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Jan 2014 · 775
The Law of Gravity
Carol Rigby Jan 2014
I'm travelling down the road at pace
Through the wind and rain I race,
When suddenly my mind did knock
I'm on the outside of a rock.

I'm hurtling through the universe
Please don't put me in reverse,
So I can travel in safety
I have the law of gravity

Imagine how my life would be
If I did not have gravity,
Boots and shoes made of heavy lead
Oh how this would mess with my head.

Oh Lord I thank thee for thy laws
So I don't have to stay indoors,
I can live and play in safety
It is the law of gravity.
Jan 2014 · 5.5k
Carol Rigby Jan 2014
We have one day in which to live
So we can love to others give
If we desire to have success
We use our thoughts to others bless.

No matter what our work this day
It will be good to know the way
Now in your mind you make a plan
And then believe and know you can.

Know what you want, the plan will work
If thought is strong and you don't shirk
It will take effort on your part
To live your day with happy heart.

So come on now I do declare
Enthusiasm you can share
Just light the taper of your thought
And see how you can have what's sought.

Enthusiasm is the key
It brings a power to you and me
Power will touch the words you speak
And you will gain just what you seek.

These are not idle words I say
Enthusiasm lights the way
Lift up your thoughts and use the power
And watch your life change by the hour.

Success in life resides within
The mind and thoughts that you let in
To see success in your days plan
Just say the words I can, I can.
Jan 2014 · 448
Thoughts and Words
Carol Rigby Jan 2014
When you were born upon this earth
You did not know your own great worth,
Your mind was clean ready to fill
At the mercy of good and ill.

Your parents they gave you their best
Your experience gave you the rest,
So of today you can decide
Will your mind give you a good ride.

If there are things you'd like to change
Then it's your thoughts you rearrange,
Decide today what is the path
Then think those thoughts and you can laugh.

Your thoughts and words will actions choose
They will decide if you win or lose,
Listen to your own mind chatter
Let your words be ones that matter.

To change your life in any way
Use thought and word to always say,
Take the actions that come to mind
And you a wealth of life will find
Jan 2014 · 882
My Mountain
Carol Rigby Jan 2014
Majestic stands before me strong
My work to do it will be long,
In thoughtful ponder I do plan
Then tell myself, I know I can.

I draw my line, bottom to top
And once I start, I cannot stop,
I conquer thoughts that make me fear
My faith to do is strong and clear.

As I endure each step I take
My strength increased, my mind awake
I am within me ever growing
It gives me strength to keep going.

As I look down from lofty peak
My will to do, it makes me seek
Power to overcome myself
To fill my life with grace and health.

At last I reach my mountain top
I don't want my progress to stop
So I do ponder once again
What will be my next mountain.
Jan 2014 · 13.9k
Creed for Self-Discipline
Carol Rigby Jan 2014
Oh Lord give me the words I need
That I can learn this simple creed,
So I may know the way of life
Enjoy the good, keep out the strife.

Self-discipline is my desire
It will keep me out the mire,
To increase my own will power
Will be my work this hour.

Emotions are the way I feel
Control of them, the real deal,
So i can reason, good or bad
Then keep the joy and shun the sad.

Imagination can light the fire
Can create a vision higher,
My conscience is my judge each day
So I can choose a better way.

In my memory, can impress
All the good I need address,
So in my mind I have power
To live my life this very hour.

Self-discipline it is my creed
And it will give me all I need,
To set the goal I can complete
So I create a life that's sweet.

— The End —