I stay me cause
I believe if I bring that darkness to a
full salute my Life as I know it will turn
Chaotic with no amount of Greatness
but for death and decay,

The Hatred to my Love,

The Death to my Life,

the Wrong to my Right,

The Loneliness to the Togetherness,

The Yang to my Yin,

The Sadness to my Happiness.

So I guess in writing Do I get it now?

Do I let this other side out for a full day not gaining any amount of light to that day...

My Beast to my Gentalmen,

My  Ingnorance to my Intellagence,

My Negative to my Possitive,

My Villian to my Hero,

My Rags to my Riches,

My Shade to my Shine,

My Impure to my Pure,

My Jekyl to my Hyde,

My Insane to my Sane,

My Padded Dark Room to my Clean Sunshine in place of Life,

So did I do it?
Have I uttered what has been dorment inside me for the Longest?

Maybe my Fist to my Mouth,

Maybe my False to my True,

My Body too my Brains,

My Unresraints to my Discipline,

Silence to my Spoken,

****** to my Protect,

What do I do,
Just for one day.

My Slave to my Free Man,

What do I do?

My Loose tongue to Knowing when to shut-up

Wha do you want me to say?

My Riot to my Gaurd,

How should I act?

My Without to my With You,

Would you stay?

My Demise to my Negotiation to Live,

How should I feel?

My Killer to my Protector

What should I do?

My Worst to my Great,

How should I stand?

All these Questions within myself for myself....
If Only for a Day I should go crazy,
Would you stay?

If only for a Day iI Lose Control would you still Love me ?

Chris I need to Know what do you want me to do,
to say,
to be,
to act,
to believe?

Im talking to you,
What would you have me do?

               Chris What shall we do its up to you now,
its always been.

As to my Beautifull Empress,
Our Babies,
and Our Unborns
Supports Me and keeps me Sane and Intensly
In Love with Her in all the Glory that is Life...
Mar 2010 · 1.0k
Time to Boogey
Cartwright Mar 2010
As she uses her muse through her veins,
through her mind, oh how it sounds so Sublime.
So infectious with your souls write.
My mind wonders through the categories of Rock,
From Micheal feverish Moonwalk
Chris Browns Impervious Glyde,
From the **** walk
the C-walk,
from the Electric Slide
the slide of song to mix up the Casper slide.
Dance is a muse;
To dance,
to Sing,
To Rap, and
"Just Do The **** Thang";
Don't stop get it, get it;
Hey D.J. keep playing that Soul music to feed the soul,
to move the body,
to motivate the mind,
to inspire the time.
So Everybody get down wit ya bad self and use your muse.
                               "Whats Your Muse"?
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 759
Cartwright Mar 2010
What do you see?

What do you Hear?

Listen carefully

How does it sound?

What will you say?

When You see a mirror what do you see within this MIRROR?
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 1.2k
Are You Ready??
Cartwright Mar 2010
I Adore you , I Love the way You speak,
The way you move, I Love to Love Ya.
Through Hellacious events and even moody times.
I love you more in every way. So baby bring it all to me.
I will always Love you til Death do us part and in
sickness and health we shall have our Love as well as Wealth.
Death as well as Poverty,
as I wish upon a star for all to go
Well and superb as the shooting star never stops
I wont ever stop Lovin you
cause you are so hot stick sweet from your head down to you feet.
So pour some sugar on me,
but not to deep for to got as far down
WELL we gotta savour that taste of Love and passion,
The sweetness of truth on the tongue
of passion and the  massage of Exstacy  
within Your arms Flowin down your body as we
intertwine ourselves in a
Portal of seduction which Leads to a
Reproduction of the Lovelyness
that is My Immortal Beloved to Her
King on ancient wings of worldly power
will Give all my Love to you drastically
wanting to Dine on your Platter Like
Romeo and Julliets Hot ***.
Not only to make you wet but as
well to make you mine until death
and beyond in Lovers Lane.
Deaths will not touch our
Coiled embrace as we set
on into the sun were
Earth Hits Wind and Starts to caresse
The Fire which is this passion for
Life Long with You no matter how old
and decrepped we get,
Our passion for each other is left
to be said that A Heart is a House for Love,
and while we ride together to
everlasting Life Exstacy takes a
hold of us just like The key to my
Ever loving Heart to My Empress as
well as my Immortal Daimond in the Ruff,
so I will take one jump ahead of that
line and Show you a whole new world
as we show sweet love face down ***
up in the air toggling my juicy energies
that call out for your sweetness Essence of ******.
so I ask Are you Ready For Me My Immortal,
My Rib, My Everything,
Under this sweet moon we call Life ;
We careese every minute as its our
Last so Scream as Loud as you want
in that pillow as I release My Anocanda
within your cave to explore all the
wonders of My Immortal Goddess....
                             So Are You Ready??
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Mar 2010 · 645
Cartwright Mar 2010
As Your Blood flows through you veins
                             like a smooth flowing River...
                                            I Love You;
                   As your Heart beats and yearns
                   for the touch of wild passion..
                                            I Love You;
                    as the chill crawls up my spine
                    as I look into your lustrous Eyes..
                                            I Love You;
                   As a seductive look from you
                   creeps through every fiber of my being..
                                           I Love You;
                   As I caress and massage your pain and deepest fears away;
                  As  the Bounty and willful pleasure of your Notoriously
                            Intelligent Mind is seeped from your lips;
                                                 I Love You;
                  So if ever you doubt and seek what is stuck within
                  Just remember as you breath Life and Beyond
                                             your Blood & Soul...
                                                  Did I mention
                         " I LOVE YOU MY IMMORTAL BELOVED".
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright Feb 2010
Is personal gain a must, even when that personal gain hurts,
and scars you...strength beyond strength is one of those personal gains... this stregth stats to tears the body slowly but surely....
Chi heals the senses but  as chi grows more and more as well that also tears the body and the soul.
But Love heals all without time restraining to limits of self worth because just cause you don't feel worthy don't mean you aren't it just means there's another test in your way.
A lesson to be learned....
Can you Learn to many lessons when the lessons are killing parts of you but knowledge gained is a lesson learned right....
Just hold strong to your beliefs no matter who ***** with ya believe in your strength and ya morals which Love has all the healing in the universe especially  when its True Love.
                                 So do you have a Love Like I do?
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Feb 2010 · 844
Cartwright Feb 2010
To Dance
To Strike
To Jump
To Fly
This is the nature of CAPOEIRA
  To Play
  To Rhyme
  To Honor
  To Respect
This is the nature of CAPOEIRA
  To Ride
  To Walk
  To Run
  To Sing
                        This again is the nature of CAPOEIRA
                                       Capoeira is a way of Life,
for some of us (the Capoeiristas) is a daily ritual but over all Capoeira  is a method,
a Discipline to be Live by Vigorously or as you see fit to and that's the 2nd beautiful way of CAPOEIRA You choose what you wanna get out of it; You choose how much life you wanna put into it,
Its all up to you, But as for me I will tell you this;
CAPOEIRA is a Life Long practice which I have always had a High passion for and I feel that Capoeira is call me once again....
What would you do; Would you ignore the call or would you except it . As said before its your choice. Which one shall I choose?
                                           Do you Know?
                                            Can you guess?
                                            Its OK if you can't
                                 Let me know what you think I'll do.
                                                            After all
                                                      Life is Capoeira
                                                        Capoeira is Life
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Feb 2010 · 1.5k
"The Creed of Passion"
Cartwright Feb 2010
To Always Love Fully and Completely
To Wax that ***** night and day
To Love you body even as I pray
To bump yo ***** very discreetly

To marry you body and soul
To make love and **** with every toll
To have and to hold so tightly
To surprise that ***** Daily and Nightly

To arms is my battle cry
When Yo ***** is sprinkled
While this **** never Dies.

To the bed we go
Where that ***** blossoms in gold
To the Kitchen we flow
Where the Lust, We **** and Grow

Engrossed and Obsessed with each other
as That ***** and This **** Intertwine
**** this ****, Beat that *****
while rock and silk bump and grind

so milk  and honey beware
although you the original passion
our shall beat without comparison

so as you read and get hot
body rumble in ya steamy Lot
I ask you are you ready for;
    "The Creed of Passion"
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Feb 2010 · 1.3k
Day by Day.........
Cartwright Feb 2010
If only for one night;
I wanna Love you and hold you tight in my arms where to there will be no harm.
Safe and Secure only to lure my heart into PEACE and no to Obscure.
Join me in Joy and Romance so that our Lives Enhance the Beauty of Us that is forever in Passions Site.
As we Entangle Ourselves into each other and become one more  and more each day as your beauty ans sexiness shine brighter than the sun itself  ;
The universe Signs a Smile and Blesses us with Essence of Loves Heart to Kindle JOY and Romance,
Sexiness and Satisfaction,
Lust and Love,
So we continue to show Our Love
Day by Day
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Feb 2010 · 4.8k
Cartwright Feb 2010
A Life to say, A Life to Love and you are Every reason I keep on keepin on. The Reason I dont give up cause I'm so in Love with YOU,
In a world all our own. We Dance the Dance of Love that Everybody is               Jealous of.  So For YOU I say Happy ANNIVERSARY!! With you I Rhyme, All of the time. With YOU I shine so much even better than  a Light that Blinds. My Body craves YOU;
My mind needs YOU, My spirit Feels you in Every way I Kneel to You. Bowing to the Lord, Bowing to a Great And to Bow to YOU is never a Painful stake. So to YOU I say;
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I Love your actions, and YOUR sayings through you guidance I'm Coming to Life with a BLESSING such as YOU,
with a BLESSING so TRUE, My Angel of Light ANGEL of TRUE,
                                                    I LOVE YOU MY NUBIAN QUEEN
                                     HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE FROM YOUR KING.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Feb 2010 · 5.6k
Cartwright Feb 2010
Art is An Inspiration of Life,
Dreams are Passages through Strife,
Love is as You make it on High,
and Family is how a Person is Defined.
So What Defines You as a Whole?
Who are You in Your SOUL?
Do You Know who you are?
Maybe your Looking from afar?
Don't be afraid;
get up close and personal with Yourself,
Get to Know Your OWN Mind,Body,and Spirit.
Like some of the greatest of people say
"You are You worst Enemy"
I fell they forgot to complete that PHRASE,
so Let me inter vein on there Wisdom;
" As well you Can be your greatest ally"
so remember the Rhythm of the Night
as well the Rhythm of your Life
to the tune of You.
IF at the Time there is no Tune
don't be afraid to ask Cause
"The only Stupid Question is a Question Unasked"
so Don't Be afraid Of wisdom,
Don't be afraid of You;
If you already are Just remember
"You can be Your Greatest ally or Your own worst Enemy"
So stop Living a Lie and Find your truth.
Lay down your burden and get off/out of that prison you call "THE BOX". Get to Know YOU through and Through,
Love your self Cause IF no one will You always Have YOU.
                                     DON'T BE AFRAID!!
        Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
         Copyright © 1983-Present
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
She's My Completion.
Cartwright Feb 2010
So Beautiful,
So precious
I have found my angel
in truth
in light
so can I get an amen....I had my demons fought out through
time and time
as I found my way through the Darkness
My light has shown
It's self.
My spirit as well as my destiny has appeared
the form of a precious angel
angel that I have prayed for for so long
I ask the Lord for an angel and
He has shown me and given me
just that
my angel is so precious,
so sweet and oh so fine.
It's all because of Her
I have entered my Divine pool of energy as
I once was
lost my path along the way
I thank the Lord for my angel,
For my heart, my soul,
The love of my life for
the rest of my my life
it all because of her,
I feel my motivation on a high,
This is a feeling
a motivation that is higher
then life itself
that Divine energy
that comes
from my precious angels glow,
Thank you lord
it's all because of You,
that I have found my truth.
My forever
My completion to life.
My escape of the prison called darkness
I fell Like fallen.
my true angel motivates me to become even stronger,
than the strength of Samson and Hercules
all together my Angel.
My Angel
I Love my Angel
My True Angel
My Completion.

Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-2010
Cartwright Feb 2010
Death is a *****
Crime is an Itch
Demons are well Demons.
What is there to say about a demon?
how bout the fact that they lie to you about repercussions of power,
That when they allow you to use those
enraging abilities
that are death to you internally to externally,
They don't tell you that you
get unexplained bruises and cut on your external body.
They don't tell you that you (every now and then)

**** yourself when you use their abilities slowly and painfully.
They don't tell you that you start messing up in life and putting yourself out of the family loop because you crave their power and MORE...Then you get hooked on that single phrase "MORE" as if you can't get enough of what those Demons,
Offer you until it diminishes you
Life slowly  but surely YOU DIE.

These Demons put a whole  new meaning to "You are Your worst Enemy".
Darkness and Death is a familiar face to everyone  at different Levels
but as you continue to grow and the more you use those abilities they offer you; the more

You **** yourself and the people around you  without meaning or warning....That is why there is angels to help you fight those demons,
Their truly powerless abilities that they offer you.
So as a warning for people that crave POWER. DON'T.

But if you happen to crave the power that I once Craved watch-out for what power you ask for and be careful on who and what source you ask from cause if you aren't careful you could end up,
Hurting the ones that truly LOVE you,
Regretting Life and You yourself will be LOST!!
And Remember this one Phrase before you ask for those demons .....
                                "Death is a *****"
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-2010
Feb 2010 · 774
A walk to Destiny
Cartwright Feb 2010
One day I walk to the side of destiny,
second day I talk to ecstasy, three to
five I'm dead or alive. The rest is a
test, a test of love, compassion,
action and reaction.The test courage
and truth, the test to find your inner
youth. Cold or hot my soul is not; one
or the other I trust no other; than
myself. Alone I am my own home. Home of
righteous, home of justice,peace and
tranquility, where I can find my own
instead of being alone. As I walk on
the side of destiny.

Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 2009

— The End —