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Cartwright Mar 2010
I love because I'm with you,
I'm inspired because I'm by
I shake whenever I see you,
and courageous when I feel you.
All over or just all around,
I will always love you
rather you are up or down.
I'll be by you in time of need,
and love you dearly whole heartedly in need.
One must feel,
one must share,
in times of light we will be there.
So have faith,
and believe in yourself,
because sooner or later you
will need more than help.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright Mar 2010
To stab your own heart is to feel the pain of your true love,
this pain,
                 this rage
is a bitterness best served cold.
This will never heal a heart this cold
is bitter than stone to cold
to understand;
                           A chest,
                                        or an ICE BOX.
to truth no pain can stumple a warm heart.
That to healing passion
I long for on a dark and scary road
to healing through hells fury.
Like fire over Ice these plans,
these hands are a portion of my next stand;
                               This mind,
this heart bittered and jealous of loves sting.
                              The pain,
Loneliness of a battered and bruised heart
full of damaged emotions,
painful eyes full of grief and disappointment
I shall never forget
                             this enthusiatic Anger
                                                                    and OverZelous Rage
I have brought to this,
                                             to US.
As I clinch my heart so painfully broken
each day because of the bitterness that I caused
trying my best to
myself....Please Accept me!
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright Mar 2010
Roses Soaked in blood Like painful lust
of Love,
Regret the painful bounties of Fued.
I shouldn't have lost that picture of our happiness as
I mistreated the deeds from
good to bad;
Bad to worse.
Regret is what I feel.
Like a phantom I Lust for you to have me again.
With disappointment as my knife
I have done surgery to sculpt the perfect storm,
as the son says
"It can't rain all the time"
As I grasp to hold on tight
with all my being
to end this painful anguish
so the sun shall shine again.
With wings of Gold once had.
Black Tar,
is now within your head.
As I come around to begging,
Pleading to make it right.
I ask this pain of Regret to Reform,
to be Consumed by truth in our hearts completion.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright Mar 2010
Oh shadow of mine!
                                    Why can't she be mine?
Through ****** rags ehat ******* left,
                                     Why can't she be mine!
Through shades of Rage and Implimented Bitterness,
                                    Why can't she be mine!
I hinder you with this painful lineliness as she falls to her knees in Deaths Bitter sleep,
                          He stole her from me
                          that Jealousy
Consumes me as I ask again
                          Why cant she be mine!
Oh unfaithful heart
that is filled with Lust for Hate,
                          Love for Rage & Death,
                          Why Can't she be mine!
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright Mar 2010
As Anger Proceeds to stir in my gut
                                Demon Lust & Jealous  stuff.
           The Bitterness that buildss inside as I walk through
                                        the Shadows in the nite.

                        Witnessing their RAGE as the Flesh burn off their Bodies,
                                          and consumes their souls.
                       Their screams of agony fill my mind with the rush
                                                       of the ****,
                        the blood red stream that is about to be them.
                                                      One by One
                                                   with blades of
                              as their screams fulfill my hunger,
                                                I crave more Blood,
                             oh so sweet Screams of unfaithfullness
                                          as their doubts of Life
                                       fill their thoughts of pain,
                                             the shadow in the night,
                                              of the lustful ****,
                                                          a RAGE
                                      as I turn and look at my handiwork....
                                                oooooo That GRIN!!
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright Mar 2010
you give me these rules to follow what do you Want me to write,
it says write about what I fell of pain,
Sadness using words that I've Never Uttered or said..
When you say write what you feel thats what I've been doing wrather you give me an
F or an A for these assignments,
These are the ways that I feel.

You want me to write something Sad:
catch me on a Sad Day,

You want me to write something Dark:
Catch me on a Dark Day,

Want me to Write something Hateful:
Catch me on a Hateful Day,

want me to write something Sweet:
Catch me on a Sweet Day,

To write something Freaky:
Catch me on a Freaky day,

To write something Deathly Insane:

Well this one I just learned you gotta Catch me with a Question or a Simple Title
Havin me think of dark and Death Days
that Drag out into intense bleeding
and fulfilling
Abandonment issues toward myself;
A deep dark wreckless,
Careless secret toward myself,
thinking and contemplating What if I was to bring the Darkness to a full salute would I be me,
Would I be a Murderer,
Would I be an Assasin for Hire,
what would my life be like if I were to do that but alas I dont wanna find out that is why I stay me cause
I believe if I bring that darkness to a
full salute my Life as I know it will turn
Chaotic with no amount of Greatness
but for death and decay,

The Hatred to my Love,

The Death to my Life,

the Wrong to my Right,

The Loneliness to the Togetherness,

The Yang to my Yin,

The Sadness to my Happiness.

So I guess in writing Do I get it now?

Do I let this other side out for a full day not gaining any amount of light to that day...

My Beast to my Gentalmen,

My  Ingnorance to my Intellagence,

My Negative to my Possitive,

My Villian to my Hero,

My Rags to my Riches,

My Shade to my Shine,

My Impure to my Pure,

My Jekyl to my Hyde,

My Insane to my Sane,

My Padded Dark Room to my Clean Sunshine in place of Life,

So did I do it?
Have I uttered what has been dorment inside me for the Longest?

Maybe my Fist to my Mouth,

Maybe my False to my True,

My Body too my Brains,

My Unresraints to my Discipline,

Silence to my Spoken,

****** to my Protect,

What do I do,
Just for one day.

My Slave to my Free Man,

What do I do?

My Loose tongue to Knowing when to shut-up

Wha do you want me to say?

My Riot to my Gaurd,

How should I act?

My Without to my With You,

Would you stay?

My Demise to my Negotiation to Live,

How should I feel?

My Killer to my Protector

What should I do?

My Worst to my Great,

How should I stand?

All these Questions within myself for myself....
If Only for a Day I should go crazy,
Would you stay?

If only for a Day iI Lose Control would you still Love me ?

Chris I need to Know what do you want me to do,
to say,
to be,
to act,
to believe?

Im talking to you,
What would you have me do?

               Chris What shall we do its up to you now,
its always been.

As to my Beautifull Empress,
Our Babies,
and Our Unborns
Supports Me and keeps me Sane and Intensly
In Love with Her in all the Glory that is Life...
Cartwright Mar 2010
As she uses her muse through her veins,
through her mind, oh how it sounds so Sublime.
So infectious with your souls write.
My mind wonders through the categories of Rock,
From Micheal feverish Moonwalk
Chris Browns Impervious Glyde,
From the **** walk
the C-walk,
from the Electric Slide
the slide of song to mix up the Casper slide.
Dance is a muse;
To dance,
to Sing,
To Rap, and
"Just Do The **** Thang";
Don't stop get it, get it;
Hey D.J. keep playing that Soul music to feed the soul,
to move the body,
to motivate the mind,
to inspire the time.
So Everybody get down wit ya bad self and use your muse.
                               "Whats Your Muse"?
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
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