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Carley Wilkerso Jun 2017
Footsteps are warnings
They fade and won't last
Footsteps are haunting
The soundtrack to my past
Carley Wilkerso May 2017
I've lost so many battles
On my thighs and on my arms
See the tears in my eyes
Overwhelming scars

Im fighting many battles
It has now been 30 days
I'm repairing and rebuilding
I've thrown out my blades

I might've won some battles
But this war may never end
When you get defeated
You stand back up again
Carley Wilkerso May 2017
Love is...
healing and heartbreak
rebuilding and earthquakes
stitches and a scalpel
sin and a chapel
antidote and poison
the beginning and the end
Carley Wilkerso May 2017
My bones ache for the ocean
A place I've never known
Maybe when I get there
I'll finally feel at home

I'm standing in the ocean
An aching in my bones
Maybe when I get back
I'll finally feel at home
Carley Wilkerso May 2017
I love your eyes
Browns mixed with blue
I love your lies
Mixed in with the truth
Let me walk through
How I fell in love with you
Carley Wilkerso May 2017
I made my bed for the first time in weeks
I've changed and now
I'm ready to get some sleep
I've changed everything
My hair, my clothes, my bedding
My thoughts, dreams, mentality
I'm changing
Carley Wilkerso May 2017
I believed you loved me
But that you'd never say
I let you be my everything
Consume my day-to-day
I believed you loved me
Now I know you'd never stay
You were planning all along
To break my heart this way
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