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677 · Aug 2013
the plan
carson Aug 2013
Smoke fills the sky
Shouts  fill the air
Out in the black of the sky
The truth sat
Drifting far away under a moonlit night
It whispered
You are small
Greater things lay out here with me
Things above  
Its peace out here
The only heaven
The only escape
The black behind the smoke stared into me as I cowered in half comprehension
Below the horizon was havoc
As it always was
Now as the water rose to my ankles I looked back up
Looked with courage
As the water rises and the soft white twinkling from the moonlight off the water covers the ships deck I accept it
There is no god
No plan
No justice for the starved and slaughtered
It isn't god its us and only us who ****  pillage and ****
The water fills my lungs and I know the white of heaven won't reach me
Only the black
The black where the truth sits under an old oak
Under a full moon
The only true peace
The black

— The End —