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78 · Oct 2019
enamorando a la muerte
carmel Oct 2019
me voy a construir una vida tan hermosa que la muerte va a envidiar
78 · May 2020
carmel May 2020
He ask me: Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been in your life?
And only one place come to my mind: My mother's womb
75 · Jun 2020
carmel Jun 2020
7,594 billion humans in this earth and you think i will cry for your mistakes? Honey think again.
75 · Oct 2019
carmel Oct 2019
you're my favorite human being
carmel Nov 2020
Mi abuelo me visito en un sueño
me vino a recordar que todo esta y estará bien
mas bien, entre bien y perfectamente
desperte del sueño  sintiéndome bien
73 · May 2020
Tiempos de Covid19
carmel May 2020
Ojala que muera nuestro **** presidente.
72 · Apr 2020
solo por existir
carmel Apr 2020
me gustan los poemas así cuando no riman, no tienen sentido no llevan a nada, pero son.
72 · Oct 2019
carmel Oct 2019
se puede compartir la libertad
70 · Oct 2019
another kind of high
carmel Oct 2019
I dont know how to control my craving to fly.
carmel Nov 2020
don't be so hard with yourself
69 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
Am i the only one who wants to be naked all this quarantine?
68 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
En el corazón inestable de una artista vive la dualidad
68 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
The paradox of possesive love
You can only love in freedom
68 · Mar 2020
I hope a bit drunk
carmel Mar 2020
If poetry don’t **** me, emotions will
carmel May 2020
I wish all your broken pieces get together, you know sometimes leaving is the biggest expression of love i can give.
68 · Nov 2020
the story of a idealise
carmel Nov 2020
sometimes i miss a person who never existed
67 · Feb 2020
Temporary love
carmel Feb 2020
In which moment *** becomes less intimate than taking a coffee with a stranger and talk about life, or hugging in the middle of the bar with all the music and people jumping, feeling the strong heart of a stranger in your chest and knowing that's sharing peace.
In which moment love become so difficult? is it because *** is so easy to get that love becomes so difficult?
Are we so disconnected of ourselves, of our feelings?
In which moment eye contact becomes more intimate than having someone inside of you?
What is happening with us, with love, with connection, why are we so afraid to give it all
to say: “look me in the eyes, i'm not going anywhere” to say “ lets get old together”  what happens to partners for life? what happened to unconditional love?, is it just our generation with this struggle?
Why are we afraid i have listen to manies: “ i don't want to lose my freedom”, “ i have been hurt before”, “ i don't want to open myself” “ trust no one” “ i can't be loyal”...
Love and *** become a game i don't know how to play, a game of express but not to much, feel but not too much, don't be intense, play it cool, see other people, don't put so much effort on a men, don't expect nothing from him. How can you build trust in this game?
So tell me what its next? Everybody wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die, Everybody wants to be in love but noone wants to fight for it.
64 · Oct 2019
Best Compliment
carmel Oct 2019
i like your mind.
64 · Jan 2020
feeling myslef
carmel Jan 2020
In wich moment loneliness start tasting so good?
i smilie writing this, with my lips tasting the cup of red wine.
carmel May 2020
Le estuve poniendo perfume a un pedazo de mierda, confundiendo azúcar con sal, y llamando " amor " a algo que no conocía.
61 · Apr 2020
for my brother that stays
carmel Apr 2020
If I have just one wish, I wish all your wishes come true.
61 · Nov 2020
nuestros muertos
carmel Nov 2020
Y con el tiempo lo vi
llevamos fantasmas
los cargamos con nosotros
nos dejaron heridas
llevamos fantasmas y los andamos buscando
60 · Nov 2020
limpiando el alma
carmel Nov 2020
A veces me lleno de enojo, de dolor de injusticia que la vida da
pero así como me lleno, la vida me enseño que las perlas no son para los cerdos, que uno aprende con quien si, con quien no, quien merece una respuesta y quien no, la vida me enseño que soltando me vacío, suelto y ya no lo siento en mi cuerpo, soltando todo se va y solo lo mejor se queda.
carmel Jan 2020
At home.
Where you want to be but don't need to be.
Where you are at peace…."peace" I repeat to myself
I supposed that must be how loves feels
like home.
58 · Jan 2020
carmel Jan 2020
maybe is not life or death
maybe is that part in between
58 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
"Speak soft to me", the mirror ask me
56 · May 2020
carmel May 2020
It took me time to realise that the person i want it to save was no other than myself
55 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
mi cama es pequeña pero mi corazón es gigante
54 · Jan 2020
te hare el humor
carmel Jan 2020
Y esa sonrisa que llevas en la cara, es tuya o es prestada?
Y si me la robo a besos? y si me la arrancas para que la lleves tu de regreso? y si la compartimos?
53 · May 2020
Elegant goodbye
carmel May 2020
I need to learn when to quit, when to leave , not for others, just for me.
50 · Apr 2020
To my best friend
carmel Apr 2020
You put your hand in mine and took me out of hell, because you know the way back to heaven. You understand my mind better than anyone my pain, my deepest secrets, and my feelings; and i  know yours too, no lies, just as we are we learn to love each other without judging., We drink different poisons to cure our souls but we can't stand the idea of seeing each other destroy ourselves., You are a part of me, always have and always will.My funny man. I hope one day you look at yourself in the mirror and fall in love so good and so deeply that all the broken parts get put back together with one look., I know one day you will see your real worth you deserve nothing but the best, baby boy.
50 · Apr 2020
inner child
carmel Apr 2020
Inside of me, there will always be the kid who prefers to be with animals over humans
49 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
I was a mockingbird in my other life. That's why I feel the need for sugar, that's why my heart gets so excited, beating so hard in my chest, that’s why I don't like cages and I’m always dreaming in the clouds, feeling the freedom. That's why I learn in this life to fly. Because I remember the feeling and i crave the fredom of flying
49 · Mar 2020
carmel Mar 2020
I want you to love me in freedom, love me but leave me wild, love me for what i am and not what you want me to be, please dont put me on a pedestal, dont talk to me about soulmates or the love of your life, dont ask me about my past, is all in the past, i want you, like i didnt with anyone, for first time im so sure but please don't put presure on me, for the future or my past, let me be your lover, your fantacy, your family,your friend…. love my light but please learn to love more in my dark days.
Learn to understand my silence, my energy, my space. Before ask you this..  let me learn how to love you the way i want you to love me.
48 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
Tu cordura cura mi locura
47 · Mar 2020
carmel Mar 2020
And how do you know it's love?
Because when i'm next to him i feel i am at home
46 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
The most  beautiful part of you is your strange way of thinking
45 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
There was a guy who gave me a box full of pain, doubts and hate, I didn't see it in that moment but this also, was such a beautiful gift, with this i learn a magic trick to make pain into roses, it is such a beautiful gift.
44 · May 2020
For him
carmel May 2020
Maybe one day you will understand the difference between sleeping with someone and wanting to wake up next to someone
42 · Mar 2020
we should know by now
carmel Mar 2020
Six years ago a bird die in my hands, i felt the last breath, the last heartbeat in my hands, one drop felt in my eye, it die because it was a wild animal, not made for cages, i think this was a message of the universe, noting is designed to be in a cage, everything need freedom, to bloom, to fly, to grow, to love, to feel, to live.
39 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
everytime a girl in the street smile back i feel we are sharing a secret a something like “ im here for you i got your back to”
36 · Apr 2020
carmel Apr 2020
make peace with all the broken pieces, make peace with all your chaos and madness.

— The End —