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Oct 2020 · 295
carla goldie Oct 2020
Coming up to 4 years on and still there’s no concern,
In time i thought You would understand the lesson u had to learn,
You choose to be a mother you also vowed to be a wife,
then you walked away so easily back to your single life,
well now your just a stranger hidden deep inside my mind,
I cant remember havin feelins or bond of any kind,
Now it’s normal not to think of you because when I did it just felt numb,
the truth is Its embarrassing to admit that your our mum,
You can dip your filth in glitter, convince yeself your not to blame,
if you really had no choice why you still using are dads name!..
dont you think it’s time to grow up an admit what you did wrong,
You were a mother that left 3 kids an kept it secret for this long..
it must lay heavy on your conscious,
clearly times been wicked an cruel,
the only one believes your lies is yourself but your a fool,
Your vanity will be your down fall,
now the cracks begin to show,
Your horns no longer hidin an every1 will know,
it’s said that evil live forever an Alone forever I hope you live,
the attention that you crave for there’s No1 there to give,
You don’t deserve a happy endin an Karma won’t forget,
You can run but you can’t hide...
Your fates already set..
Aug 2017 · 454
If your listening...
carla goldie Aug 2017
God forgive me if ur listenin 4 wa I'm about t say,but 4 a moment can I b honest becoz I'm really not ok
I demand u give me answers,I refuse 2 let this go,
My dad meant more than anythin but this I assume u know.
I'm angry at ur selfishness do u consider those left behind,
The blessing that r dad was is rare an hard 2 find..
R dad had fought the world he'd even been 2 hell an back,
He loved with all his heart,
Had a presents tha others lack,
He forgave the unforgivable,he loved all those hard t love,
He was r sun,the moon the stars,
R amazin gift sent from above.
But the day u called him back n left us just with memories..
We need ur angel back t mend the broken hearts just left 2 bleed,
Dad I hope ur listenin I hope ur proud now we'll b strong..
I hope ur watchin ova us at last at peace where u belong...***
Aug 2017 · 366
Stand with us
carla goldie Aug 2017
.love u my amazin dad so much it takes my breathe away...❤️❤️

Poem written by (Carla Goldie)me..

Are world has just got smaller,
Where confused,it's hard to think.
Nothins makin sense like when u have 2 much 2 drink,

Where lost an feelin helpless,
There's a hole left in r hearts,
who r we 2 go 2 wen things start t fall apart,

R worlds been left in pieces dad,
We don't no wha t do,
There's no1 else t fix this..the only 1 who could was u..

We've loved u since forever,
We've always bin r number 1,
Dad come stand here with us,
In r hearts u still live on

U will forever b r hero,
We felt so proud t look up to,
Wen things got hard u held r hand an helped t pull us through

So thank you dad were grateful,
For all the times tha u where..
A million times dad thank u..
Tha it was us ur love u shared..

But now r strength is in each other,
That's the way it has t b,
4 the last time dad stand with us,
Forever, U,John,Leanne and me...**

*** Love u 4Eva miss u everyday my amazin dad life's so quite with out u
Oct 2015 · 624
Parental example
carla goldie Oct 2015
Ye u ***** just up an left us without a second look,u call urself a mother asif u couldn't give a ****! U didn't give 1 thought t what would happen to r lives, how ur actions would mess up how we become parental guilds,we'll let me tell u stranger what is Goin on rite now,how im struggling with my daughter to b a mother I don't no how,where the **** were u when I woke up through the night how alls I ever wanted was 4 my mum to hold me tight,the hate I feel 4 u it runs Tha deep to far to see,the hurt it leave behind emotions twisted inside of me,it's ur fault all the mistakes Iv made u turned me bitter an cold,I swear ur gunna listen becoz it's time the truth was told,don't matter how u put it wa ever way u try explain it was u who up an left us ur the only 1 to blame,an as I sit here writin this my heart is achin 4 a mum, Mayb Id b different mayb there's sumthin she cud av done. But **** I'll never need u iv bun just fine here on my own it's bin years since Iv even thought of u im more than fine t stand alone but believe me when I say this coz I can almost guarantee karmas gonna make u pay 4 wha uv done to me...
Jul 2015 · 693
The story...
carla goldie Jul 2015
Is this how it starts? is this how it all begins? a fight between 2 parents with kids left t c who wins, The deafing sound of voices shoutin about whos in the wrong, I'm done with all the fightin iv fought this war for far 2 long.  
My hearts feels like it's broken,
The airs so thick it's hard t breath,
Wha am I t do now? is it me who's supposed t leave? is it me who needs t go?is it me am I tha bad?
Was this the way it started when she left us with me dad?
But she walked out n left us,she gave up without fight,I remember all the details from tha sad upsettin night.
I was 6 Leanne was 9 R John was only 3, they both stood in the kitchen dad pretendin t make the tea,
Then they began t talk real quite like we weren't suppose t no,but we knew that's never how it stayed an voices began t grow.  Us 3 kids just sat there while the shoutin carried on, then me mum turn t me dad an said her love 4 him ad gone,the shouten stopped he grabbed her arm n marched her t the door,he pushed her out n turned his back her left cryin on the floor.
Back then things didn't get explained n kids never asked why,adults knew wha was best never believed grown ups would lie,
Now I sit here on my own without my baby's here with me,how could I let this happen?why the **** did I not see?
But I won't give up this isn't it coz this is not the end,
my kids r more important than u or any so called friends.
Your stupid to try an fight me,
To make me look like I'm like her,
The only thing she gave me are my looks an curly hair.
I swear u will b sorry u can not take what's in my heart,
I pity those who cross me I'm gunna finish whatever u start.
A mothers love is endless,it's strong n it comes free,ur makin a mistake to try an take my kids from me.
I will never give up fightin until there back were they belong,
the question is can u fight back can u pretend t b as strong
Aug 2014 · 690
Grey sheep
carla goldie Aug 2014
Please can someone help me this pain I can not bare,there's no one else around me an would they even care,years Ino it's been there buried deep inside,now I no your gone it's too much for me to hide.  I knew that you were sick big ga u fought it everyday an when I went to see u I was sure u were ok,  I need to say I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye but how could I upset u I couldn't let you see me cry.  I thought ud live forever always so big an strong to think u wouldn't b here I said everyone was wrong but the times come to accept tha they were rite an now your gone I understand the pain I feel and now no were it's from, it's because I lost my hero he seen the grey in me said that I was different knew how special I would be,I wish I could ave seen u just once more to say goodbye I have to tell you honestly my big ga could never die,and that's the way I keep it in my head you didn't die so no reason 4 any upset an no excuse for me to cry,so ga if it's ok with you the time just isn't rite I don't think that I'm ready so for now it's just goodnight I will always keep you with me in everythin I do because that's what makes me special the greyest parts of me are you      Goodnight big ga ***
Jun 2014 · 589
carla goldie Jun 2014
Hello there my lovely how are things with you today,if you wouldn't id like to talk if that's ok?I have a little problem no one else would understand,so maybe you could listen even lend ur helpin hand.  I feel like I have lost somethin my phone could be my key? But it feels like it's important somethin tha I hold dear to me,could it be a picture of the years we watched go by,the laughs we ad together it's no surprise the days flew by,yeno your really quite In fact you haven't spoke all day? Denise are things alright with you is everything ok?d'ya no I think iv realised na wait tha can't be right cause it was only yesterday we spoke I said goodnight,but why do I feel lonely n so confused wha do I do? An with no reply or answer the thing iv lost Denise is you....
For my lovely friend Denise
Nov 2013 · 720
carla goldie Nov 2013
no 1 day you'll tell me what i did that was so bad,the reason you destroy all the things ive ever had,but i dont mean possessions the materiel things iv got,id give them up in seconds in fact just take the fucken lot,im talken about emotions the things i feel inside now iv become an expert an no wheres best 4 me 2 hide,ino when ur approaching when ur ready to attack,i see it in ur eye once so blue have now turned use to be my hero my rock my shining star now i dont even no u an **** nos just what u are,i see u in my nightmares i fear u in my sleep i never could have known my hate for u cud run so deep.u took all i believed in the only life iv ever known the trust,the strength,the safety all the love iv ever shown an made it somethin ***** it felt twisted even sick,u played with my emotions like some vile party trick ,well now its time to tell u i suggest u keep ur fight cause i no longer fear u wen my days turn into night....
my everyday life

— The End —