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Carmen Leon Apr 2024
Caught up in your revelry and your mirth
Your weapon to ignore what's happening on earth
We have no ties that bind us
The blood running through our veins murderous
Threatening to **** my spirit if I stay
But try as I might, fractures still display
What did you hate?
What inside me couldn't you face?
You repel truth like it will **** your soul
But don't you realize that's what will make you whole?
Slicing out my part of the sibling pie
And you still expect to see eye to eye?
Lashing out when I use my voice
Thinking you can steal my choice
Your feelings were clear
When you told me nobody wants me here
So you hide in your pain pointing to me as the cue
How could you think this brokenness could be glued?
Your cowardly attempt at peace
Masquerades a fear of openness
You ostracize me and tell me I ran
But reconciliation was never your plan
You judge me for being distant
Spewing cruelties at me like a hypocrite
I'm not someone who interests you
Be brave enough to own that view
Remember that you reap what you sow
And don't expect me to be part of that show
I'm raising the white flag on the sea of my pain
My vessel is sailing to a land I can claim
I may never again come to your shores
Neither revenge nor unity is what I'm looking for
It is for my soul to be still
And to be where hearts want to be filled
But you need to know
My light will always show
I'm purging the shadows from my DNA
My story, our story on full display
Carmen Leon Apr 2024
Maybe I’m resting for the first time in my life.
Maybe that’s why I’m so tired.
I’ve hopped and run, hopped and run
To chase the sun
But the sun is the same wherever I go.
I pray this lily pad’s roots are long and strong
Anchored tight to the earth below the mud
Maybe this pond is where my voice finds a song
Carmen Leon Apr 2024
She always wants to sit at the counter behind my desk.
Truthfully I don’t mind. But as the teacher, it wouldn’t be fair to let her.
Her eyes bright with knowledge and pain.
I can see her strength but she only feels her vulnerability.
She has such a spark.
I want her to find where it can be ignited.
The name we call each other - cucarachita.
Why? I have no idea.
But when I say it to her, I’m really calling her
Mi hija.
Carmen Leon Apr 2024
When I pulled up in front of her house, it looked like the Mediterranean. The black iron gate with hibiscus and bougainvillea wrapping around the curly cue designs. Then I stepped into the secret garden. Except it wasn’t a secret since you had to walk through it to get to the front door. Terracotta tiles and white stucco walls laid the backdrop for roses in every color I imagined.
The colors of seashells.
A deep velvet red fit for a royal robe.
A violet so striking and delicate, I vowed not to touch it.
Bright, rosy pinks like neon.
Corals, yellows, oranges kissed by the sun, purples so deep like the midnight sky, white petals like starlight.
It was the most beautiful home I had ever seen and I wanted to live there. A yearning rising from somewhere so deep and true in my soul.
But I wasn't sure I could afford it.
The heavy Spanish door opened and Marianne stepped out and smiled, a warm smile, like she was actually glad I was there. Not like it was a chore to meet another potential renter.
The studio was tiny, but beautiful. Furnished with decor that looked like it was from Ikea, but more colorful.
But I don't think any of it was from Ikea, because Marianne was from Sweden and she was in her 70s.
The bathroom was huge and luxurious.
It was just as big as the studio, with a huge Roman tub and sea foam green hexagonal tiles on the floor. Lace curtains blew in the breeze of the window that was slightly open. I saw a lemon tree outside.
It did not have a kitchen. Hallelujah! I had an excuse not to cook. A small fridge sat on the floor underneath a clean, gray Formica counter top. On top, was a microwave, a small sink, and a paper towel holder.
I felt like it was my miniature palace.
"Do you like it?", she asked.
"It's perfect.", I said.
"Then it's yours." she says, as if she was ready to welcome me into her own home. Which it was actually, because she lived in the main part of the house.
It was a big house, with a few other studio apartments she rented.
But this one was the best. It was special.
I racked my brain trying to remember how much the Craig's List ad said she was asking. Because even though negotiating and calculating were not my forte, I thought if I told her I remembered the price being lower than it really was then there was a chance. A small chance that this dream may come true.
But before I spoke, she said, "It's $1100 a month, power, water, and cable included. Does that sound good?"
I'm sure if I had been older, I would've seen the incredible deal she was offering me, living in Marin County.
But I still couldn't afford it.
I thanked her for meeting with me and letting me look around. "Unfortunately it's a bit too high for me right now. Thank you for showing me your beautiful space."
I didn't want to manipulate, to calculate, to strategize.
I just wanted her to know that I loved it, that she had a rare gem of a home, and that maybe someday I would be back.
As I turned to walk back to my car, she asked, "What can you afford?"
Still being honest, I blurted out, "$900".
"You've got a deal."
A few days later, I lay on that bed with the soft, fluffy comforter with big square baffles, stuffed with feathers and down, and I look out the big, arched bay window that looked directly out onto the rose garden.
My window was the only one that had a view of the roses.
I breathed for the first time in a long time.
Carmen Leon Mar 2024
Your divine masculine beauty is what caught my eye first. Then, it was your caramel skin. Your cheekbones standing high and proud on your face, like a soldier on a hill. Your nose is an architectural beauty all its own, displaying a life of both wildness and also sensitive contemplation. Your eyes give away your brightness, your cleverness, your sensuality, and your demons. Oh but you lips. Those plush pillows of perfect volume that mesmerize as you talk and render powerless when you kiss. But your smile is like the warm rays of the sun, giving energy and love to those you display it to. Your soul is your most beautiful quality. It shines more brightly than all of your parts together when you are at peace. Your spirit is irresistible and begs for nurturing and connection. All of this I felt and more. You were a fantasy made real. I am grateful to have known you. I am grateful that you let me in for a time. And I am grateful you let me keep our memories pure. A gentleman always knows when to leave, even when his lady wants him to stay. I continue to pray for you everyday.
March 2024
Carmen Leon Mar 2024
All powerful God, rescue me from this black hole that threatens to swallow me up. The gravity of it tries its best to pull me in, yet all it wants to do is spit me out. It wants to eject me into the vast galaxy so that I feel lost, floating, untethered. So that when I pass a star, I fear getting too close lest it burns me. Before, I looked upon the radiant pulsars as sources of beauty and relief from the ocean of black. I will not be consumed. I will not be stripped of my lightness. Enveloping wings lift me, weightless, full of grace and purpose. The tips of the wings never leave me. If I only grasp one feather, it’s enough. It holds me back from the depths, while I rise above them, hovering. Though I may have to see the nothingness for a time, I am never a part of it. A golden strand saves me. I climb it one grip at a time. The higher I get, the more buoyant I become. Leaping from star to star, able to reach the light, shedding remnants of fear. They, instead of me, get absorbed into the darkness.
ADP Spring 2023
Carmen Leon Mar 2024
My heart has not been known until you, and you alone
I know it to be true deep in my soul

Your heart so pure and strong and true tells me that I am home with you
Everyday you prove your intentions by what you do

Possibly the greatest gift you give me is to love me and want me as I am
My heart dances with your melody

It seems impossible to express how much I value and love you in lines and scribbles on a page
If you could only see my heart swells every time I see your face

The question everyone wants answered is "How do I know if I'm loved?"
I now know how it feels to love with wings, our hearts abide together with warmth and trust.
Summer 2022
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