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Cartwright Nov 2011
I will Stay guarded until they Prove it.
           This is truth with a Consequence rather you can Live with it or not The concequence is Lonliness... No More Pain, as Long as You have your gaurd up You will always see through The Fraude but let yourself be aware of who is fraud and who is not. If the type of Love most people think is Love wares you down, Than When you know or Feel with a Passion that the True Love has entered your presence/Heart how do you not Let your Pains of the past not dictate your over all descision to be truly happy and truly in Love "If The Feelings we Have for TRUE Love really exist anymore?"
Cartwright Mar 2011
Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart,
for relationship doesn't count the miles;
it's measured by the heart.

“Don't measure the distance;
measure my love."

We are the perfect couple;
we're just not in the perfect situation.

I can’t wait for it to come to reality.  
I wish that you were here or that I were there,
or that we were together anywhere.

   Miles away and you are still right here, in my heart and mind;
Here in my heart, that’s where you’ll be;
you’ll be with me, here in my heart.


                  ­No distance can keep us apart, long as you’re here in my heart.

Copyright: Rose Dennis Rodriguez: 03-03-2011
Cartwright Dec 2010
Happy Fathers day...
                                    A Father
                           is not just a Father he is
                           a Role Model to the causes
                           that will bring his children
                           greatness in life Thank you
                           for being My Role Model DAD.
                                     I Love You
Copyright: 1983-present
Cartwright Nov 2010
I do Love you, Forever so True.We love each other because We are together, We are as gentle as a feather. We are two great souls, not as anyone knows. You have my heart,We have each others souls, without me I have no you, If you walk out my life it won't be true. First time I saw you' you were my  Boo.3 months Later  I knew it was so,so True. If I would have known then what I know now, there wouldn't be a thought when, were, or how. When we're together I know its right, thats why It's gonna be Mrs. Crystal Cartwright.  You bring joy to Life without a lot of strife. We will forever be for Life. When were together this is OUR Life.We are connected. This is OUR Life, Once again I will never say it again thats why we will always be Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright. Our dreams are golden our future is bright Our Love together will be a great token. You bring a smile to my Life without you, there would be no SPICE! Truth Be told You are my Life. I LOVE YOU!!
Copyright: Nov. 18th 2010 12:09Am Crystal &Christopher; Cartwright
Cartwright Jul 2010
A fire fly in the sky what happens when you takes its wings away?
Well it can't fly its stale and stagnant. to stay on the ground their wing won't grow back; The Fire fly gets weak, its strength fades away.

           An Angel in the sky falls to the ground, would you help him  stand,  get his strength back, or would you Rip his wings off and Rip his heart out? Be a Demon and Stomp on his reason, his familiar source of power and security A.K.A his soul!

A heart beat triples when your around, I go to heaven when you Love me, Support me, Hug me, Kiss me, Confess you undying Love to me. I'm in hell when your selfish wanting only  what you can get for you no matter how much you ****** others hearts, souls, Killing them beyond Recovery A Dark Blackened Cover stone his heart, his soul, his blood boils for revenge but his heart says be mindful and never loose "FAITH" in yourself and to "become the MASTER of your abilities" to soar once again or will truth in Love pass me by as I loose myself to this world of being money hungry, tpo world for self and noone to share with. My soul dies on this earth of selfish, negative Resolve to hear, to see, to feel wrongful thoughts, Hurtful cause, hurtful wounds that noone but self shall give into negative thoughts and Depression have to live for self first (true),
but what good is riches, what good are they without your rib to share these riches with!

My hearts in my throat, My souls depleted, My mind is racing with hope, still as I look in your eyes I see you afraid of accepting true happiness but even as that False Evidence Appearing Real comes to you I will continue to show you what real love is. No regrets as my soul rises like a Phoenix from the ashes I Recover my soul and build it up once again and my heart shall be healed with my dreams done right, with strength revealed. Will you see me as I truly am or will you try to Bounce me back to the beginning again?
What will it be?
will you rise with me?
I wanna know fo sho.
Christopher N Cartwright
Cartwright Jun 2010
A Moonstruck Rhyme in

                              A moonstruck Place.

     When your shadow strikes a dime in anyplace.
I give my Heart,

I give my Soul can you hear these two bad beats knockin on yo flo.

                              A Miracle Time,

                              A Miracle Place.

                     Whats that shinin on yo face.

  A glimmer past your eye which you thought you saw me but in the

end the only thing that matters is whats within.

Within this body,within this place;

My body in a temple with an Amazing Grace.

My mind soars through;

I'm a bird, I'm a Plan free am I from any cage.

                                The Lioness walks,

                                The Panther talks;

Two cats dine for their nature we rewind. Back to the Past,

Back through the Days when our Ancestors were constructing ways.

                               In Our Moonstruck Days
                               Our Moonstruck nights.

                     CAN YOU SEE ME THROUGH THE HAZE.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
Cartwright May 2010
These Hands,

These working hands.

The pain throbbing from them brings me joy,

The pain whistling through my skin,

nerves and nails brings me pleasure.

why does this searing pain feel so good you ask?

Because this pain put food in our families stomachs,

This pain pays the bills,

This pain gets them what they need

and most of all this pain is worth the smiles I see on their faces

and in their hearts.

The pain in these hands brings me peace.
oh!! These Working Hands
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
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