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Cartwright Feb 2010
A Life to say, A Life to Love and you are Every reason I keep on keepin on. The Reason I dont give up cause I'm so in Love with YOU,
In a world all our own. We Dance the Dance of Love that Everybody is               Jealous of.  So For YOU I say Happy ANNIVERSARY!! With you I Rhyme, All of the time. With YOU I shine so much even better than  a Light that Blinds. My Body craves YOU;
My mind needs YOU, My spirit Feels you in Every way I Kneel to You. Bowing to the Lord, Bowing to a Great And to Bow to YOU is never a Painful stake. So to YOU I say;
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I Love your actions, and YOUR sayings through you guidance I'm Coming to Life with a BLESSING such as YOU,
with a BLESSING so TRUE, My Angel of Light ANGEL of TRUE,
                                                    I LOVE YOU MY NUBIAN QUEEN
                                     HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE FROM YOUR KING.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright Feb 2010
Art is An Inspiration of Life,
Dreams are Passages through Strife,
Love is as You make it on High,
and Family is how a Person is Defined.
So What Defines You as a Whole?
Who are You in Your SOUL?
Do You Know who you are?
Maybe your Looking from afar?
Don't be afraid;
get up close and personal with Yourself,
Get to Know Your OWN Mind,Body,and Spirit.
Like some of the greatest of people say
"You are You worst Enemy"
I fell they forgot to complete that PHRASE,
so Let me inter vein on there Wisdom;
" As well you Can be your greatest ally"
so remember the Rhythm of the Night
as well the Rhythm of your Life
to the tune of You.
IF at the Time there is no Tune
don't be afraid to ask Cause
"The only Stupid Question is a Question Unasked"
so Don't Be afraid Of wisdom,
Don't be afraid of You;
If you already are Just remember
"You can be Your Greatest ally or Your own worst Enemy"
So stop Living a Lie and Find your truth.
Lay down your burden and get off/out of that prison you call "THE BOX". Get to Know YOU through and Through,
Love your self Cause IF no one will You always Have YOU.
                                     DON'T BE AFRAID!!
        Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
         Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright Feb 2010
So Beautiful,
So precious
I have found my angel
in truth
in light
so can I get an amen....I had my demons fought out through
time and time
as I found my way through the Darkness
My light has shown
It's self.
My spirit as well as my destiny has appeared
the form of a precious angel
angel that I have prayed for for so long
I ask the Lord for an angel and
He has shown me and given me
just that
my angel is so precious,
so sweet and oh so fine.
It's all because of Her
I have entered my Divine pool of energy as
I once was
lost my path along the way
I thank the Lord for my angel,
For my heart, my soul,
The love of my life for
the rest of my my life
it all because of her,
I feel my motivation on a high,
This is a feeling
a motivation that is higher
then life itself
that Divine energy
that comes
from my precious angels glow,
Thank you lord
it's all because of You,
that I have found my truth.
My forever
My completion to life.
My escape of the prison called darkness
I fell Like fallen.
my true angel motivates me to become even stronger,
than the strength of Samson and Hercules
all together my Angel.
My Angel
I Love my Angel
My True Angel
My Completion.

Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-2010
Cartwright Feb 2010
Death is a *****
Crime is an Itch
Demons are well Demons.
What is there to say about a demon?
how bout the fact that they lie to you about repercussions of power,
That when they allow you to use those
enraging abilities
that are death to you internally to externally,
They don't tell you that you
get unexplained bruises and cut on your external body.
They don't tell you that you (every now and then)

**** yourself when you use their abilities slowly and painfully.
They don't tell you that you start messing up in life and putting yourself out of the family loop because you crave their power and MORE...Then you get hooked on that single phrase "MORE" as if you can't get enough of what those Demons,
Offer you until it diminishes you
Life slowly  but surely YOU DIE.

These Demons put a whole  new meaning to "You are Your worst Enemy".
Darkness and Death is a familiar face to everyone  at different Levels
but as you continue to grow and the more you use those abilities they offer you; the more

You **** yourself and the people around you  without meaning or warning....That is why there is angels to help you fight those demons,
Their truly powerless abilities that they offer you.
So as a warning for people that crave POWER. DON'T.

But if you happen to crave the power that I once Craved watch-out for what power you ask for and be careful on who and what source you ask from cause if you aren't careful you could end up,
Hurting the ones that truly LOVE you,
Regretting Life and You yourself will be LOST!!
And Remember this one Phrase before you ask for those demons .....
                                "Death is a *****"
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-2010
Cartwright Feb 2010
One day I walk to the side of destiny,
second day I talk to ecstasy, three to
five I'm dead or alive. The rest is a
test, a test of love, compassion,
action and reaction.The test courage
and truth, the test to find your inner
youth. Cold or hot my soul is not; one
or the other I trust no other; than
myself. Alone I am my own home. Home of
righteous, home of justice,peace and
tranquility, where I can find my own
instead of being alone. As I walk on
the side of destiny.

Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 2009

— The End —