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Caroline K Jun 2013
Mother moon are you tired from looking down upon us?
Tired of kissing the same stars to your left and right.
Glowing just as pale white as the moon and
the milk that the kittens drink.
I want a new view.
A new room full of people I don't know,
new puzzles to figure out and
new fitting pieces to find.
I'm still searching.
Understand why the moon could go missing
from the night sky, for
everyone needs to see things in new ways,
I want to search the whole sky before I stay.
Caroline K Jun 2013
Shallow breathing along with
lazy dew between your lids.
Finger tips leading me between
blue flowers, bones and sheep.
Barley open,
can you see me?
Late laundry deducted time from slumber.
Craving only to lay down
and match my breath with your heartbeat.
To be secure in your exhales of morning rest melody.
Tears and tobacco followed soon after,
medicine for leaving.
Pain of wanting to swallow my pride along with yours.
But fleeing from wrong feelings,
only made it worse.
Tumble dry in the salty sea breeze that
follows the silk shower of disappointment.
Do you see me through your slumber drenched eyes,
gassed up and driving in the direction of failure fears?
Caroline K Jun 2013
A part of me knew that this would happen,
his life was in flames,
burning bright and fast to ash.
Watching him burn made me feel whole,
I could be his anchor.
He could see,
I was a safe waiting to be cracked.
That I needed him so much more,
then I put on.
As long as he spoke the right lies
and emptied the time left,
he would get the combination.
Is that what he did?

in his depth of troubled tides
that I've created.

my grip once in,
this unfamiliar place
that we've built.

to hold on to what is good,
as I trail on Davy Jones
scratchy rock bottom.

never need me
to be embedded in the cool sand.

The belly of the ocean
isn't as dark as it seems.
I can see the white light surface
the glass blocks.
Prisoner from reality in this
relationship utopia.
is as real as it seems.
Sharks always swarm
once someone bleeds.
Caroline K Jun 2013
Light rain patters down
through maze of the green arms
lands and kisses the clay ground.
Emerald walls
surround and contain
the soothing sound
of drowsy air.
But forbidden as
the static, interrupts
the peaceful melody
of her tears
and mournful cries.
Hopelessly calling
who will be at the return
of her bittersweet song?
Will it be empty lips
from the gray fog
Lunar birds
both alone in harmony as
light rain patters down.
Caroline K Jun 2013
Watching in the distance,
a dove wading in the water.
Goosebumps crawled
and infested her skin.
Stubborn to dive in,
Growing numb.
Gradually the clear sky turned gray
still you stayed.
Waiting as the ocean
mirrored the same color.
She dipped her tangerine beak first.
And leisurely,
white gold foam on his surface sunk.
And together,
With the moon shine passage across his back,
covered in the blanket of dusk,
accompanied by
the freedom of the quiet crickets chirping.
Calmly they curved with the current
and swam away into the horizon.
Caroline K May 2013
It won't hurt.
When the August
heat stops giving tans
and we are both burned
by the questionable act
of mutual heartbreak.
Or **maybe

It will.

my heart
will call for you to be
painted with me
in my portrait
of my framed future
and that's how I'll know.
Or maybe
when the credits close
this summer flick
and life begins, it will be silent.
And maybe
all that will be left for us
is a scar of remembrance
from our once burning skin.

Distance can
create the bond
to be fonder
Or maybe
it will create
the heart
to forget
how fond
it once was

we will be afloat in the same sea
and you will be painted
on my canvas once again
or maybe,
the stable sand will be gone
from our hourglass relationship.
Which one will it be?
Caroline K May 2013
I'm just as inconsistent as the weather men are for New England,
From a sunny day that suddenly turn to rain,
From a rainy week to snow and sleet,
You can only rely on how unreliable they will be
for telling the future forecast of this up coming week.
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