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692 · Apr 2015
Grand Central Station
Caroline K Apr 2015
Guilty words slip
from her lips as
the glass slipper
shatters at her toes.
While yours,
finely skilled
slither between her hips
snake their way
to her heart and
pull strings connected.

She has choked on
these condescending thorns
weaving through the holes and
arteriole walls;
slowly killing her,
as smoke fills his head blind.

She took a bite of
the forbidden fruit,
while mystery tempos
flowed from fingertips;
his tongue
grew different voice roots,
they were studded
flowers of good intentions.

As the whitewashed winter cleared,
she rips all weeds
from this ribbed caged Crimson clay.
Free from the deterioration
of broken backbone promises.

Yet blind eyes stare at the
spring cleaned garden
and ask where the weeds went,
why she didn't keep them?
She answers with a deep breath
simply without choking on chains.
646 · Apr 2013
Exposed love
Caroline K Apr 2013
Chestnut skin, clear as coffee with a splash of cream.
Black locks pulled back into a bun lazily,
Low scooped neck t-shirt,
Exposing your skin and defined collar bones.
I'm sure your attire was on purposes and planned.
To show off, what your lover could create by kissing your frame.
Who is it, that left those spotted red dots on your chest?
Was it a lover, for a night?
Or a long time boyfriend?
Is that what you wanted, low shirt with hair tied back,
For people to question what you did in last nights darkness?
Because its working.
Envious that I have to hide my own love,
safe under my sweatshirt,
scared of the judgment filled eye of strangers.
still working on a title I like..
641 · Jul 2013
the one
Caroline K Jul 2013
our love could be a different kind of beautiful.
one where we don't raise our voices to hear each other.
one where we only want the best for each other.
one where that can make it past a sea of land dividing our hands.
one where we buy a house on the west side,
so we can watch the sun slip into the arms of the sea each night.
one where we miss out on.
one where I never forget you,
and you never forget me.
our love could be the one that is forever.
maybe our forever isn't together, maybe our forever is as friends.
and maybe I was foolish to say goodbye
and maybe it was wise to end it last night.
time time time will only tell, or maybe the silence will be times answer.
631 · Oct 2014
Caroline K Oct 2014
Scars on my arms
the ones I told you
were from the cats,
where to prevent those thoughts
from coming back.
But my demons
are starting to visit me more
during the day,
and it's so hard to hide
in sunlight.
I want to reach into my chest
and remove my heart,
but the shards stab me
I'm a danger to myself.
I want to rip
everything cased behind
my ribs with my finger tips.
I want to be empty
so there is nothing
left to destroy.
It's harder now,
to swallow down
the parts of myself
I can't seem to stomach.
I'm disintegrating
from the inside out.
628 · Nov 2013
Caroline K Nov 2013
And I realized
with burning cheeks
with my head
above water again,
lungs full of air.
My life vest for
when the sea is
over whelming.
When the shore
is to far to swim.
I realized
when you grabbed
my faded blue
porcelain skin
and the flash
of my life
you drew me in,
life and death,
I realized,
that I need you,
So much more than
you need me.
I'm okay with that
as long as you
never outgrow me.
622 · Feb 2014
Caroline K Feb 2014
Aurora glow created from
the fallen stars at our tiptoes.
Dipped in the dark waters
that hugged our pale bodies.
Dive into the fountain of youth,
the kaleidoscope of colors.
I lost my balance in the depth
of your ocean eyes; I drowned.
Drunk, craving the taste of your
peppermint tongue.
I fell in love.
612 · Jun 2013
Caroline K Jun 2013
Mother moon are you tired from looking down upon us?
Tired of kissing the same stars to your left and right.
Glowing just as pale white as the moon and
the milk that the kittens drink.
I want a new view.
A new room full of people I don't know,
new puzzles to figure out and
new fitting pieces to find.
I'm still searching.
Understand why the moon could go missing
from the night sky, for
everyone needs to see things in new ways,
I want to search the whole sky before I stay.
597 · Nov 2013
Caroline K Nov 2013
I don't want to be alone.
I search in the eyes of others
for the spark that yours hold.
Only through liquor
do I sometimes see a faint flicker of you.
I don't want to be alone.
I crave the one that takes all my broken pieces
and creates them to be whole.
The one, who from just a silent sight
can create a smile to grow.
But like a cloudy night
vacant of stars,
I am alone.
And it's okay.
Caroline K Aug 2015
Broken bones
of weak kneed boys scattered
in eyes of great empires.

Exploring forbidden roman ruins
sacred grounds of turmoil history.
Going to bed won't be easy
if I cause another casualty.

Words of my mother explain
for the fallen cathedrals.
Expectations were too grand
and so they crumbled.

Steps should be
calculated and careful.
My words should be
soft spoken,
to blanket heads in flowers;
she instructed.

My heavy footsteps are
to blame for fallen bricks.
My words, bees
that sting from passion wings.

As I explore broken bones
of the weak kneed boy sanctioned
in fallen empire sleep.
585 · Apr 2015
400 South
Caroline K Apr 2015
Winter howls,
her fingertips prying
to enter the spiral maze
we attempt to control.

Yet, green eyes between here and how.
Chalkboard road blocks
of reflected memories in painted warped lights.
Rushing winds of passing trains,
run free with wolves.

Ah, but our bones are steady and grounded.

Another's skin could answer
mind riddles
or slur truth, like the lips of bottles.

Houses full of empty people.
Holding their own souls
in vacant palms jars
waiting to learn to trust.

What lonely arms to cherish.
573 · Mar 2013
Caroline K Mar 2013
How is it possible,

to be afraid of a monster when there is nothing there?

But it is real,

It is the pain that I feel and the uncertainty for a future near.

They dig their ***** claws into my flesh when I'm doing my best.

Maybe it helps to fall from the pedestal of life and not become hubris.

But now I'm stressed.

You tell me not to worry, that my fears are nothing when I'm with you.

You can't save me, and I can't save you.

But some how your fragile white lies are comfort to hear.

They drown out the gnawing of their claws in my ears.

I'm so scared to lose you but I can see the end coming.

We both have separate paths to follow when the summer sun sets.

But right now, you can have me, at least for a few more minuets.
530 · May 2015
Caroline K May 2015
You begin to feel lonely
living in an empty house,
that is not four walls
but two eyes and lungs.
Vacant stomach full
of whiskey to **** the demons
dormant in your cells.

You fight her ghost
until 3am.
Driven by
your drunken stupor,
you call her.

Your dial tone
is just as detrimental to her
as hearing your voice.
But you call her anyways
trying to make yourself less sick.

You hold all the things she gave you
to your chest as you put the
phone down
and her voice-mail
plays in the background.

You think of the hope
that was in your eyes
when she looked at you
and saw forever,
replay the image and wishing
it would be there tomorrow.

Too selfish to let go,
so you still haven't returned her veins
that you have embedded into your own.

Those things of hers you guard
are parts of her soul.
she has learned to replace
those parts you stole
with feeling indifference.

You call her again
blind to the scars
you have caused to her heart
because your own hands
are lush and green
from the energy of others.

depleted her of everything
and left a skeleton,
yet you have the audacity
to ask her
for her bones also.

Her voice-mail plays
over again.
As you try to fall asleep
with her ghost.
528 · Mar 2013
Caroline K Mar 2013
maybe ill be here
when both of us are miles away
and our bedrooms are empty.

maybe ill still be here
when you are sad and realized nothing has changed
that all the girls you are will today will be gone tomorrow

maybe ill be here
or maybe ill be gone

far away

and maybe ill not want to talk when you are sad
because I've tried to talk
and you haven't listened

its because maybe you are the one who is gone.
I just need to let go.
522 · Apr 2014
Paint (13w)
Caroline K Apr 2014
Without you here
I'm homesick.
I can feel you fading
from my skin.
485 · Jun 2014
Caroline K Jun 2014
Allow me to remind you,
that the sunrises are always
the most beautiful
when you are awake to see them.
Take value in those bewitching
fabrics of clutter, you wrap
your walls with.
For you are a skeleton;
empty and translucent.
There are no diamonds in your eyes
no sparks of fire when you laugh
because you are hollow bones,
marrow ****** dry.
Oh how my eyes deceived me
when we first met.
I think it was all of those
inflatables you bought me,
so I would also rest
on your surface.
482 · Mar 2016
Caroline K Mar 2016
We met between lipstick stained
beer bottles on the blue fabric sofa.

Struggling to hide the reasons for splinters and chapped lips,
fear slides over my tongue as I started to split open again.

Warning signs hang from her neck
of the broken heart clogging the kitchen sink,

he'll follow the footprints of others
through the broken glass without a glance. (Keep yourself safe)

But then, Saturday night in the dimly lit stairway,
you tell me to take my time,

not everyone is the same.
You would wait and prove it to me.

You kissed my scars and gave me band-aids
for the cuts, that hadn't quite healed yet.

It's been five months since I've felt like I'm drowning,
and you're the reason I can breathe again.
449 · Jun 2015
Red Explorer
Caroline K Jun 2015
It's not the voices of my head
that keep me up til three am.
But my seemingly sincere
******* heart chanting;
he was worth it,
but you didn't give him a chance.
You locked all your gates
and never let him in.
Look at what you have done,
made yourself lonely and sad.
For what?
You lost another
beautiful face, says my head,
but you have never lost a beautiful soul
and that's the difference.
Being casual with someone was an experience
439 · Dec 2014
Caroline K Dec 2014
Baby show me what home feels like.
This frozen town has never felt warm to me.
It's hard for me to stay.
When people think they know my name
from meeting my eyes once.
Think they know my story because
they heard my name whispered on walls
or maybe not at all.
No matter how many sugars I add,
this town will always
taste bitter between my lips.
433 · Dec 2017
Caroline K Dec 2017
pulling you out of my seams
only to stitch myself up again.
tell me how to live off of my own nectar
when it's your honey I crave.
the body feels pain
but forgets it so quickly.
that's why while running to you
i'm never scared to skin my knees again.
423 · Jul 2014
Caroline K Jul 2014
Walking home under street lit lamps
my bitter lips told you to go back.
Anger burning in my eyes you could read
that I didn't want you near me.
Your toothbrush next to mine and
a drawer to call your own.
Sharing the same bed,
with nothing but naked skin and heavy breathing.
I thought love was supposed to be a constant variable in life
but I close my eyes and it's not you that I crave.
I am laced with guilt for not feeling the same,
I want those butterflies I got from kissing you
the first day you came.
You know every curve to my body,
you know how to touch me in the perfect way
and my skin does want you at times
but I still feel vacant.
395 · Dec 2014
Caroline K Dec 2014
And here I am
explaining to you how you put
people in your sky who aren't stars.
Here I am curing at you
and making you feel like ****.
And there you are hoisting me up
and placing me in your heavens
and ending our conversation with,
I love you and I will
393 · Aug 2015
Caroline K Aug 2015
Nicotine words slide from your
sly smile and cunning tongue
through gaps of my teeth
cutting my throat like fiberglass
as I swallow.

It's worth the high the pain will give me,
sinking into your sandstone trap.
Those nostalgic feelings
of maroon Mercedes rides to the liquor store
with the wondering eyes of an older guy.
I wish I had known you better.

That was three summers ago, and today
your name doesn't have the same
******* feeling when it's said.
Now old enough to buy my own poison
at the liquor store, its no longer
your lips that I purchase to
get drunk off of.
380 · Jul 2015
Caroline K Jul 2015
Snow turned into water
As clothes were shed
skin seen more often.
I lived amongst
Palm trees and clouds of smoke paradise
Returned to the mountains
found your lips no longer called for mine.
I asked you to tell me why
you reassured me not to worry.
Sunscreen perfume
ray-ban eyes.
Your skin a ghost,
your scent
cleaned from my sheets.
I don’t know the color of you eyes
I don’t know what
Your laugh sounds like
And you will fade
More with the seasons.
263 · Jul 2017
Caroline K Jul 2017
We picked at each other like scabs.
Now all that's left are scars.

— The End —