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I grew basil for my bird
Every year of his twelve
He didn't make it to his thirteenth
So neither did the basil
Neglect turned it dry and brown.
If the first death was an omen
Of something dark
Tragic in its unexpectedness
The second was self inflicted
An accusing finger round a doorway
'You did this'
And I had no rebuttal
To the first or the second
Only the sad longing for
Bird song and the fresh herbal scent.
Caroline Ward Feb 2023
You are fire and honey
You will soothe
Each burn you make
But leave behind
Sweet and sticky
Caroline Ward Aug 2022
I gave up writing poems
I didn't see the point
As words do nothing
To stop and start feelings
In my head.
I feel like the slowest
Rollercoaster in a dead city
And yet never see the lows
Coming and mourn them
On the way.
I'm sick of feeling
Lonely surrounded by people
And feeling like I'm missing
Out on living no matter what I do.
I could have loved you
I could have seen and done
And touched and cried.
But foresight was foggy
And hindsight was clear
And I don't even know what
Is dear to me anymore.
So maybe I like the reflection
Of words like a mirror
I can't look away from,
Maybe words are my ugly
11pm truth.
Maybe these words are for you.
Caroline Ward Jun 2021
I'm sorry for being too
Much of myself, again.
Sorry for being too
Much and not enough,
Sorry for never being the
Most interesting
Person in the room
And always saying
Too much
Or nothing at all.
I'm sorry I have faded
In age
But am still bright enough
To make some eyes wince
I am sorry for never being
What you wanted
What I wanted
For never being what
Anyone wanted
After all.
Caroline Ward Jun 2021
Paint me some green grass
Richer than the sun in the evening
Sing me a song that reminds
You of a day in the springtime
Whisper sweet empty clouds
Of nothing around my ear
And leave your bird feather
Touch, like cold dew, on my skin.
Make yourself eternal
The stain that won't wash out
The rain that never dries
The cast of footsteps in wet cement
So that I dream of you
Each and every
Cold and inky night
From now until eternity.
Caroline Ward Apr 2021
I am the withering
Touch of winter,
The Anti-Midas,
The inevitable cruelty
Of the passing of time.
Around me, everything
Crumbles, decays
And decomposes
Leaving sorrow
To root deep
In my bones.
Caroline Ward Apr 2021
I feel I'm losing people
By the minute and
Losing chunks of me
As they go
Memories tainted
And slipping
Down plug holes.
I don't want to lose you
So I'll hang on tight
Even as you
Bite at my fingertips
And scratch and claw
Deep into my skin
Just to spite me.
I will cling onto the
Fibres of your clothes
And the hairs at the base
Of your neck
So that when
I eventually wake up alone
I will have you under
My nails
And know I did all I could
To keep you.
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