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Apr 2015 · 371
roses (15w)
Caroline Rose Apr 2015
roses are so beautiful
red, and elegant as can be
but even roses have thorns
Caroline Rose Apr 2015
ah, how the renewal of spring
brings new, lovely things
the soft pitter-patter of rain
as if it washes away all pain.

how the colors turn from dark to light
and everything seems alright
and as april turns into may,
you remember that happiness is coming your way.
hope you all have a wonderful easter.
Apr 2015 · 456
4 seasonal haikus
Caroline Rose Apr 2015
beautiful flowers
blooming, bright and beautiful
temperatures warm.

hot, humid, and long
the sun has come out to play
hot, long day today

leaves are falling now
red, orange, just like the sun.
slight breezes all day

coldness is now here
snowflakes falling, white and clean
like a huge blanket
i like to write haikus, thought i would do some seasonal ones! enjoy.
Oct 2014 · 359
missing someone
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
when you miss someone,
it feels like a gaping hole has just been opened
in your heart.

it feels like they were never even there,
like they were a figure of your crazy imagination.
but really,
its just that the memories
are fading away.
this is dedicated to Mrs. Laura, miss you.  Have fun in Florida.
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
you try to fit in
but then people tell you to stand out.

what are you supposed to do with that?
because when you do stand out,
people criticize you and tell you to fit in.

society is not okay with you.
but as long as you are okay with you,
everything will be alright.

i promise.
Oct 2014 · 337
wish (11w)
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
your eyes are like the stars
i always wish upon them.
Oct 2014 · 501
i am strong
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
nothing can ever shut me down.
i am strong.
i can do anything.
you can't hurt me.
no one can.

you can peel everything away off of me.
my skin
my muscles
but then you have the stuff that counts
my thoughts, my soul.
you can't take those from me.

you can't change me.
you can't change anyone, really.
i am me.
no one else. and you cant change that.
i will always be here.
you can't take me away.

some people give up.
nothing against them,
but i won't. i will never give up.
no matter what happens to me.

you cant change me.
Oct 2014 · 273
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
vryne thnks smtms.
thnkng f thngs tht thy dnt ndstnd.
vryne thnks smtms.
all consonants, thought it would be cool. :)
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
they expect you to be perfect.


but then they
are nowhere close to being anywhere near perfect.

perfection isn't an adjective
its a mindset.

i think everyone should believe
truly believe
that they are perfect
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
its a hard battle
having cancer.
no, i don't know because of experience.
but i know others who weren't so lucky.

but really,
what does luck have to do with it?
god gives the hardest battles to the strongest people.
to anyone out there, struggling
with anything, really:
i love you.
you can do this.
God has a plan for you.
and i know you will get through this.
be strong.
keep pushing.
its worth it.
i love you.
Oct 2014 · 329
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
they tell you "just be yourself."
but then they criticize you for who you really are.

they tell you to speak your mind.
but then they tell your that your opinion doesn't matter
and that you are wrong.

society shouldn't control us.
society doesn't even know what society is doing to us.

tearing us down, then building us back up.
all to tear us down one last final time.
but the last time, we cant build ourselves back up.
this is how we lose innocent people to suicide.

how does one live with the fact
that they told someone to **** themselves
and they actually do it?
to me, thats like ******.

hating on someone else
doesn't make you any better.
tearing people down won't pull you up.

people have feelings. people care.
its impossible to ignore someone telling you
that you dot deserve to live.

how do you even say that to a person?
how can someone mean that?
nothing is worth a life.
telling someone that stays with them forever.

30 years from now,
they will probably remember someone
calling them *******. or telling them to die.
you think that doesn't stick with someone?
you think they get over it?

they don't.
think about it:
telling someone to die
is literally saying to them
that they don't deserve to grow up
and make a family
and be happy.
you're saying that they don't deserve to breathe.
telling someone to **** themselves
makes them feel like they should.
of one person
telling them to die.

dont underestimate yourself.
spread kindness.
Oct 2014 · 551
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
everyone has that one person
that understands them in every way possible.
where one simple glance
with one eyebrow raised
means 1000 words.

no one else understands what they have.
its not a romantic relationship,
but still more than a best friend.
they're like family.

they bring sunshine to your day
and a smile to your face.
they complete you.

they are the peanut butter to your jelly.
the milk to your coffee.
they are everything you need
to be happy.

but when they leave
you rip yourself apart.
Oct 2014 · 353
you know nothing
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
everyone is hiding something from you.
it might not be something bad
but you never know everything
about someone.

for a girl in your geometry class,
she's hiding the fact that she has read every book in the library.

for a boy on your team,
he is beaten at home.

you never know everything.

and although we ignore this fact,
and it is a good idea,
we can't forget about it.
everyone has a reason.
Oct 2014 · 242
3 haikus (for gretchen)
Caroline Rose Oct 2014
she had fought so hard
and then she finally won
but it had come back

tears fell down her face
she thought she won her battle
i guess she was wrong

where is she now, though?
God sure has a plan for her
good luck to gretchen
written for my former teacher. enjoy.
Aug 2014 · 342
Caroline Rose Aug 2014
I'm the type of girl
so wears jean shorts and a crop top
on Wednesday,
but wears mesh shorts and a tee
from 2008
on Saturday.

I'm the type of girl
who gets mad when it rains
but 25 minutes later
is out dancing in it.

I'm the type of girl
who says I hate boys
then likes one.

But I'm not the type of girl
who says she's not that type of girl.
Aug 2014 · 289
if I told you
Caroline Rose Aug 2014
if I told you I was god
would you believe me?
if I told you I was immortal
would you believe me?
so why would you believe me
if I told you I like poetry?
or if I told you that you were beautiful?
Jun 2014 · 232
eyes (14w)
Caroline Rose Jun 2014
your eyes are like the bright sun
everything surrounds it
but it sustains us
Jun 2014 · 314
Caroline Rose Jun 2014
everyone wants to be trendy
while steering away from the trends.
trying to be hipster or cool
all while not trying.
it does make sense.
we want to stray from tradition and stand out
but also be normal and fit in.
we need to make up our minds.
Jun 2014 · 258
after that
Caroline Rose Jun 2014
we are growing up
getting older
more mature.

we are changing
getting bigger
very tall.

but no one thinks about
what happens after we grow up
yes, we get jobs
and make a family
but what about after that?

do we sit there and rot, waiting to die?
do we wait?
of course we wait.
but what for?
Jun 2014 · 566
we are all side effects
Caroline Rose Jun 2014
we are all side effects.
we are not the entree
we are the side salad.

we are all side effects.
we are not the universe
we are pluto.

we are all side effects
of a medicine
called humanity.
May 2014 · 300
taking chances
Caroline Rose May 2014
everyone thinks
that you should take
every opportunity
that comes
but if you do that
your entire life
would be new things
and you wouldn't have time
for your old friends
your family

your entire life would be told in a story like this:
"and then they tried this, and it didn't work out. and then she tried this, and it worked out very very well. but then she tried this, and it ruined the last one."

of course,
you should totally take chances
and opportunities.
but i believe
you shouldn't jump on each train as it comes.
you might fall off.
May 2014 · 361
those people
Caroline Rose May 2014
i think
it doesn't matter
what you look like
if you care about
other people
and putting them
before yourself

i love people like that
who put others above themselves
i believe everyone does
and everyone thinks that is how they live too,
but they
are wrong.

and what about those good people?
what about themselves?
who puts them above him or her?

they don't get special treatment.
speaking of special treatment,
is there really any?
i believe everyone should be treated the same.
and again,
it goes back to those good people
putting others above themselves.
sorry if this poem doesn't make a lot of sense. just speaking my mind.
Caroline Rose May 2014
if i do well
in school
a good percentage of the time
the moment i ***** up
everyone thinks
it was on purpose
or i ruined what i had worked for
i'm not complaining
or bragging
about doing well
in my endeavors
but once you do well
doing not so well
is not an option.
May 2014 · 231
the me's
Caroline Rose May 2014
i have a me
who lives in my room.
i have a me
who goes to school.
i have a me
who hangs out with my friends.
i have a me
who talks with my family.
i have a me
who talks to my authorities.
i have a me
who hates the rest.
May 2014 · 391
Caroline Rose May 2014
I'm there.
you don't see me.
i might be reading
or talking to myself
but I'm there.

you know i am.
May 2014 · 435
Caroline Rose May 2014
he knows
how i feel
he doesn't
feel the same

i wish he knew
what he meant
to me.

he's leaving soon
ill try not to miss him
but i know
i will

its happened before
they left
when i loved them
i see them occasionally
not enough

no one knows
how i really feel about him
he likes girls
but not me.

i don't expect him
to obsess over me.
i want him to feel the same.

he's a bright blue flower
in a field of weeds.
he's the sunny day
in a week full of rain.

i'm the thorn
on a beautiful rose.
he likes
the roses.

i see him
i watch him with his friends.
acting completely different
than with me.
when he's with them.

with me.

he knows how i feel about him.
but not at all.
May 2014 · 243
Caroline Rose May 2014
yes, everyone deserves a second chance.
that doesn't mean they get them.
short poem :)
May 2014 · 225
Caroline Rose May 2014
i don't know
what i dreamt that night.
i don't know
where it came from.
i don't know what it was.

but i have to find it.
May 2014 · 236
look deeper
Caroline Rose May 2014
i look in the mirror
and i don't see who i really am

of course,
i see exactly what i look like.
but i don't see the real me.
my heart.
my soul.

there is so much more
than what the eye
can see.
what the naked eye sees
is not the real me.
May 2014 · 313
scaring me
Caroline Rose May 2014
ill never know
what it is
that keeps me from taking risks
or opportunities.

it holds me back
choking me
holding me like a tight hug
that hurts.
May 2014 · 438
One Simple Penny
Caroline Rose May 2014
She never knew
what one simple penny
could do.

She thought it could bring some luck -
if she found one on the sidewalk.

She thought
donating it wouldn't help -
or bring happiness to a man or woman
in the street.

She never knew
what one simple penny
could do.

— The End —